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BG1 Bhaalspawn Dreams - How Does One Detect They Happen?


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I'm coding an encounter with a conversation that should only happen after at least one Bhaalspawn dream.


(I think, since a certain amount of travel and time from gamestart is inherent in getting to this particular encounter, I'll take the dreams as a given.)


But I'm curious now - how does the game record that a Dream has happened so it doesn't retrigger? Does anyone know?

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There even exist OUTER_SPRINT variables for it, because it seems it's not consistent between the games. I will add them to our lib. Taken from BG1NPC Project:


For bgt, it would be:

/* Declaration of BGT Platform Variables */

/* tp2, d, and baf parsing variables */

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdreams" "BG1Dream"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream1" "1"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream2" "2"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream3" "3"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream4" "4"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream5" "5"

OUTER_SPRINT "bgdream6" "6"

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