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Bishop Invisible Glitch?

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I have played the romance several times, and I don't think this has ever happened before. After the Solace Glade, Bishop disappears. He is not in the Sunken Flagon, or rather he probably is only not visible, and if I add him to the party (using DebugMode 1, then 'rs kr_roster_edit') his portrait appears only he doesn't. A theory? That he is spawning underground?


I don't know why this is happening. I tried talking to Edmund with Bishop in the party (when you go to Axle's) and without Bishop in the party, but nothing changed. I need help, perhaps I installed a mod which is making it fail somehow. I am very saddened by this, as I have been enjoying playing the game again, and I hate the thought of having to start over. Please reply soon, this is basically my favorite computer game, I have no idea why this is happening and really want it to stop. ???

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Can you also not invite him in the party when you leave the inn and have to confirm the party constellation? I thought I had the same problem with Sand, as he was no where in the inn to be found at one point, but I could normally place him in the party via the "accept party" menu and there he was again.

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Can you also not invite him in the party when you leave the inn and have to confirm the party constellation? I thought I had the same problem with Sand, as he was no where in the inn to be found at one point, but I could normally place him in the party via the "accept party" menu and there he was again.


Oh my god you guys are amazing! Thank you so much Domi for the quick reply, and thank you so much jastey for giving me the solution! Don't know why it was mad at me whenever I would add him via the script, or why he was briefly invisible at the inn but hopefully it won't happen again. Thank you thank you thank you.


Cheers to an amazing mod!

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