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Minor bug in Jaheira quest


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lines 390-391 of x#jaqu.d:


IF ~InParty("khalid") InMyArea("khalid") !StateCheck("khalid",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%KHALID_JOINED%~ KhalidBeadorTalk
IF ~OR(2) !InParty("khalid") Dead("khalid")~ DO ~SetGlobal("X#JaheiraHealsB","GLOBAL",5)~ EXTERN ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ JaheiraBeadorNoKhalidTalk


I was throwing around silencing spells against the druids, and since Khalid got hit by one, he was not valid but not quite dead. Cue, NVROL. I was able to get the full conversation to trigger as soon as it wore off, but I thought you might want to know anyway. =)

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Heck yes - I just need to figure out what to do with that, as the Beador path with Khalid references Jaheira missing him. I suspect we will have to go with changing Khalid's statecheck to !Dead() and then making sure the rest of the path keeps him from talking if he is CD_S_NV.

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Well, we could - the hassle with all of that is some folks want the dialog no matter what, and some folks don't like the immersion-breaking "hey, he just spoke, and he was silenced", and some folks would rather the whole thing only happen when it is a nice evening, there is a good cup of tea on the table, and the conditions are juuuuust right....


I think in this case, since I can't reopen the dialog (and don't want to) it might be safest just to use !Dead and Dead. Cue http://youtu.be/4vuW6tQ0218

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