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SR V4 Open Beta (last update 25 October 2018)

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@beta testers, do not re-download SR beta until I post again unless you know what may need to be done. I've uploaded a new build but it's not for everyone. As soon as we check a few things I'll post the change-log and let you know the build is safe. ;)


@Kreso, go ahead, smash your head on my usual packaging mistakes :D

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@beta testers, do not re-download SR beta until I post again unless you know what may need to be done. I've uploaded a new build but it's not for everyone. As soon as we check a few things I'll post the change-log and let you know the build is safe. ;)


@Kreso, go ahead, smash your head on my usual packaging mistakes :D

Muahahahha :D

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Seems fine I guess. I don't really understand why SS doesn't work. :undecided:


Something must be very wrong. I previous attempts, at least the spells which are supposed to remove SS were patched correctly.

Now, they aren't. With fixed SS, all of them cast two spells - one "usual", the other targeting specifically SS.

Previously the problem was that SS wouldn't protect you from the original removal spells - now the problem is bigger - nothing gets patched at all.

Edited by kreso
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I've sent a PM to Crevs. He was convinced the code was working. :( Let's hope he can check it tonight. I'll be around tomorrow morning to hopefully re-upload everything once fixed.


Btw, when it comes to my stuff instead...you found only a single bam mistake within that huge amount of changes? Really? Then I'll have to add more stuff! :D

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Well, I didn't check everything :) . I'm making a fresh install now, so I'll know more tonight.

Anyhow, I've been thinking about what we've done to Haste and the apr limit...we could alternatively do something to keep both these spells more similar to vanilla.


Level 3 Haste becomes an AoE, lasts as now (1 turn), doesn't use Haste opcode (same as now)

Level 6 Imp.Haste - single target, *does* use normal Haste opcode


Net effect:

- closer to vanilla game

- since sometimes (rarely, but it does happen) SCS mages will use these spells to buff specific fighters and/or party = more compatibility friendlieness with SCS

- with Haste opcode regen spells lost a lot of power - so we can mitigate that by level 6 Imp.Haste using the opcode

- apr is no longer limited to 5, but 6, if one really wants to push it by dual-wielding a speed weapon or use Tugian

- fewer people will complain

- "bad" effect - level 3 would still be a significant buff to summons (I'd drop the bonuses to +1, even if it means Haste isn't a counterpart to Slow); but I guess we can all live with that considering the low duration (1 turn followed by instant fatigue).

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Well, I Installed SR (previous build) & IR + SCS yesterday on BG2EE. I thought it will be like good ol' times - me and old friends together. It was all good until Jaheira tried to summon help with ASI spell.


Long story short: something is very wrong with RATSU.ITM or with BG2EE engine... It crashes every time when game creates npc with RATSU.ITM equipped. Item itself works perfectly even via C:CreateItem("ratsu"). Best of all, I tested all other items Demi created for other summoning spells - and they all works!. However, if you remove from RATSU.ITM equipped weapon ability (1d2 damage + diseases + color change) - all works flawlessly.

Edited by DreamSlaveOne
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@DreamSlaveOne, it's a known EE-only issue. It doesn't like rats, bats, and other small creatures which were not supposed to have attacks. I'll fix it asap. Ignore ASI for now sorry.


@kreso, I'm sympathetic but:

- one of the main reasons we changed the spells was to remove the wonky haste opcode, I don't like the idea of re-introducing 2x repeating Blade Barriers and aura-like effects. Wrong +apr values is less of an issue for IH and high levels, but it still is a noticeable flaw imo. And I don't know if I like to create an inconsisctency, either both spells use the real haste opcode, or none of them. Am I the only one feeling like this?

- if SCS use Haste on a Fighter it still works fine assuming it targets the creature it cares the most and not a random one.

- a 3rd lvl buff granting +1 apr to an army of summons is stupidly OP imo


Btw, doesn't off-hand attack extend the cap to 6 apr?

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I think exactly as Demi about Haste. If it was not for the Haste opcode not working the way, it should we'd readily agree readily with your suggestion kreso.

Edited by Salk
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Errrm.... Demi, those rats and bats (I tested!) summons just fine if equipped with weapons from ASII or Chaos +2 for example or stripped (removed special attack) version of RATSU. Summoned bats even defend me from Irenicus Chateau sentry golems. :undecided:


EDIT. If there is a way to keep rats/bats for BG2EE even if it means some work for me then I would gladly help.

Edited by DreamSlaveOne
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Errrm.... Demi, those rats and bats (I tested!) summons just fine if equipped with weapons from ASII or Chaos +2 for example or stripped (removed special attack) version of RATSU. Summoned bats even defend me from Irenicus Chateau sentry golems. :undecided:


EDIT. If there is a way to keep rats/bats for BG2EE even if it means some work for me then I would gladly help.

Wait...do you mean it's not the attack animation the problem but something else on ratsu.itm (maybe a flag or something)? Not sure why something like that could work on vanilla and not on EE though.

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Yep, I double checked that right now. Bats with two handed swords or any weapon work without issues. It's not the animation. Problem is somewhere else.

Ok then I'll try something and re-upload.


For Spell Shield I fear there's no hope even this time around. Crevs is not around and I cannot leave an unfinished build on the link for too long. :(

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Yep, I double checked that right now. Bats with two handed swords or any weapon work without issues. It's not the animation. Problem is somewhere else.

Can you try to edit out the "cast spell on condition" effect from ratsu.itm and see if it works? I really cannot find any other difference between ratsu.itm and for example dogwasu.itm to justify the EE issue.

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