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Mod Install Order


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So I just installed the tweak pack for IWD, and I installed the un-nerfed spell tables for all the spellcasters. I'm wondering if the Level 40 Rules by TeamBG will change the tables back, or does the mod just raise the level cap? If I wanted to use the level 40 mod, should I have installed that first, or would it matter?

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Not necessarily. I'll have to look at what TeamBG's Level 40 rules entail first. Seems to me that Dale Tweaks does the same thing, so doing both would be redundant. Personally, I know what Dale Tweaks does and stick with it since it's part of the package anyway, and I know it's WeiDU. TBG's I don't know enough about.

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IWD/HoW level files have an upper limit of 30th level, though the game allows up to 50th. (edit) And by files, I mean I count twenty-two that need to be altered or replaced. (end edit)


I finally managed to get TBG's Level 40 pack from Sorcerer's Place, and all the necessary files are there to be dropped into your Override folder. As I expected, it's non-WeiDU. I suggest you back up the contents of your Override folder before dropping the files in. That way, if you find you have some bad files or don't like the rule pack, just delete the contents of your Override folder from the game and copy your backup into it.


One word of caution. If you have Heart of Winter installed and plan to have a paladin or ranger in your party, do not install the MXSPLPAL.2DA or MXSPLRAN.2DA files. They will overwrite the Heart of Winter files, which give paladins and rangers significantly more spell casting power, with the much weaker standard BG1/BG2/IWD Basic files.


E-mail me and I'll send you a level 50 rule set, but it may take a day or two to WeiDUize it. Real life has a way of interfering with hobbies. The nice thing about using WeiDU, something like this can as easily be uninstalled as installed.

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It seems like I really need to learn to use WeiDU then. :) Thanks for all your help. I don't see myself going past level 30 with my full party, but I am a powergamer at heart, and a solo run is probably not far away. I just like to have that option, I hate actually REACHING a level cap. If I never reach it, great. If I do, WHY IS THE GAME LIMITING ME GODDAMNIT D:<


Anyways, thank you so much for all your help! I will look into learning how to do modding myself so hopefully this is the last time I need help :D

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While I'm at it, I might as well ask something else. DaleKeeper has been giving me error messages after I installed the tweak pack. I have a feeling it's due to the Icon Improvement component, seeing as how if my characters drop everything than DK works relatively well again. It also doesn't let me mod in some items (which may have had their icons changed). Can anyone confirm this? I am thinking of uninstalling and reinstalling without the icon improvements to fix this, but I don't want to miss anything, so if anything else is making it act up, I would like to know.


EDIT: Does the casting/thieving in armor at a penalty component muck with DK as well?

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The Infinity Engine Savegame Editor couldn't find IWD at first, and when I pointed it in the right direction, it said something about the .bif file being an incorrect size. Now it wont let me open any saves.


Are you sure ALL mod components mess with DK?


EDIT: :/ it won't even let me modify my BG and BGII savegames, even though it found them.

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