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[Mac OS X] No .tp2 in mod folder; unable to install


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Downloading and extracting the OS X version of this mod yields a folder with all the files and folders needed, except for the .tp2. I don't see that file anywhere in the package, and it's needed for weidu-mac to install. How may I obtain a copy of this file? I downloaded from the G3 mirror.




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Odd - the version I have on my portable drive (the one uploaded) has the .tp2 - I will recheck camagna and gibberlings3 and make sure tonight.


But Mike1072 is right - the way the mods that use the requested G3 configuration (not all the G3 mods - RE and Jastey's Ajantis materials use different conventions, but everything else on the site I think uses the requested stuff) have a single uniform package for Win, OSX, and Linux. The only difference between them is the version of WeiDU shipped with them - the .tp2, resources, everything is exactly the same. All we do is add weidu-mac and weidu-mac.command to the Linux "packaged" .zip and put it in .rar.

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