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Adding some effects to spells


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I need some code that would patch a specific spell (say Pro Fire, spwi319) with protection against another spell (say Ice Storm, spwi404.) .

If Pro Fire had one header, this is easy. COPY_EXISTING spwi319.spl override add spell effect 206 vs spwi404 done.


How can I patch multiple times (up to level 20) for correct duration?





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Here is a piece of code I use to clone SPPR403 into new spells :

ACTION_FOR_EACH Rapidite2 IN ~GWAgiPeg~    // Agilité du Pégase
                             ~GWDesAil~    // Destrier ailé
                             ~GWLicPeg~    // Agilité du Pégase
                             ~GWLicAil~    // Ailes du Zéphyr
    COPY_EXISTING  ~SPPR403.spl~ ~override/%Rapidite2%.spl~

// Définition des variables
            GWAgiPeg BEGIN  SET ailes = 0    TEXT_SPRINT icone "GWAGIPE"    SET duree_B = 18  SET niveau = 1 SET loc = 2    SET p_hate = 2    SET nom = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7711023) // Agilité du Pégase
                            SET ecole2 = 13  SET desc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7711024)            SET messfin = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7130123) END // Fin d'agilité du Pégase
            GWLicPeg BEGIN  SET ailes = 0    TEXT_SPRINT icone "GWLICPE"    SET duree_B = 18  SET niveau = 1 SET loc = 4    SET p_hate = 2    SET nom = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7711023) // Agilité du Pégase
                            SET ecole2 = 13  SET desc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7729102)            SET messfin = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7130123) END // Fin d'agilité du Pégase
            GWDesAil BEGIN  SET ailes = 1    TEXT_SPRINT icone "GWDESAI"    SET duree_B = 0   SET niveau = 1 SET loc = 4    SET p_hate = 1    SET nom = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7719403) // Destrier ailé
                            SET ecole2 = 12  SET desc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7719404)            SET messfin = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7130124) END // Fin des effets de Destrier ailé
            GWLicAil BEGIN  SET ailes = 1    TEXT_SPRINT icone "GWLICAI"    SET duree_B = 0   SET niveau = 1 SET loc = 4    SET p_hate = 1    SET nom = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7729401) // Ailes du Zéphyr
                            SET ecole2 = 12  SET desc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7729402)            SET messfin = RESOLVE_STR_REF (@7130125) END // Fin des effets des Ailes du Zéphyr
// Paramétrage général
        WRITE_ASCII 0x10 ~~ #8 // casting sound
            GWAgiPeg BEGIN    WRITE_LONG  0x1e THIS | BIT6 | BIT31    END    // ajoute Abjurer et Druidic exclusions
            DEFAULT           WRITE_LONG  0x1e THIS | BIT1 | BIT6 | BIT31    // ajoute Evil Priest, Abjurer et Druidic exclusions
        WRITE_LONG 0x8 "%nom%"    WRITE_LONG 0x50 "%desc%"
        WRITE_SHORT  0x1c loc       // spelltype
        WRITE_SHORT  0x22 0         // graphics
        WRITE_BYTE   0x25 8         // school1
        WRITE_BYTE   0x27 ecole2    // school2
        WRITE_LONG   0x34 1         // spelllevel
        WRITE_ASCIIE 0x3a EVAL "%icone%C" #8

// Ajout des nouveaux effets (add new effects)
        FOR (header=1;header<=50;++header) BEGIN
            SET power = 1
            SET resist_dispel = 3
            SET target = 2
            SET duree = duree_B + 6*header
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 139 target timing = 4 duration = duree parameter1 = messfin power resist_dispel header END
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 142 target duration = duree parameter2 = 38 power resist_dispel header END    // Graphics: Display Special Effect Icon [142] : 38   Haste
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 50 target duration = 6 parameter1 = "-256" parameter2 = 1966080 power resist_dispel header END    // Colour: Glow by RGB (Brief) [50]
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 141 target timing = 4 duration = duree parameter2 = 0 power resist_dispel header END    // Graphics: Lighting Effects [141] : 0 aqua SHAIR
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 174 target timing = 1 power resist_dispel header STR_VAR resource = EFF_M28 END
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 139 target timing = 1 parameter1 = nom power resist_dispel header END
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 141 target timing = 3 duration = 3 parameter2 = 30 power resist_dispel header END    // Graphics: Lighting Effects [141] : 30 white SHWATER
            PATCH_IF ("%ailes%" = 1) BEGIN
                LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 0 target duration = duree parameter1 = 2 parameter2 = 2 power resist_dispel header END    // Stat: AC vs. Damage Type Modifier [0]
                LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 285 target duration = duree parameter1 = 2 power resist_dispel header END    // Stat: Melee Weapon Damage Modifier [285]
                LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 284 target duration = duree parameter1 = 2 power resist_dispel header END    // Stat: Melee THAC0 Modifier [284]
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 308 target duration = duree parameter2 = 1 power resist_dispel header END        // Protection: From Tracking [308]
            LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = 0 opcode = 16 target duration = duree parameter2 = p_hate power resist_dispel header END    // State: Haste 2 [317] 2 Speed haste without attack bonuses
            PATCH_FOR_EACH res IN ~SPWI613~ ~SPWISH36~ ~SPWISH37~ ~SPWISH40~ ~RR#WSH37~ ~SPIN655~ ~GWAGIPE~ ~GWDESAI~ ~GWLICPE~ ~GWLICAI~ BEGIN        // Bénéficie déjà des effets d'un sort similaire
                LPF ADD_SPELL_EFFECT INT_VAR insert_point = "-1" opcode = 206 target duration = duree parameter1 = mess_modif power resist_dispel header STR_VAR resource = EVAL "%res%" END    // Spell: Protection from Spell [206]


Just modify the variables and adjust the headers number and it should work.

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Actually wait, shouldn't CLONE_EFFECT be able to do this without kreso having to manually iterate over the headers? It defaults to


INT_VAR headers = -1


...so as long as there is an existing effect with the correct duration in every header (which is true of most spells) then it should do the work for you.



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Actually wait, shouldn't CLONE_EFFECT be able to do this without kreso having to manually iterate over the headers? It defaults to


INT_VAR headers = -1


...so as long as there is an existing effect with the correct duration in every header (which is true of most spells) then it should do the work for you.




It might...

My code was written before the CLONE_EFFECT release...


From that time, I am working on simplying my tp2. But until then, I m sure this one works... ;)

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