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Attacks Per Round Modifier (1)


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#1 (0x1) Stat: Attacks Per Round Modifier [1]
   Parameter #1: Key Modifier
   Parameter #2: Type
   Alters a characters Attacks per Round, by changing the Key
   by the modifier value specified by the 'Key Value' field,
   in the style specified by 'Type' field.
   Key     Attacks Per Round
   1        1
   2        2
   3        3
   4        4
   5        5
   6        0.5
   7        1.5
   8        2.5
   9        3.5
   10      4.5
   Known values for 'Type' are:
   0   Cumulative Modifier -> Key = Key + 'Key Modifier' value
   1   Flat Value Modifier -> Key = 'Key Modifier' value
   2   Percentage Modifier -> Key = (Key * 'Key Modifier' value)
   / 100
   3   Cumulative Modifier -> Same as 0


I'd like to add that a Key value of 0 (zero) will set the Attacks Per Round to 0 and keep the affected character from attacking anything physically. I did this in my PHB implementation of the Wraithform spell. The character can walk around and interact with objects, but can't attack anyone. If you try, he'll just walk up to the target and stand there, and the target won't react because he/she/it wasn't attacked.

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