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Version 17 released


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If it helps, you can also do
weidu --change-log prat.cre --out prat.txt

and post the contents of prat.txt.


Thank you :)



Mods affecting PRAT.CRE:

00000: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ 3 0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Composant principal: 1.11 (January 2011)

00001: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 2 2400 // Les objets des ennemis peuvent se briser: 9 (31 Dec 09)

00002: ~RANDOMISER/RANDOMISER.TP2~ 0 1300 // Randomise items -> Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost: v6.4

00003: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 10 // Initialisation du mod (requis par presque tous les autres composants): v17

00004: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5000 // IA generale plus efficace: v17

00005: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5015 // Choix plus judicieux des competences martiales et des kits pour les combattants (corrige egalement quelques erreurs dans les caracteristiques des guerriers): v17

00006: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 6190 // Combat de fin du chapitre six plus difficile: v17

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If it helps, you can also do
weidu --change-log prat.cre --out prat.txt

and post the contents of prat.txt.


Thank you :)



Mods affecting PRAT.CRE:

00000: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ 3 0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Composant principal: 1.11 (January 2011)

00001: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 2 2400 // Les objets des ennemis peuvent se briser: 9 (31 Dec 09)

00002: ~RANDOMISER/RANDOMISER.TP2~ 0 1300 // Randomise items -> Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost: v6.4

00003: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 10 // Initialisation du mod (requis par presque tous les autres composants): v17

00004: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5000 // IA generale plus efficace: v17

00005: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5015 // Choix plus judicieux des competences martiales et des kits pour les combattants (corrige egalement quelques erreurs dans les caracteristiques des guerriers): v17

00006: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 6190 // Combat de fin du chapitre six plus difficile: v17


Great, thanks. I'll look into it.

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If it helps, you can also do
weidu --change-log prat.cre --out prat.txt

and post the contents of prat.txt.


Thank you :)



Mods affecting PRAT.CRE:

00000: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ 3 0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Composant principal: 1.11 (January 2011)

00001: /* from game biffs */ ~SETUP-BGTTWEAK.TP2~ 2 2400 // Les objets des ennemis peuvent se briser: 9 (31 Dec 09)

00002: ~RANDOMISER/RANDOMISER.TP2~ 0 1300 // Randomise items -> Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost: v6.4

00003: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 10 // Initialisation du mod (requis par presque tous les autres composants): v17

00004: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5000 // IA generale plus efficace: v17

00005: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 5015 // Choix plus judicieux des competences martiales et des kits pour les combattants (corrige egalement quelques erreurs dans les caracteristiques des guerriers): v17

00006: ~SETUP-SCS.TP2~ 4 6190 // Combat de fin du chapitre six plus difficile: v17


Great, thanks. I'll look into it.


OK, I'm unable to reproduce this locally, even with that mod combination. My guess is that there's some odd detail in Item Randomizer which can theoretically cause trouble - but of course, since the mod's random, I can't myself reproduce it.


Try uninstalling item randomizer and reinstalling it, and see if the same thing happens.

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OK, I'm unable to reproduce this locally, even with that mod combination. My guess is that there's some odd detail in Item Randomizer which can theoretically cause trouble - but of course, since the mod's random, I can't myself reproduce it.


Try uninstalling item randomizer and reinstalling it, and see if the same thing happens.

If the OP uploads the three files "override/fl#randomseed.2da", "override/fl#randoptions.2da" and "override/fl#removeditems.2da" I can have a look.

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Hi David. Congratulations and thanks for the new release :-) I have a question regarding the "Allow antimagic spells to penetrate Improved Invisibility" component, now it has a single-target option.


The read me says enemies' spells will target invisible creatures regardless of the chosen option, but do enemies play by the same rules as me if I pick option 2? I.e. will only Spell Thrust, Ruby Ray & Secret Word target me if I am invisible or will all monsters' anti magic spells be able to target me?


Seems like a massive difference having spells like Spell Strike being able to target invisble creatures, I am not sure what is the best option for me. If the enemy will always play by this rule regardless of what I choose to install, I sure as hell will be and will be choosing option 1!


I am more confused on this option because the installer states both options 1 & 2 are the default behaviour.

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I don't offhand recall, actually. The intended behaviour is that the enemy assumes option 1, but come to think of it I might not have updated them, in which case it'll be assuming option 2. I'll check when I get a chance.

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Guest Thailog

Hi there.


I've just finished a Tutu run with this mod installed and I'd like to thank the authors for it. I can honestly say that your mod has significantly improved my gaming experience. Once I tried this out, there was simply no going back to the lobotomized AI of the original game. Here are some of my notes which explain things in a bit more detail.



Things I liked:


- Mages intelligently using invisibility to escape, heal up and renew their buffs. Very cool and just what I'd have my character do in a similar situation.

- Excellent coordination between opponents. I've seen enemy clerics use Mass Cure when their allies are damaged, spiders ganging up on partymembers ensnared in webs, mages using fireballs only when their allies are out of range etc. Nice to see some actual teamwork on the opponents' side for a change.

- Enemy archers going for the least armored partymember. Realistic, and again, just what I'd do in their place. It simply makes more sense to aim for the guy who came to a fight wearing some fancy bathrobe than to watch your arrows bounce off that dude in a full plate.

- One can feel the AI improvements throughout the entire game, from the lowliest kobold to the mightiest mage. A very well done, systematic approach.

- Lastly, I love the fact that SCS can be configured in so many ways. It allows people to custom tailor the mod toward their own gampelay preferences. This is a refreshing change from some other mods which tend to use the "all or nothing" approach. Again, great job.



A few suggestions:


- I found that whenever I enter a map where Phase Spiders are present (i.e. Cloakwood) each and every one of them teleports right on top of my party immediately after they have entered the area. Personally, I found this a bit harsh, since the party doesn't have any time to react and put up their defenses. If I may, I'd suggest having the spiders wait at least one turn before actively seeking out the party, just to give them some breathing room.




Possible bugs:


- I've noticed that the ghost on the second level of Durlag's Tower (in the room below the Succubus) drinks healing potions. As an incorporeal undead creature, I don't think he should. As a side note, he cast Protection from Magical weapons while being innately immune to normal weapons (he is a ghost after all). In my humble opinion, creatures that are innately immune to normal weapons should avoid using PfMW, for fairness sake. Would it be possible to have them cast Mantle and the like instead?



Lastly, thanks again for making this wonderful mod. From the way it's done, you can tell that it was made by people who really liked Baldur's Gate and wanted to improve it further without ruining the original feel of the game. Kudos to the authors!

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Thanks for the feedback, and glad you liked it. (There's only one author, by the way, and I tend to drift into and out of the forum as RL allows.)


Phase spiders shouldn't be teleporting like that - they're programmed to do it at random. It's possible you were unlucky; equally, it's possible there's something not working properly. I'll look into it.


The ghost shouldn't drink healing potions, I agree. Will fix.


I'm not very minded to stop using PMW on creatures immune to nonmagical weapons, not least because it's a standard feature of vanilla BG2. (The ghost can't get at Mantle anyway - it's too high level.)

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Guest Grond0



I know I'm rather slow in posting this, but wondered why SCS seems to be adding 10% to experience points (quest, creatures and skill use)? I noticed this after doing a reinstallation including v17 and reinstalled mods step by step to check it was actually installing SCS that changed this. I saw that a fellow poster on the Bioware social forums was also getting 10% extra so assume that I am not unique in this. At the time I just shrugged it off, but was a bit surprised to find that no-one else had reported this on the SCS forums. Is this something you were aware of?



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I don't offhand recall, actually. The intended behaviour is that the enemy assumes option 1, but come to think of it I might not have updated them, in which case it'll be assuming option 2. I'll check when I get a chance.


Hello David - I am just bumping this question about what the default behaviour is for enemy mages in terms of "Allow antimagic spells to penetrate Improved Invisibility"...can you recall? I am just about to install SCII and will choose option 1, I just want to check if mages will be playing by the same rules as me ;)

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