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v6 and old mods

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Hi all,


It's been a while since I played BG:Soa/ToB, but recently I thought it was getting time to continue my quest to play all classes at least once (not counting all the possible dual and multi classes)


So far I've played without any seriously altering mods.

All I have are some of the baldurdash fixes (I didn't want all) and some ease of use components.

And of course the official patches.


I read all the fixes in v5 and I'm impressed, you guys and girls did a great job. It seems like the bugs and script typos made me miss half of the game.


What do I do to install v5?

I don't want to reinstall, I did that once, a long time ago, and it was such a pain in the ****, that I decided to never reinstall it again, I would keep the game on my PC forever.


Does it install all the core fixes or can I select which ones?

And I suppose I can choose which components of the non-core fixes and tweaks I install?


One other question, I read something about Valygar and Viconia fighting.

"Valygar-Viconia Fight

When Valygar and Viconia come to blows, both are supposed to leave the party before initiating the fight. The action to drop Viconia out of the party is malformed. "

I have a word document with (supposedly) all the NPC banter, but nothing in it leads to a fight. Also, I know I've had them in my party together (full run) and they never exchanged blows.

How is that possible?

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Theoretically you could install g3Fixpack over top of Baldurash fixes, but ideally you should not. So that begins your decision: Keep Baldurdash? (Yes)-->Don't install g3Fixpack, (No)-->Must do a full re-install before using g3Fixpack.


it's not possible to just delete a few files or folders and install the g3fixpack?

does the fixpack include everything fixed with baldurdash? like the nishruu bug and so?

and does the tweak pack include everything of ease of use?

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Delete your override folder and grab the one linked in this post, and overwrite your dialog.tlk with the one provided there. Back these both up for future reinstalls; don't expect prior savegames to work without errors.


Couldn't you get away with not overriding dialog.tlk? That wouldn't (I think...) break anything and might help savegame compatibility.

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