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Time of Troubles and Sorcerers


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I was wondering if someone can refernce me to the info on sorcerers during the time of troubles: did they lost their ability? did they have any special problems? etc... anything you can think of, pls :)

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I'm not sure if there'll be anything official on the subject, as Sorcerers didn't exist in D&D until 3rd Edition came along, and the ToT was the event which ended 1st edition and began 2nd edition.


However, if I'm remembering correctly sorcerers draw their powers from themselves rather than the weave, so they may well have retained their powers. We certainly know that psionic people and creatures could use their abilities during the ToT.

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So I guess "I was ten, and I was more powerful than Gorion, go me!" will be more in order than "I ached all over and felt that my blood was turning stale in my veins, heavy and cold without magic" :)

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Oh one thing I forgot to say: even if sorcerers did retain their abilities, it's likely they briefly lost them right at the end of the ToT, when the new Mystra re-organized magic (since this also happened to psychics) :).

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Sorcerors still access the Weave, just innately rather than through 'science' and study... :) So they'd be able to cast through the ToT but I guess, like mages, would be unpredictable.

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