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The Hobbits are Among Us!


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I saw that on the news - though, being in Indonesia and over 12,000 years ago I am not sure how much it'll have contributed to European mythology. :blush:

I don't know - in Europe there are various legends and folk tales of "the little people" which have been described in a similar fashion.. It could be there these are simply one branch that have been discovered.

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Yes, my point was that the time frame (12,000 years ago or more, when I don't think there was much in the way of civilisation anywhere) and the distance (Indonesia, so, a long way away) make it in my view unlikely. :blush:

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It could be a folk memory from very early times, when our ancestors shared the world with other human species. It's only been relatively recently that writing has become the main way we record information and we all know how stories change with the telling.... purple monkey dishwasher. :blush:

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true, but andyr's point still makes sense, although i suppose the stories could have reached that far in time.


Although now that i think about it i remember hearing a different , less universal origion for british dwarven legend, but i'm not at all sure of the validaty

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