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Journal entries


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I know, that you want to correct the journal entries. The first Dynaheir journal quest entry which shows up after Dynaheir joyning at the Gnoll Fortress instead of meeting Drizzt is mentioned before and I can confirm this bug.



If I catch up Kagain I get his journal quest entry about the caravan. For Dynaheir I've leave Kagain. Without Kagain I've found the caravan and get the sign of the dead Entar Silvershields son. After that I take Kagain in my group again and he see the sign in my inventory and give a new journal quest entry, but the first one is not deleted.


Greetings Leomar

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Thank you - I am putting it on the "fix this" list, to check for duplicates. (I understand your point - Kagain's quest entry should be skipped if the other journal entry is there, and vice versa - some legerdermaine with AddJournalEntry and EraseJournalEntry ).

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The Melicamp-Quest (speaking chicken) starts with German journal entries, closes with success with an English entry, while the German entries as non-solved Quest remain.

This sounds like the Kagain problem listed in the first post.

Could it be, that the "BG1 NPC Project" changes/includes things for the Quest and that we get problems with the different language-versions of BG?


Greetings Leomar

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That is possible! I didn't check, but it looks like BG1NPC changes the flow of the quest and journal updating. The problem with Tutu / BGT is, that the (BG1) game strings have no unique number any more, but can vary from install to install (as you might already know), so the quest texts have to be copied from the game to the mod translation tra-files. This should be noted for translators in the tra-files.

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I've a question: You can get Coran's Expansion Mod here at G3. Why not your Ajantis BG1 Expansion? I recommend a G3 side of Ajantis BG1 Expansion with an own forum.
Haha, thank you! It's basically because of RL leaving so short time, I didn't feel like opening a forum (assuming G3 would want it) and maintaining all engine versions of the mod. Yes, I am lazy. Once Ajantis BGII will be available my attitude will change, though.
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I know, that you want to correct the journal entries. The first Dynaheir journal quest entry which shows up after Dynaheir joyning at the Gnoll Fortress instead of meeting Drizzt is mentioned before and I can confirm this bug.
confirmed repaired, prerelease v17



If I catch up Kagain I get his journal quest entry about the caravan. For Dynaheir I've leave Kagain. Without Kagain I've found the caravan and get the sign of the dead Entar Silvershields son. After that I take Kagain in my group again and he see the sign in my inventory and give a new journal quest entry, but the first one is not deleted.


Greetings Leomar


I think this is another Journal entry from what we have added, but just in case, I have added the EraseJournalEntry() checks for any other entry than the one being added by the final state played throughout the Kagain's Quest rebuild:


/* Replacement Kagain's Quest */

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN X#KagBandResolvAlone
SAY @31
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @32 DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@35) EraseJournalEntry(@44) SetGlobal("X#KagainCaravan","GLOBAL",5)~ JOURNAL @33  GOTO X#KAQUDISMISS
IF ~~ THEN REPLY @34 DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) SetGlobal("X#KagainCaravan","GLOBAL",5)~ JOURNAL @35  GOTO X#KAQUREWARDALONE


SAY @43
IF ~~ THEN DO ~LeaveParty() ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT) SetGlobal("%KICKED_OUT%","LOCALS",1) SetLeavePartyDialogFile() EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@35)~ JOURNAL @44 EXIT

 SAY @45
 IF ~InParty(Player1) InParty(Player2) InParty(Player3) InParty(Player4) InParty(Player5) InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(75) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT
 IF ~InParty(Player1) InParty(Player2) InParty(Player3) InParty(Player4) InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(60) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT
 IF ~InParty(Player1) InParty(Player2) InParty(Player3) InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(45) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT
 IF ~InParty(Player1) InParty(Player2) InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(30) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT
 IF ~InParty(Player1) InParty(Player2) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(15) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT
 IF ~InParty(Player1) !InParty(Player2) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ THEN DO ~EraseJournalEntry(@33) EraseJournalEntry(@44) GiveGoldForce(15) JoinParty()~ JOURNAL @35 EXIT

repaired (pending retest) 11/25/2008 prerelease v17

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Hi, I also have some journal entries left, perhaps they are related.


1. Bandits!


"Loyalty in this camp runs about es strong as the iron they're stealing. With a little 'encouragement', I was able to get one of the bandits to disclose that Tazok's tent is ..... "


You get this entry when you talk to Knoll in one of the tents.


2. A zombie infestation


This is Wonrick's quest from the farm north of the Baldur's bridge


my weidu :).

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