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Opcode 233


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I think there's a typo in the proficiency types listed under opcode #233 - short bow should be 105 not 195. This has carried over into DLTCEP also.


Of course, I can't make sure since the page only loads until maybe #215 or so for some reason (even if I reload) but it's wrong on my local copy.

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Of course, I can't make sure since the page only loads until maybe #215 or so for some reason (even if I reload) but it's wrong on my local copy.


This is because the page contains invalid characters:

$tidy -e bg2tob.html

line 1048 column 110 - Warning: unescaped & which should be written as &

line 1050 column 486 - Warning: unescaped & which should be written as &

line 1216 column 22 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146

line 1269 column 23 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146

line 1533 column 22 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146

line 1586 column 23 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146

line 1713 column 44 - Warning: unescaped & which should be written as &

line 2565 column 22 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146

line 2618 column 23 - Warning: replacing invalid character code 146



Character codes 128 to 159 (U+0080 to U+009F) are not allowed in HTML;

even if they were, they would likely be unprintable control characters.

Tidy assumed you wanted to refer to a character with the same byte value in the

specified encoding and replaced that reference with the Unicode equivalent.

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