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IR V3 - List of changes from V2 to V3


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Helm of the Rock

I'd for +1 AC. Firstly, it fits the name - hard as a rock, -and secondly, there's no other single helm with +2 AC. Maybe even not increase elem resistance at all on the improved version.

Or did you want to allow for equipped ~100% elemental resistance?


Larloch's Soul Stealer

It replaces the pathetic Ring of Anti-venom. It grants +10 hit points, and the wearer heal 1-4 hp on each melee hit.
I see the 'Ring of Demon Summoning' didn't make it through :)

Is it just me, or this ring is too much necromantic, to not bear resemblance to Gaxx ring?

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Greenstone Amulet

For completeness: (from changelog at Macreadys Easytutu site)
The greenstone amulet now protects against all of the effects advertised in its description (including stun).

That wouldn't pose a problem?

Sorry but I don't understand the question, what could pose a problem?


Exotic Item Pack

I found some Ioun Stones which wasn't included in IRv3:


Deep Purple Ioun Stone: 60' infravision

Flickering White Ioun Stone: +10% cold resistance


Honestly, though I didn't install any item-related mod except IRv2 these items were added... I think these are added from a BG2 tweaks component, which is "Exotic Item Pack". The component describes that it adds some items in BG1 from BG2, but I couldn't find the two Ioun Stones at all in BG2.


Could you consider to revise the items If those really are items of BG2?

I guess they just added those two items because of the lack of Ioun Stones in the BG1 part of the game. As of now I only revise Ascension's Sword of Chaos outside of vanilla's items...I'm not sure about these two. Furthermore, sooner or later Ardanis work should make Exotic Item Pack redundant imo.


Helm of the Rock

I'd for +1 AC. Firstly, it fits the name - hard as a rock, -and secondly, there's no other single helm with +2 AC. Maybe even not increase elem resistance at all on the improved version.

Or did you want to allow for equipped ~100% elemental resistance?

I simply restored vanilla's value, but I can easily agree reducing it a little in favour of the AC.


Larloch's Soul Stealer

It replaces the pathetic Ring of Anti-venom. It grants +10 hit points, and the wearer heal 1-4 hp on each melee hit.
I see the 'Ring of Demon Summoning' didn't make it through :)
Well, I simply found a decent background and name within NWN and I went for it. I don't have any decent lore for the a "ring of demon summoning", I wasn't 100% sure about its concept either (e.g. immunity to fear? what else?) and I thought it wasn't worth the effort for now until SR V4. Nothing prevents me to add it within any further update of IR after the release as soon as I stumble upon a good lore for it, and SR accomodates for it.


Is it just me, or this ring is too much necromantic, to not bear resemblance to Gaxx ring?
Indeed it's necromantic based, but it's found on a lich, I don't find it strange. There are three rings of elemental control, is it strange to have two necromantic based rings?


Last but not least, do you like the suggested ring or not? I was thinking to use it as test subject to see if similar effects could be balanced and welcomed or not (e.g. RoRam could add a knockback effect on hit as per NWN, RoFire Control could enflame weapons instead of the uber common fire resistance, etc).

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Greenstone Amulet
For completeness: (from changelog at Macreadys Easytutu site)
The greenstone amulet now protects against all of the effects advertised in its description (including stun).

That wouldn't pose a problem?

Sorry but I don't understand the question, what could pose a problem?

I understood that you removed the stun effect... does IR overwrite the "original" Greenstone Amulet? Another case of bad formulation on my behalf :)

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Necklace of Missiles

I found this item is the one of items which doesn't have any equipped abilities yet. Do you have any plan to give something for this?


Throwing Dagger

As you know, there is no +1 Throwing Dagger in BG1 & BG2 part. I hope that it will be added somewhere as Returing one.

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Boomerang Dagger

I can't understand why the dagger has bastard sword-like damage... Its damage should be decreased like the other daggers.


Longtooth +2

Although It may be almost the same effect, its unique ability, Armor Piercing, just adds +3 THAC0 Bonus instead of +3 attack rolls.


And here is a question: There are 3 throwing daggers in IRv2, which are Boomerang Dagger +2, Fire Tooth +3, and Dagger of Star +5. I checked these daggers using Shadow Keeper and I noticed that Dagger of Star +5 has only two resources named "DAGG22" and "DAGG22A" even though the other daggers have three resources "XXX", "XXXA", and "XXXB". Do these work correctly now?... (I tested and felt that these seem not to have any problem right now)


Finally, I think that some katanas would be better to change to Wakizashi because there is only one Wakizashi now. You also needs to change its size/weight from Light to Medium since all of light weapons have 1D4/1D6 dmg except it.

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Boomerang Dagger

I can't understand why the dagger has bastard sword-like damage... Its damage should be decreased like the other daggers.
This is one of those small things I forgot to mention in the first huge post, but it's done. :)


Longtooth +2

Although It may be almost the same effect, its unique ability, Armor Piercing, just adds +3 THAC0 Bonus instead of +3 attack rolls.
The dagger itself has a +3 bonus to hit rolls (thus 5 instead of 2), it doesn't and shouldn't add +3 to base THAC0 as an eventual off hand weapon shouldn't benefit from it.


Throwing daggers

And here is a question: There are 3 throwing daggers in IRv2, which are Boomerang Dagger +2, Fire Tooth +3, and Dagger of Star +5. I checked these daggers using Shadow Keeper and I noticed that Dagger of Star +5 has only two resources named "DAGG22" and "DAGG22A" even though the other daggers have three resources "XXX", "XXXA", and "XXXB". Do these work correctly now?... (I tested and felt that these seem not to have any problem right now)
It's because the latter doesn't have a non-identified version. Everything is fine there don't worry. :goodwork:


Katanas & Wakizashi
Finally, I think that some katanas would be better to change to Wakizashi because there is only one Wakizashi now. You also needs to change its size/weight from Light to Medium since all of light weapons have 1D4/1D6 dmg except it.
We already have too few katanas, but I do increased the number of wakizashis in a similar tricky way, by making Usuno's Blade a wakizashi. :)
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Guest Kilgor

Will Armor of Faith have class restrictions so it's only useable for Clerics and perhaps Paladins or can it be worn by fighter classes?

I'm thinking it would be overpowered if it was worn by a Barbarian who already has 20% innate physical resistances and with hardiness activated he would be close to unkilleable.


Has there been any changes to Cloak of Mirroring or does it still have the cheesy permanent and undispellable 50% miss chance?


Just a few concerns on my behalf.


I'm really looking forward to IR V3! :)

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Armor of Faith

Will Armor of Faith have class restrictions so it's only useable for Clerics and perhaps Paladins or can it be worn by fighter classes?

I'm thinking it would be overpowered if it was worn by a Barbarian who already has 20% innate physical resistances and with hardiness activated he would be close to unkilleable.

Only clerics and paladins can use it, and its effect doesn't even stack with the homonymous 1st lvl spell.


Cloak of Mirroring

Has there been any changes to Cloak of Mirroring or does it still have the cheesy permanent and undispellable 50% miss chance?
It hasn't changed since V2, though more recent fixes to Mirror Image thankfully nerfed it so that all AoE spells can now bypass it. We do have changed its allocation though, and even without SCS you won't obtain it before ToB. By the time you get it this cloak should be incredibly powerful but not OP imo, especially considering that if any opponent uses True Seeing it becomes completely useless (SCS uses TS on a regular basis).


Within PnP a 3rd lvl Illusion spell can grant the same benefit, and it never seemed OP to me, but I may be wrong and I did very little playtesting in last years (I heavily rely on players feedback). Am I hugely understimating it? :)

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Guest Kilgor
Armor of Faith
Will Armor of Faith have class restrictions so it's only useable for Clerics and perhaps Paladins or can it be worn by fighter classes?

I'm thinking it would be overpowered if it was worn by a Barbarian who already has 20% innate physical resistances and with hardiness activated he would be close to unkilleable.

Only clerics and paladins can use it, and its effect doesn't even stack with the homonymous 1st lvl spell.


Cloak of Mirroring

Has there been any changes to Cloak of Mirroring or does it still have the cheesy permanent and undispellable 50% miss chance?
It hasn't changed since V2, though more recent fixes to Mirror Image thankfully nerfed it so that all AoE spells can now bypass it. We do have changed its allocation though, and even without SCS you won't obtain it before ToB. By the time you get it this cloak should be incredibly powerful but not OP imo, especially considering that if any opponent uses True Seeing it becomes completely useless (SCS uses TS on a regular basis).


Within PnP a 3rd lvl Illusion spell can grant the same benefit, and it never seemed OP to me, but I may be wrong and I did very little playtesting in last years (I heavily rely on players feedback). Am I hugely understimating it? :)

Thank you for the clarification. I just tested it and the illusion will pop up again after it has been dispelled or a monster has hit your illusion. Problem is True Seeing only dispel once per round while it's on, so the cloak is still extremely powerful against monsters with many attacks per round. Maybe give the trigger a 6 second cooldown if it's possible to do so?



About the Ring of Gaxx: Aren't you nerfing it a bit too much? Considering that Kangaxx is a difficult encounter and you'll only be able to kill him late in SoA. Also isn't the ring only useable for evil characters? There aren't a lot of "perks" for being evil instead of good in BG2 or maybe it's just me.

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Cloak of Mirroring


In my experience, it is just fine the way it is now.


Ring of Gaax


Same for the Ring of Gaax. The alignment limitation can't really be considered a nerf to the item but a limit to its usability. This means that the ring is still very powerful even within IR.

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Cloak of Mirroring

Thank you for the clarification. I just tested it and the illusion will pop up again after it has been dispelled or a monster has hit your illusion. Problem is True Seeing only dispel once per round while it's on, so the cloak is still extremely powerful against monsters with many attacks per round. Maybe give the trigger a 6 second cooldown if it's possible to do so?
I'm going to upload a small update for SR today to resore True Seeing power lvl 0, thus I can easily add there an effect to prevent Cloak of Mirroring from refreshing itself when hit if affected by TS.


Ring of Kangaxx :)

About the Ring of Gaxx: Aren't you nerfing it a bit too much? Considering that Kangaxx is a difficult encounter and you'll only be able to kill him late in SoA. Also isn't the ring only useable for evil characters? There aren't a lot of "perks" for being evil instead of good in BG2 or maybe it's just me.
As Salk says alignment restriction cannot be considered a "nerf", and this ring still remains the most powerful ring in the game by far. Ring of Protection +3 is most powerful ring after it, which has +5 enhancement bonus (all other powerful rings are either +3 or +4), whereas a nerfed Kangaxx's ring still has +8!


There are quite few powerful "perks" imo for being evil within IR when it comes to items, for example Soul Reaver, Casiel's Soul (the death knight armor) and Blackrazor (the most powerful 1handed sword imo). This ring is the best one imo because it takes a "cheap slot" (you can have two rings) and can be used and benefit pretty much any character. The Unholy Reaver would also be an outstanding perk, but it's limited to fallen paladins, and without a blackguard class I doubt many players will play a fallen paladin.

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Guest Kilgor
Cloak of Mirroring

I'm going to upload a small update for SR today to resore True Seeing power lvl 0, thus I can easily add there an effect to prevent Cloak of Mirroring from refreshing itself when hit if affected by TS.


Ring of Kangaxx :)

As Salk says alignment restriction cannot be considered a "nerf", and this ring still remains the most powerful ring in the game by far. Ring of Protection +3 is most powerful ring after it, which has +5 enhancement bonus (all other powerful rings are either +3 or +4), whereas a nerfed Kangaxx's ring still has +8!


There are quite few powerful "perks" imo for being evil within IR when it comes to items, for example Soul Reaver, Casiel's Soul (the death knight armor) and Blackrazor (the most powerful 1handed sword imo). This ring is the best one imo because it takes a "cheap slot" (you can have two rings) and can be used and benefit pretty much any character. The Unholy Reaver would also be an outstanding perk, but it's limited to fallen paladins, and without a blackguard class I doubt many players will play a fallen paladin.


That sounds fair enough to me :)

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