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Quest Quandries: Quixotic? Queenly? Quiet?


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I will search them out, thanks!


/* hey, go figure - we have put philosophy, religion, music, death, life, fighting, making up, rebirth, destruction, sex, romance, dysfunction, and redemption in this mod... heck, why not throw in the whole kit and kaboodle, and add taxes? */
 IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN REPLY ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. Where do I go?~ + c_go_see_the_clerks

IF ~~ c_go_see_the_clerks
  SAY ~[BREGA] That looks like a standard tax form. Any of the clerks here can help you.~
 + ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",4)~ + ~[PC] The last time I tried this, there was a big hassle with forms and stamping and getting the documentation right...~ + c_just_a_standard_form
 ++ ~[PC] Thank you. Have a good <DAYNIGHT>.~ EXIT
 ++ ~[PC] Clerks. I would rather entrust you with this.~ + c_just_a_standard_form
 ++ ~[PC] Do I look like the type of person who bothers with intermediaries and minor functionaries?~ + c_just_a_standard_form
 ++ ~[PC] Does everything in this city always end up in the Government District?~ + c_running_a_big_city

IF ~~ c_running_a_big_city
 SAY ~[BREGA] Most of the commerce and management comes through here, of course. This is not a small backwater town. It takes a large civil service to handle and balance the needs of the citizens.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_just_a_standard_form

IF ~~ c_just_a_standard_form
 SAY ~[BREGA] There is no need for concern. You hand that to a clerk, and they give you a standard receipt.~

END // of append

ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL01~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL02~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CIVIL03~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 

ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ~CLERK01~ 0 ~!PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CLERK01 c_will_clerk_deliver_the_goods
~[CLERK01] Move along, please. I am on break.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Are you th' person to see about delivering some paperwork?~
== CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] Yes.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, can you just take this here package an' hand us a receipt, eh?~
== CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] No.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] It looks like they be right there. There, on th' left.~
== CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] Yes.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So, do a good deed, eh, an' just hand over th' receipt.~
== CLERK01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CLERK01] I am on break.~
+ ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I don't believe this. I am going to get the runaround again, aren't I?~ + c_0_get_runaround
++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ + c_0_get_runaround
++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + c_0_get_runaround
++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + c_0_get_runaround
++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_0_get_runaround
++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + c_0_get_runaround


IF ~~ c_0_get_runaround
 SAY ~[CLERK01] Look, I get a few minutes peace per shift. It isn't much. Then it is back to long lines of people who want detailed explanations about things way above my pay grade. Meaningless forms that dissapear into an abyss never to see the light of day.~
 = ~[CLERK01] Please, just go find one of the other three scribes. They can help you. I am on break.~

END // of append

CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL01 c_1_deliver_the_goods
~[CIVIL01] Next, please... what can I do for you today?~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hey, can you...~
== CIVIL01 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL01] No, for the thousanth time, no. I don't handle civil service recruitment. I do not have an employment form. I can't help you get a job scribing here.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, I done got me a job already! We aren't here on account o' that.~
+ ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I am not going to get the runaround again, am I?~ + c_1_amber_got_runaround
++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_alternate_resolved_here
++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_1
++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_2
++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_1_tell_it_to_the_spartans
++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + c_riiiight_get_solved


IF ~~ c_1_amber_got_runaround
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I just do my job. Is that a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_1_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_1
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_1_tell_it_to_the_spartans

IF ~~ c_1_quest_alternate_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Ah, yes. A Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_1_quest_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_1
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~~

IF ~~ c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Nope.~
 == ~[CIVIL01] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~

IF ~~ c_1_no_call_for_attitude
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_1_riiiight_get_solved
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shll i call the guard?~
 ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_1_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_1_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here

IF ~~ c_1_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 SAY ~[CIVIL01] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_1_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_1_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_1_regular_day_at_the_office_1

END // of append

CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL02 c_2_deliver_the_goods
~[CIVIL02] Step closer, please. May I help you?~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] No worries, I am not here for a job. I done found one.~
== CIVIL02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL02] Now that is a pity. They just reopened a search for a new Auditor General, and I thought immediately of you.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, that is right kind o' you. Auditor General, eh? That sounds important.~
== CIVIL02 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL02] It is important enough that the last three people to hold that office met mysterious ends.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Sounds about like my current contract. Only not so much on th' mysterious.... usually, I can see what be about to kill me in plenty o' time to wonder why I ever signed up as a mercenary..~
+ ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I hope so. I am not going to get the runaround again, am I? The last time I was here...~ + c_2_amber_got_runaround
++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_alternate_resolved_here
++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_1
++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_2
++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_2_tell_it_to_the_spartans
++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + c_2_riiiight_get_solved


IF ~~ c_2_amber_got_runaround
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I just do my job. Is that a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] No. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_2_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_2_tell_it_to_the_spartans

IF ~~ c_2_quest_alternate_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Ah, yes. A Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_quest_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_1
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~~

IF ~~ c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Nope.~
 == ~[CIVIL02] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~

IF ~~ c_2_no_call_for_attitude
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_riiiight_get_solved
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shll i call the guard?~
 ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_2_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_2_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here

IF ~~ c_2_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 SAY ~[CIVIL02] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] Yes, one  Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_2_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_2_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_2_regular_day_at_the_office_1


CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ THEN CIVIL03 c_3_deliver_the_goods
~[CIVIL03] Tax forms to the front of the line, please... ah. I think I see one right there, in your hand, <PRO_SIRMAAM>.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You can see that right from th' outside?~
== CIVIL03 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL03] When you have seen as many 1720-3a Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard as I have, you can see them, smell them, and even have dreams about them.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That sounds blighted unnatural, that does.~
== CIVIL03 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CIVIL03] Tell me about it. You should see the dreams. Waking nightmares, every one.~
+ ~GlobalGT("M#AmberRescue","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~[PC] I hope you can help me. I am not going to get the runaround again, am I? The last time I was here...~ + c_3_amber_got_runaround
++ ~[PC] I have to deliver this from Orrin at The Broken Sword. He needs a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_alternate_resolved_here
++ ~[PC] Never mind... I may come back later.~ + c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_1
++ ~[PC] Do you actually do anything around here except shuffle paper and waste people's time?~ + c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_2
++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_3_tell_it_to_the_spartans
++ ~[PC] What does a winsome minor government functionary do to relax, anyways? I find a man with inkstains on his fingers so... appealing.~ + c_3_riiiight_get_solved


IF ~~ c_3_amber_got_runaround
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I just do my job. Is that Writ of Quarterly Taxable Income, Commercial, Standard Form you have there completed?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] yes, but you miss-titled it. It is a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can With Impunity, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_3_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you these were completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_3_tell_it_to_the_spartans

IF ~~ c_3_quest_alternate_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Ah, yes. One W-QTI, Commercial, Standard Form. We call them "Cuties".~
 = ~[CIVIL03] Of course, that gets confusing, when there are forms for Quarterly Treasury Information, Quantum Universal Time Irregularities (Ex-communicated Spellcasting), and the real C.U.T.I.E... Customs Utilization: Thayvian Inventory Evaluation.~
 = ~[CIVIL03] My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_quest_resolved_here
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Right. My signature... here. I have received this on behalf of the City and its Citizens. Here is a receipt for The Broken Sword's accounts and its owner of record, one Orrin Thedale, resident of aforementioned premesis. Next in line, step up...~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_1
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I will be here. Unfortunately. Counting the days until retirement.~~

IF ~~ c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Nope.~
 == ~[CIVIL03] Move along, then. There are other people in line.~

IF ~~ c_3_no_call_for_attitude
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] There is no call for that attitude. Here is your receipt. The Citizens of this Fair City thank you. NEXT.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg2",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_riiiight_get_solved
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] Bribing a government official is not allowed. Charming them is frowned on, and raising their hopes of a wild time on the town with you only to be left miserable and heartbroken is just plain mean. Besides, you are not my type. Do you have business, or shall I call the guard?~
 ++ ~[PC] Whoa, I didn't mean... look, here is something from Orrin over at The Broken Sword. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] Forget I said anything. I have a Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_3_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Jump to conclusions much? Here. I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit. Perhaps someone else can help me.~ + c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_2
 ++ ~[PC] What if I told you I had a tax form from The Broken Sword that has completely innacurate figures, manufactured to make sure it appears that little or no income was taken in?~ + c_3_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 ++ ~[PC] Your loss. Pity, too... I can be very fun. Very. Anyways, here is something from The Broken Sword.~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here

IF ~~ c_3_tell_it_to_the_spartans
 SAY ~[CIVIL03] I could not care less. That is not my department. You could talk to the Auditor General, but the last three AG's have died under mysterious circumstances and the post has been vacant for at least two years. So, do you have something to give me, or not?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. Can I get a receipt?~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here
 ++ ~[PC] Yes, one  Writ of Quarterly Bribes to BloodSucking Bloated Government Toadies Who Mess With People Because They Can, Long Form. Here, take it. I will not tell you where you can put it... I leave that to your imagination.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ +  c_3_no_call_for_attitude
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not sure what this is. I was told to deliver it, and get a receipt.~ DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg1")~ + c_3_quest_resolved_here 
 ++ ~[PC] I was supposed to deliver this, but I think I will wait for a bit.~ + c_3_regular_day_at_the_office_1


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