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About Gwendolyne

  • Birthday November 6

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  • Mods Worked On
    Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel

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  1. Ouah !!!! A new Kitanna NPC mod. I can't wait to test it. .
  2. I can't confirm this officially, but according to all my testings, I would agree. For example, I had to add a global effect adjusting the movement rate in all the .cre files using my horses and unicorns animation to render a smooth walking.
  3. Thanks for the kind words! The translation is mainly @JohnBobwork. I only proofread it and harmonized it with official strrefs. Mainly two components : Improved Mae'Var (removed because it was redundant with BP Tactics) and nothief which allowed a no-thief PC to achieve the Thief quest. Both are deprecated as many newer mods provide the same features. For people who might be interested, or simply curious, I kept them as zip files into the /legacy mod sub-folder.
  4. Thanks! The previous version restored content that the author had deleted many years ago. Moreover, the new one includes two new translations (a new French one and an old Italian one that had been lost in SHS threads...).
  5. The mod Expanded Thief Stronghold has been updated and is officially released. Please remove the hacked version DL link from the list and replace it with the official one.
  6. Spellhold Studios The Expanded Thief Stronghold mod (from Gebhard Blucher) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support. Version 3.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible (thanks Gwendolyne), comes with French (JohnBob) and Italian (ilot) translations, and includes a few fixes. This mod expands the thief stronghold to make it more interesting by adding new quests and importing Narlen Darkwalk and Black Lilly from the Baldur's Gate Shadow Thieves guild into Athkatla. Read the Readme Download the mod at SHS SHS official GitHub alternate download center Change log: Added gbthfkp.ini metadata file (including dynamic installation order syntax and global `LABELS`) to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity". Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`. Added Immutability concept. Replaced `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` conditions to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games. Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "ts_expanded_thief_stronghold_main" `LABEL`. Externalized tp2 code into main_component.tpa library for more comfortable readability and maintenance. Commented code as much as possible. Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibility: Added WeiDU's built-in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games. Restored items' usability restriction flags in descriptions for original games and removed them for EE games with `GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE` WeiDU function. Provided accurate sized NPC portraits for EE games. Replaced old portraits with PPE ones to insure compatibility with EE games (it was impossible to resize the original ones), and gave Kumuzu his PPE portrait. Replaced .wav sound clips with .ogg files, rewrote their installation procedure with WeiDU's built-in `HANDLE_AUDIO` function, and provided localized missing sound clips only when needed. Script files: removed OnCreation() action from blocks that have a `LOCALS/GLOBAL` associated with them. Spells installation: removed useless `SAY NAME2` patches. Included BWP Vlad's Timer problem fix here and here. Modernized area patching with homemade `GW_ALTER_AREA_ENTRANCE` and `GW_ALTER_AREA_REGION` WeiDU functions. Sword of Olidammara +4 (ts5loot1.itm): Fixed wrong effects probability (15 %, was 5%). Fixed wrong portrait icon (Confused, was Charmed). Hard-coded general items names and descriptions whenever relevant. Moved installation messages from gwthfkp.tra file to setup.tra file for more comfortable readability. Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts when available. Added French translation (by JohnBob). Added Italian translation (by ilot). Proofread English strrefs (Gwendolyne). Reformatted, updated and renamed readme file to "expanded_thief_stronghold-readme-english.html", then moved it into new "readme" folder. Moved useless files into new "legacy" folder, and removed useless "backup" folder. Lower cased files. Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!). Added OggDec to v1.9.7 and added sox v14.4.1 for mac. Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv license info. Updated WeiDU installer to v249. Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account
  7. @morpheus562Thanks a lot! For those interested in, you can find the dialog.tlk converted to .txt file here.
  8. NWN2 .tlk file structure is different from other IE games and can't be traified by WeiDU. However, I can convert them to .txt files. That would be nice if you can provide me with it.
  9. Thanks a lot ! I had spotted this tool a long time ago in the GitHub repo, but could not use it due to lack of exe.
  10. The French translator is unfortunately ill. But he intends to work on the update as soon as possible.
  11. In BG2-ToB, it has mainly been translated with "Bonne journée !", "Bonne chance !"...
  12. La Couronne de Cuivre The BuTcHeRy mod (from DrAzTiK) has been updated to v5.0.0 and is now available with macOS and Linux support. Version 5.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, provides English (by Gwendolyne and Lauriel) and Russian (by yota13) translations, and comes with many new components. The genesis of this mod was to add a challenging and fun fight in Firkraag's hideout. Since then, it has grown considerably and now aims to : Allow players to achieve 'epic' fights in large rooms or spaces because it is really boring and frustrating to fight in a corridor, especially in BG2.Bring BG2 as close as possible to a Dungeon crawler game.Difficulty level scaling: difficulty will be adjusted according to the game difficulty level, which can be set in the Gameplay subsection of the Options menu.Spice up many battles by turning them into 'butchery fights', with a few spawns and respawns.Make a few non-spellcaster creatures a bit more challenging (while non cheated) using kit abilities, having proficiencies in weapons, etc.Have challenging and charismatic bosses (Tazok, DigDag, Sarevok).Keep 100% content of the original game. I add a few things, but I don't remove a single one.Add some fun dialogues and cutscenes.No big loots or new magical items.Have 100% compatibility and optimization with Stratagems and Item Revisions (especially with its potions revisions component). Note: As DraZtiK has decided to take a step back from modding, I will take over the maintenance of his mod. Still hosted at La Couronne de Cuivre, the BuTcHerY is also available on my GitHub account. In case of problems, don't hesitate to report them in the dedicated thread or on my GitHub account by opening an "issue". But... I will only take care of the technical maintenance (fixing bugs or malfunctions, adding translations...) and will not touch the content. This mod is the result of DrAztIk's work and imagination, and it is out of the question that I modify or alter its content in any way. Read the Readme - Lisez-moi Visit the Mod Forum Download the mod at LCC (direct link) GitHub alternate download center Change log: Added butchery.ini metadata file (including dynamic installation order syntax and global `LABELS`) to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity". Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`. Added Immutability concept. Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` conditions to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games. Commented code as much as possible. Fixed installer to avoid installing the same files more than once, regardless of the components installed. Added native BG2:EE and EET: Added chapters continuity for EET games. Provided accurate sized NPC portraits for EE games. Added "Groumf and Bourrinos Encounter at Firkraag's Hideout entrance" component. Added "Groumf and Bourrinos Encounter at Brynnlaw" component. Added "Groumf and Bourrinos Encounter in the Underdark" component. Added "Revisited fight against Wraith Sarevok in the Abyss" component. Added "Add battle songs in some areas that do not have any" component. Added "DrAzTiK's Creatures" component. Added "Butchery in Irenicus Dungeon (Dwarves)" component. Added "Butchery in the Forest of Tethyr (Animals and Druids)" component. Added "Butchery in the planar sphere (Demonic creatures)" component. Added "3 butcheries in Spellhold (Golems, Vampires and Trolls)" component. Added "Butchery outside de'Arnise Keep (Trolls)" component. Added "Butchery in Windspear Hills (Orcs)" component. Added "Butchery in Umar Hills (Wolves)" component. Added "2 butcheries in Trademeet and outside Watcher's Keep (Animals)" component. Added "2 butcheries of Golems in Suldanessellar and Watcher's Keep (Machine of Lum the Mad floor)" component. Added "Butchery of Yaga-Shura revisited" component. Added "Butchery in the Druid Grove area (Animals and Druids)" component. Added "Butchery in the Beholder Hideout (Fanatics)" component. Added "Butchery in Bodhi's Hideout (chapter 2, before Underdark) - Vampires" component. Added "Butchery in Bodhi's Hideout (chapter 6, after Underdark) - Vampires" component. Added "2 butcheries of Sahuagins in Sahuagin City and Watcher's Keep (Githyanki Encampment)" component. Added "4 butcheries of spiders in Pai'Na's Hideout entrance, Temple City (Unseeing Eye Plot), Watcher's Keep first floor (Altar level) and in the area outside Sendai's Hideout" component. Added "6 butcheries of skeletons in the lower tombs of Athkatla, Shadow Temple Land, Spellhold, Watcher's Keep (Last Seals), and 2 in Nyalee's Hideout" component. Added "More enemies scattered throughout the game" component. Added "Cosmetic component" component. "DrAzTiK's revisited fight against Tazok and DigDag" component: Renamed .tpa file name to 10_improved_tazok_fight.tpa. Flagged potions as "undroppable" in creatures' inventories. Added `Continue()` action when appending are .bcs files with `EXTEND_TOP` command. "Rebalancing some generic creatures" component: Renamed .tpa file name to 11_rebalancing_creatures.tpa. Improved more creatures' statistics. "Rebalancing Tazok and DigDag" component: Renamed .tpa file name to 12_rebalancing_tazok.tpa. Flagged potions as "undroppable" in creatures' inventories. Compiled d9tazokk.baf if 1st component has not been installed. Added Russian translation (by yota13). Proofread English strrefs and completed English translation (Gwendolyne and Lauriel). Added brand new butchery-readme-%LANGUAGE%.html files, with videos and moved them into new "readme" folder. Removed useless "backup" folder. Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types. Lower cased files. Included Linux and maxOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!). Updated OggDec to v1.9.7 and added sox v14.4.1 for mac. Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv license info. Updated WeiDU installer to v247.
  13. This is a long-term plan. As new potential translators have come forward, the older ones are giving them a hand to facilitate their first translation. And it works, they do it again! As a result, we can reduce our to-do list.
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