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IceWind Dale 2


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ok, cool good to konw. Just need to figure out whats wrong with my GUIScript error and then it should work fine. Also, I modded my game with the ToB-Ex mod, will this cause problems as it says it modded the .exe and I read somewhere that modding the .exe will cause problems. could this be the cause? Or is ToB-Ex supported?

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it will have no effect, since we're not using that exe or any other for that matter. We support some of its extensions, while some changes are not necessary for our code.




does exist, make sure it is readable.

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That log shows a 0.7.0 gemrb. Is that the newest available for you?


The second log seems better, but you still have some path problems.

The easiest way of checking if something is readable is reading it.

This could be difficult in a remote device, i guess you don't have something like a 'shell'

where you could type in commands like 'more /mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/GUIScripts/GUIClasses.py'

On windows/linux/mac osx these things work, sadly i have no experience with limited environments like a smartphone.

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I don't understand why your GamePath=/mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/ and GemRBPath=/mnt/sdcard/app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb/ are all the same. GamePath should point to the original game data, while GemRBPath should point to GemRB. These two shouldn't be mixed.

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Because the gamepath and CD paths are addting /data after even if I do not put them in. After running them directing to /data it goes to /data/data, and gives me an error. The only problem, that lynx is saying is a problem is the GUIScripts. And I downloaded the app off the Google.play market, and did more research to find that the market app hasn't been updated. I downloaded the files that were in the LATEST VERSION link. So unless that link is wrong and has an incorrect version as well, yes it is the latest I could find.


Also, I have to put these files on my phone somehow... So, yes I have a computer.

Would you mind explaining what I should be looking for when reading this file? I didn't write this code so I am not sure what I should find or not find.

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Ok so the link I used had a different version of 7.1 and I downloaded the latest files on SourceForge and am installing the new files onto my phone now. Will let you know if the new version clears up the problems.


Nope, after running the program it comes up with the exact same error.


Should I be removing all the old files when updating GemRB or overwriting and keeping the ones it doesnt overwrite?

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gamepath is the path to IWD NOT the path to gemrb. really you should only have to set gamepath and maybe a single cd path if it is GOG.


I already explained why I put it short of Data. If you read my post I clearly say:


The program is adding /data to the end of the string I put. So if I manually enter /data at the end, it looks for the ending: /data/data


That folder is non existent, there is no data folder inside the data folder. So when I take it off, and leave no /data at the end, it looks properly and I get no error for gamepath.


Lynx has already said that the only error message taht is important is the GUIScripts error. So, can someone please explain what I should look for when inspecting this file with an error?


And also I already said I don't have the GOG version, I ahve the Gamestop Version, has CD folders. Also, I am running Baldurs Gate 2.


So should I be removing all the contents that GemRB puts in the app-data/net.sourceforge.gemrb folder? Or overwriting when I update?


I checked to see if the GUIClasses.py file could be read, and I was able to open it with notepad and read the lines. So I am not sure what the problem is.

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Guys, the bundle probably installs in the same dir, that's why the paths are the same.


If you updated to a newer gemrb, then yes, it's best to delete the old folders first. Likely doesn't matter for that build, but it soon will again, since we <some internal refactoring blabla>.

No need to touch any game files in the process.

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