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Removing randomness in Icewind Dale 1


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So, a few friends and I were looking to play through Icewind Dale 1 in multiplayer (and I think one of us was considering recording it, but I'm not sure). The others had never played it before, but when they found out so many items are randomized (and some of which replaced with somewhat useless things, all things considered), they asked if there is anything that could be done about that. They're somewhat greedy about items, and I don't entirely agree, but I'd hate to miss out on some of the interesting stuff (for example, missing out on a nice bow and instead getting a scroll of web or something similar).


So, would it be possible to edit all of the randomized items (the important ones, anyway), and if so, where do I start? I've edited .itm and .cre files with Near Infinity quite a bit before, but have NO idea about Icewind Dale 1's item randomization, nor maps and containers. I recall poking around trying to see if I could get Kaylessa to drop all of her items instead of having them randomized and discovered the randomizer is a specific item in the actor's inventory or in the container (and in playing, I noticed it's randomized when the area is loaded the first time).


From what I understand, it should be a relatively simple matter of editing the container/creature, removing random thing and putting in an actual item, but I'd also like to spread the items around (if I can find a list of containers in a map or something, this shouldn't be difficult). For example, Kresselak's coffin can give five possible different swords, and that wouldn't work particularly well at all. I know it's kind of frowned-upon do to this with NearInfinity and not make it a WeiDU mod, but we can work with copy/pasting stuff into the override directory and I'd rather not try to learn yet another system.


Can anyone help teach me? I'm willing to do the real grunt-work myself. :)


I think you want to look at rndtres.2da which in IWD is somewhat more complex than in BG2, but same concept probably. One difference being this is not a weighted table (apparently) in IWD - in other words, a standard 1d20 is rolled instead of 2d10. So if a container or creature has arow_p1.itm, it gets a real arrow on a roll of 1-8 and nothing on a roll of 9-20.


Thanks! I didn't realize the randomizer itself was so easy to edit. However, if I need to remove the random item and replace it with the actual item or multiple items, I still need to edit a few containers, which I have no idea how to do. :)


Edit: Ah, poking around with NearInfinity, I think I found how to edit containers, poking around through the .are files.


you can do that with dltcep and probably with ni too. Not sure why you'd need to though, just set all the 2da values for a given entry to the same treasure. If you randomly pick from a stack of four bows, you're guaranteed to get a bow. :)

you can do that with dltcep and probably with ni too. Not sure why you'd need to though, just set all the 2da values for a given entry to the same treasure. If you randomly pick from a stack of four bows, you're guaranteed to get a bow. :)

Yeah, but I wanted to add in the other items, too. There's some decent stuff here, as well, not in power (I've dealt with game balance a lot, especially recently), but in interesting back-stories, and abilities that engage the players more. If I change the 2da values, we'd get one interesting thing, but miss out on the other interesting things.


But I think I figured out container editing. I spread out the random items in the orc cave in the prologue all over the place (would be cheesy if they were all in the same chest :D), and tested it out to make sure it works. Anything I should know about editing a creature's inventory, especially to make sure these items get dropped?


The item must not have the undroppable bit set, but that's not something you'd need to change for the ones which were available already.

The item must not have the undroppable bit set, but that's not something you'd need to change for the ones which were available already.

So, just put the item in the actor's inventory, and it should drop? (Unless it has undroppable, of course.)


The easiest (and best) way to do all that sort of editing is with WeiDU (also goes for editing the 2da). This tp2 will list all the random items in the game.

BACKUP ~randitm/backup~
AUTHOR ~null~

BEGIN ~Random Stuff~

<<<<<<<< randitm-inlined/randitms.txt
Resource	Name	#	RndItms

<<<<<<<< randitm-inlined/iwdareas.ids
1000	Easthaven_prolog
1001	Easthaven_prolog-Temple_Tempus
1002	Easthaven_prolog-Townsperson_home
1003	Easthaven_prolog-Townsperson_home
1004	Easthaven_prolog-Home_Hrothgar
1005	Easthaven_prolog-Home_Gaspar_Fishmonger
1006	Easthaven_prolog-Grisellas_Winters_Cradle_1st_fl
1007	Easthaven_prolog-Pomabs_Emporium-1st_fl
1008	Easthaven_prolog-Snowdrift_Inn
1009	Easthaven_prolog-Home_Old_Jed
1010	Easthaven_prolog-Home_Scrimshander
1011	Easthaven_prolog-Warehouse
1012	Easthaven_prolog-Townsperson_home
1013	Easthaven_prolog-Townsperson_home
1014	Easthaven_prolog-Townsperson_home
1015	Easthaven_prolog-Grisellas_Winters_Cradle_cellar
1016	Easthaven_prolog-Pomabs_Emporium-2nd_fl
1100	Easthaven_finale
1101	Easthaven_finale-Temple_Tempus-ice_tower_1st_fl
1102	Easthaven_finale-Temple_Tempus-ice_tower_2nd_fl
1103	Easthaven_finale-Temple_Tempus-ice_tower_3rd_fl
1104	Easthaven_finale-Temple_Tempus-ice_tower_4th_fl
1105	Easthaven_finale-Temple_Tempus-Jerrods_Stone
1106	Easthaven_finale-Winters_Cradle_Tavern_main_fl
1109	Easthaven_finale-Winters_Cradle_Tavern_cellar
1200	Easthaven_prolog-missing_caravan-exterior
1201	Easthaven_prolog-missing_caravan-orc_cave
2000	Kuldahar_Pass
2001	Kuldahar_Pass-goblin_area
2002	Kuldahar_Pass-beetle_area
2003	Kuldahar_Pass-Ghergs_tower
2004	Kuldahar_Pass-Mill-entrance
2005	Kuldahar_Pass-Mill-cellar
2006	Kuldahar_Pass-Mill-upper_story
2100	Kuldahar
2101	Kuldahar-Orrick_Greys_tower-entrance
2102	Kuldahar-Orrick_Greys_tower-study
2103	Kuldahar-Conlans_Smithy
2104	Kuldahar-Townsperson_home
2105	Kuldahar-Townsperson_home
2106	Kuldahar-Townsperson_home
2107	Kuldahar-Temple_Ilmater-House_Bleeding_Rose
2108	Kuldahar-Airship_Oswald_Fiddlebender
2109	Kuldahar-Home_Hjollder
2110	Kuldahar-Home_Urnst_the_Potter
2111	Kuldahar-Root_Cellar_Tavern
2112	Kuldahar-Home_Arundel-1st_fl
2113	Kuldahar-Gerths_Equipment_Shoppe
2114	Kuldahar-Evening_Shade_Inn-1st_fl
2115	Kuldahar-Evening_Shade_Inn-2nd_fl
2116	Kuldahar-Home_Arundel-2nd_fl
3000	Vale_Shadows-exterior
3001	Vale_Shadows-yeti_cave
3101	Vale_Shadows-minor_tomb
3201	Vale_Shadows-minor_tomb
3301	Vale_Shadows-Temple_Myrkul
3401	Vale_Shadows-minor_tomb
3501	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-1st_lvl
3502	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-2nd_lvl
3503	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-3rd_lvl
3600	Temple_Forgotten_God-exterior
3601	Temple_Forgotten_God-1st_lvl
3602	Temple_Forgotten_God-2nd_lvl
3603	Temple_Forgotten_God-3rd_lvl
4000	Dragons_Eye-exterior
4001	Dragons_Eye-1st_dungeon_lvl_Lizard_King
4002	Dragons_Eye-2nd_dungeon_lvl_Talonites
4003	Dragons_Eye-3rd_dungeon_lvl_Presio
4004	Dragons_Eye-4th_dungeon_lvl_Eldathyn
4005	Dragons_Eye-5th_dungeon_lvl_Yxunomei
5000	Severed_Hand-exterior
5001	Severed_Hand-main_tower-1st_fl
5002	Severed_Hand-main_tower-2nd_fl
5003	Severed_Hand-main_tower-3rd_fl
5004	Severed_Hand-main_tower-4th_fl
5101	Severed_Hand-Tower_Labelas-dest_fl
5102	Severed_Hand-Tower_Labelas-library
5103	Severed_Hand-Tower_Labelas-Larrel
5104	Severed_Hand-Tower_Labelas-1st_fl
5201	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-1st_fl
5202	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-2nd_fl
5203	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-3rd_fl
5204	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-4th_fl
5301	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-1st_fl
5302	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-2nd_fl
5303	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-3rd_fl
5304	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-4th_fl
5401	Severed_Hand-Tower_Sheverash-1st_fl
5402	Severed_Hand-Tower_Sheverash-2nd_fl
5403	Severed_Hand-Tower_Sheverash-3rd_fl
5404	Severed_Hand-Tower_Sheverash-4th_fl
5502	Severed_Hand-bridge_between_Towers
6000	Dorns_Deep-exterior
6001	Dorns_Deep-entry_cavern
6002	Dorns_Deep-main_hall
6003	Dorns_Deep-orog_cave-Saablic-Krilag
6004	Dorns_Deep-Temple_Moradin_cold_forge
6005	Dorns_Deep-Tiers_the_Dead
6006	Dorns_Deep-Hall_Heroes
6007	Dorns_Deep-ettin_cave
6008	Dorns_Deep-orog_cave
6009	Dorns_Deep-orc_cave
6010	Dorns_Deep-circle_runes_room
6011	Dorns_Deep-machinery_room
6013	Dorns_Deep-Temple_Moradin_working_forge
6014	Dorns_Deep-Bandoths_cave
7000	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-entry_pass
7001	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-aquarium_interior
7002	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-small_circular_room
7003	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-Gareth-slaves
7004	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-frost_giant_cave
7005	Wyrms_Tooth_Glacier-aquarium_exterior
8001	Lower_Dorns_Deep-main_cavern
8002	Lower_Dorns_Deep-watchtower_stair
8003	Lower_Dorns_Deep-oubliette-Tarnesh
8004	Lower_Dorns_Deep-free_gnome_camp-Nym
8005	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Order_Kraken_garde
8006	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Order_Kraken_manor-1st_fl
8007	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Order_Kraken_manor-2nd_fl
8008	Lower_Dorns_Deep-mines-Guello-Shikata
8009	Lower_Dorns_Deep-artisans_district
8010	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Malavons_lair
8011	Lower_Dorns_Deep-forge-Ilmadia
8012	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Brother_Perdiem
8013	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Reverend_Brother_Poquelin
8014	Lower_Dorns_Deep-watchtower_top_lvl
8015	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Norls_shop
8016	Lower_Dorns_Deep-home_in_free_gnome_camp
9100	Lonelywood
9101	Lonelywood-Whistling_Gallows-1st_fl
9102	Lonelywood-Whistling_Gallows-2nd_fl
9103	Lonelywood-Temple_Waukeen
9104	Lonelywood-Home_Emmerich
9105	Lonelywood-Dunn_home
9106	Lonelywood-Thurlow_home-1st_fl
9107	Lonelywood-Thurlow_home-2nd_fl
9108	Lonelywood-Home_trappers
9109	Lonelywood-Home_Farold
9110	Lonelywood-Home_Purvis
9200	Barbarian_camp
9201	Barbarian_camp-Mead_Hall
9300	Burial_Isle
9301	Burial_Isle-Tower_Edion
9400	Burial_Isle-Wylfdenes_barrow
9500	Gloomfrost
9501	Gloomfrost_interior-1st_lvl-Tiernon
9502	Gloomfrost_interior-2nd_lvl-Seer
9600	Sea_Moving_Ice
9601	Sea_Moving_Ice-cave_entrance
9602	Sea_Moving_Ice-Field_Bones
9603	Sea_Moving_Ice-Icasaracht_lair_ext
9604	Sea_Moving_Ice-Icasaracht_lair_int
9700	Anauroch_Castle-outer_courtyard_TotL_start_area
9701	Anauroch_Castle-south_Tower_cellar-battle_test
9702	Anauroch_Castle-south_tower_upstairs-wyverns
9703	Anauroch_Castle-west_Tower_cellar-int_test
9704	Anauroch_Castle-west_Tower_upstairs-Harald
9705	Anauroch_Castle-north_Tower_cellar-courage_test
9706	Anauroch_Castle-north_Tower_upstairs-harpy_queen
9707	Anauroch_Castle-east_Tower_cellar-pers_test
9708	Anauroch_Castle-east_Tower_upstairs-Banites
9709	Anauroch_Castle-western_battlements
9710	Anauroch_Castle-eastern_battlements
9711	Anauroch_Castle-inner_courtyard
9712	Anauroch_Castle-upper_story
9713	Anauroch_Castle-Ruined_Temple_Helm
9714	Anauroch_Castle-Watchknight_Tomb
9715	Anauroch_Castle-hideout_Hobart
9716	Anauroch_Castle-dungeon_lvl_1
9717	Anauroch_Castle-dungeon_lvl_2
9718	Anauroch_Castle-dungeon_lvl_3
9800	Anauroch_Castle-Jackal_Clan_caverns-lvl_1
9801	Anauroch_Castle-Jackal_Clan_caverns-lvl_2

COPY_EXISTING + ~rndtres.2da~ ~randitm/rndtres.txt~
COPY + ~randitm-inlined/randitms.txt~ ~randitm~
COPY ~randitm-inlined/iwdareas.ids~ ~override~

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.are$~ ~override~
ln = STRING_LENGTH ~%sres%~
  READ_ASCII 2 area (ln - 2)
TO_LOWER sfile
LOOKUP_IDS_SYMBOL_OF_INT name iwdareas ~%area%~
READ_SHORT 0x76 tc //items count
READ_LONG 0x78 tf //items offset
SPRINT ~rndt~ ~~ //Random items
rndc = 0 //Random count
FOR (j1 = 0; j1 < tc; j1 += 1) BEGIN
  READ_ASCII (j1 * 0x14 + tf) rndi ELSE ~null~
  PATCH_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED(~rndtres.2da~ ~^%rndi%[%TAB% ]~) = 1) BEGIN
	rndc += 1
	TO_LOWER rndi
	SPRINT ~rndt~ ~%rndt%%rndi% ~
	APPEND_OUTER ~randitm/randitms.txt~ ~%sfile%	%name%	%rndc%	%rndt%~

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~
TO_LOWER sfile
READ_STRREF 0x8 name ELSE ~<Invalid>~
ln = STRING_LENGTH ~%name%~
	READ_ASCII 0 name (32)
  ln = 32
  INNER_PATCH_SAVE name ~%name%~ BEGIN
READ_LONG 0x320 so ELSE 0 //slots offset
READ_LONG 0x324 io ELSE 0 //items offset
SPRINT ~rndt~ ~~ //Random items
rndc = 0 //Random count
FOR (j1 = so; j1 < (so + 38 * 2); j1 += 2) BEGIN
  READ_SHORT j1 j2 ELSE 0 //Slot
  PATCH_IF (j2 != 0xffff) BEGIN
	READ_ASCII (io + (j2 * 0x14)) rndi ELSE ~null~
	PATCH_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED(~rndtres.2da~ ~^%rndi%[%TAB% ]~) = 1) BEGIN
	  rndc += 1
	  TO_LOWER rndi
	  SPRINT ~rndt~ ~%rndt%%rndi% ~
	APPEND_OUTER ~randitm/randitms.txt~ ~%sfile%	%name%	%rndc%	%rndt%~

Save it in a folder called randitm, copy WeiDU.exe to setup-randitm.exe and execute that. It produces a log in randitm/randitms.txt like this (easier to read if you paste it into a spreadsheet program):

Resource	Name	#	RndItms
ar1201.are	Easthaven_prolog-missing_caravan-orc_cave	1	ec3tres 
ar3101.are	Vale_Shadows-minor_tomb	1	vs2tres 
ar3501.are	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-1st_lvl	1	kt1tres 
ar3502.are	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-2nd_lvl	1	kt2tres 
ar3503.are	Vale_Shadows-Tomb_Kresselack-3rd_lvl	1	kt3tres 
ar3601.are	Temple_Forgotten_God-1st_lvl	2	tg1tres tfgtres 
ar3602.are	Temple_Forgotten_God-2nd_lvl	2	tg2tres tg3tres 
ar4001.are	Dragons_Eye-1st_dungeon_lvl_Lizard_King	3	rngp1 rngp1 de1tres 
ar4003.are	Dragons_Eye-3rd_dungeon_lvl_Presio	1	de3tres 
ar4004.are	Dragons_Eye-4th_dungeon_lvl_Eldathyn	3	de2tres de4tres rngp2 
ar4005.are	Dragons_Eye-5th_dungeon_lvl_Yxunomei	4	de6tres de7tres rngp3 rngp3 
ar5001.are	Severed_Hand-main_tower-1st_fl	4	sh_gem sh_gem sh_axe sh_xbow 
ar5002.are	Severed_Hand-main_tower-2nd_fl	2	sh_mstr sh_sswd 
ar5003.are	Severed_Hand-main_tower-3rd_fl	1	sh_shld 
ar5104.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Labelas-1st_fl	1	sht_mag 
ar5202.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-2nd_fl	2	sh_gem sh_whmr 
ar5203.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-3rd_fl	2	sht_clr sh_gem 
ar5204.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Solonor-4th_fl	1	sh_gem 
ar5301.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-1st_fl	1	sh_bow 
ar5302.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-2nd_fl	1	sh_gem 
ar5303.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Corellon-3rd_fl	2	sh_ingsw sh_gem 
ar5403.are	Severed_Hand-Tower_Sheverash-3rd_fl	1	sh_gem 
ar6003.are	Dorns_Deep-orog_cave-Saablic-Krilag	1	ud1tres 
ar6005.are	Dorns_Deep-Tiers_the_Dead	10	ud4tres rngp4 rngp4 ud3tres rngp4 rngp4 ud5tres rngp4 ud2tres rngp4 
ar6006.are	Dorns_Deep-Hall_Heroes	1	ud5tres 
ar8006.are	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Order_Kraken_manor-1st_fl	1	ld4tres 
ar8007.are	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Order_Kraken_manor-2nd_fl	1	ld3tres 
ar8010.are	Lower_Dorns_Deep-Malavons_lair	1	ld5tres 
ar8011.are	Lower_Dorns_Deep-forge-Ilmadia	2	ld1tres ld2tres 
ar9200.are	Barbarian_camp	1	extres4 
ar9600.are	Sea_Moving_Ice	1	extres2 
ar9601.are	Sea_Moving_Ice-cave_entrance	1	extres4 
ar9602.are	Sea_Moving_Ice-Field_Bones	1	extres5 
ad1sklm.cre	Skeleton	1	skel_m1 
ad2sklm.cre	Skeleton	1	skel_m1 
ad2sklr.cre	Skeleton Archer	3	skel_r1 skel_m1 arow_p1 
ad3sklm.cre	Skeleton	1	skel_m1 
ad3sklr.cre	Skeleton Archer	3	skel_r2 skel_m1 arow_p1 
ad4sklr.cre	Skeleton Archer	3	skel_r2 skel_m1 arow_p2 
bar1axe.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar1mce.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar1swd.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar2axe.cre	Wyrm Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar2hmr.cre	Wyrm Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar2swd.cre	Wyrm Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar3axe.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar3mce.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
bar3swd.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar1a.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar1m.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar1s.cre	Bear Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar3a.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar3m.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbar3s.cre	Elk Tribe Warrior	1	rnd9200 
dlbnegrd.cre	Boneguard Skeleton	1	rnd9600 
dlbonec.cre	Bone Scavenger	1	rnd9600 
dlcldaxe.cre	Cold Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlcldhnd.cre	Cold Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlcldmce.cre	Cold Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlcldswd.cre	Cold Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlfznbne.cre	Frozen Bones	1	rnd9600 
dliceaxe.cre	Iced Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlicehnd.cre	Iced Bones	1	rnd9600 
dliceswd.cre	Iced Bones	1	rnd9600 
dlicetr.cre	Greater Ice Troll	1	rnd9600 
dlscrag.cre	Scrag	1	rnd9600 
dlsnotr.cre	Greater Snow Troll	1	rnd9600 
dlyeti.cre	Berg Yeti	1	rnd9600 
drowned.cre	Drowned Dead	1	rnd9300 
frostbit.cre	Frostbite	1	wtgtres 
giantfg.cre	Frost Giant Guard	1	wtgtres 
giantfn.cre	Frost Giant	1	wtgtres 
giantfs.cre	Joril's Bodyguard	1	wtgtres 
gobehq1.cre	Goblin Elite	1	eh1tres 
gorg.cre	Gorg	1	wtgtres 
invissal.cre	Frost Salamander	1	wtgtres 
invistrl.cre	Snow Troll	1	wtgtres 
joril.cre	Joril	2	wt1tres wtgtres 
kalabac.cre	Corpse	1	ud1tres 
kaylessa.cre	Kaylessa	1	sh2tres 
kerish.cre	Kerish	1	wt3tres 
kontik.cre	Kontik	2	wt2tres wtgtres 
ktsk1.cre	Skeleton	1	skel_m1 
ktska1.cre	Skeleton Archer	4	skel_r1 skel_m1 arow_p1 rngp1 
ktska2.cre	Skeleton Archer	4	skel_r2 skel_m1 arow_p1 rngp1 
ktska3.cre	Skeleton Archer	4	skel_r2 skel_m1 arow_p2 rngp2 
ktskh1.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp1 
ktskh2.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp2 
ktskh3.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp3 
ktsks1.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp1 
ktskt1.cre	Tattered Skeleton	1	tskelp1 
ktskt2.cre	Tattered Skeleton	1	tskelp2 
ktsmg2.cre	Skeletal Mage	1	wtgtres 
kttas1.cre	Tattered Skeleton	1	tskelp1 
kttas2.cre	Tattered Skeleton	1	tskelp2 
kttas3.cre	Tattered Skeleton	1	tskelp3 
kttga1.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp1 
kttga2.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp2 
kttga3.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp3 
kttgm1.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp1 
kttgm3.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp3 
mgo5.cre	Goblin	1	eh1tres 
mytos.cre	Mytos	1	wtgtres 
rbibarr.cre	Barrow Wight	2	wepran rnd9400 
rbidrow.cre	Drowned Dead	1	rnd9300 
remorha.cre	Remorhaz	1	rnd9500 
rktskelm.cre	Skeleton	1	skel_m1 
rktskelr.cre	Skeleton	3	skel_r1 skel_m1 arow_p1 
rkttguam.cre	Temple Guardian	1	askelp2 
rwtsalf.cre	Frost Salamander	1	wtgtres 
sacler.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
saclerbw.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
saclersp.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
saeguard.cre	Sahuagin Elite Guard	1	rnd9603 
sagrdm.cre	Sahuagin Royal Guard	1	rnd9603 
saking.cre	Sahuagin King	1	rnd9603 
saprince.cre	Sahuagin Prince	1	rnd9603 
sarguard.cre	Sahuagin Royal Guard	1	rnd9603 
sarpries.cre	Sahuagin Royal High Priestess	1	rnd9603 
sarunpr.cre	Sahuagin Underpriestess	1	rnd9603 
saumber.cre	Vodyanoi	1	rnd9603 
sawar.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
sawarbw.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
sawarsp.cre	Sahuagin	1	rnd9603 
sdelfpr.cre	Shadowed Elven Priest	1	sh4tres 
sdorcax3.cre	Shadowed Orc Chieftain	1	sh8tres 
sevsoul.cre	Severed Soul	1	sh3tres 
shamgho.cre	Ghost Shaman	1	wepran 
shamgn.cre	Ghost Shaman	1	wepran 
skelserr.cre	Serrated Skeleton	1	sh1tres 
therik.cre	Therik	2	tskelp2 vs3tres 
uligar.cre	Uligar	1	orctres 
vscyeti.cre	Yeti Chieftain	1	vs1tres 
wightba.cre	Barrow Wight	2	wepran rnd9400 
wightimb.cre	Imbued Wight	1	wtgtres 
wtcyeti.cre	Yeti Chieftain	1	wtgtres 
wtettin.cre	Ettin	1	wtgtres 
wticetr1.cre	Greater Ice Troll	1	wtgtres 
wticetr2.cre	Ice Troll	1	wtgtres 
wticetrl.cre	Greater Ice Troll	1	wtgtres 
wtsalf1.cre	Frost Salamander	1	wtgtres 
wtsalf2.cre	Frost Salamander	1	wtgtres 
wtsalf3.cre	Frost Salamander	1	wtgtres 
wtsnotro.cre	Snow Troll	1	wtgtres 
wtyeti.cre	Glacier Yeti	1	wtgtres 
wyrm.cre	White Wyrm	1	wtgtres

From there it's easy to make a version that edits all the items (remove the NO_LOG_RECORD for that so you can uninstall it - no need to uninstall this since it doesn't make any changes to the game). But of course, you'd need to have some idea of what you want to replace the rndtres items with (makes little sense to replace them with random values from rndtres.2da since the game does that automatically heh). WeiDU has easy commands for REPLACE_CRE_ITEM, REPLACE_AREA_ITEM etc.


Thanks! The list helps a bit, but considering it's just a mod for the four of us playing cooperative (and we've only installed two other mods), I think WeiDUing it might be overkill, at the moment.


Also, a related question, anybody know how to extract sounds from Neverwinter Nights 2, or is there a Sand soundset floating around? :)


Well, I think editing all those areas and creatures by hand with NI/DLTCEP or whatever would be 'overkill' (hence why WeiDU would be much easier) but suit yourself :).


NWN sounds are in MP3 or some other format, so you need to convert them to WAV/WAVC for IE to use them. Also you usually want to lower the volume to match. I usually have to use NWN Explorer, GoldWave and PS GUI for all that.

NWN sounds are in MP3 or some other format, so you need to convert them to WAV/WAVC for IE to use them. Also you usually want to lower the volume to match. I usually have to use NWN Explorer, GoldWave and PS GUI for all that.

Awesome! Thanks! I'm no stranger to sound converting/editing/cutting, so that shouldn't be a problem. :)


EDIT: Hmm, can NWN Explorer handle NWN2's files? I found the sounds, but they seem to be compressed in an odd format.

Hmm, can NWN Explorer handle NWN2's files? I found the sounds, but they seem to be compressed in an odd format.
I don't own NWN2 and have only worked with NWN1 - I think they might be separate formats with separate toolsets. A search of their modding forums should reveal some modding tools, if you can sift through the rubbish (not an easy task... makes the IE forums look clean by comparison :)).

Not only was that authentic spambot gibberish, but it expressed a nonsense that is commonly seen in this day and age.

Hmm, can NWN Explorer handle NWN2's files? I found the sounds, but they seem to be compressed in an odd format.
I don't own NWN2 and have only worked with NWN1 - I think they might be separate formats with separate toolsets. A search of their modding forums should reveal some modding tools, if you can sift through the rubbish (not an easy task... makes the IE forums look clean by comparison :)).

Alright, I'll see what I can do about asking on the "official" forums, or tracking down Kendrin's forum.


Not only was that authentic spambot gibberish, but it expressed a nonsense that is commonly seen in this day and age.

Indeed. That should be studied so it can be prevented, along with "Now can we both please retire from this string as real sports, not retorts, i have so much dignity," from a forum I admin. XD


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