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Clean and New EET/BWS Installation

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K4thos, I'll do that on my next install.


As for my SCS Out of Memory issues.... The Out of Memory seems to pop up when selecting Smarter Priests. If I select the 3rd option [6042]Priests never cast short duration spells instantly at start of combat SCS installs without a problem.

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The most recent version of Refinements changes the item type of *some* scrolls (those which are usable by thieves by default) from [type = scroll] to [type = wand]. Also there may be a bit of a conflict with Might & Guile which I'm already working on.


I have no idea what SCS actually tries to *do* with scrolls, which is an issue for troubleshooting.


Also I don't know if or why a Summon Cow scroll might be usable by thieves...


I wonder why if that's the reason I havn't been able to scribe any scrolls on my latest installs and tests.

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How recent are your "latest" installs? Refinements v4rc14 went up a week ago; that version at least should not have those effects.


Arcane spell scrolls are not usable by thieves, so they should be untouched by this code. (Unless some other mod makes arcane scrolls usable by thieves...)

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Have a feeling it's not a refinements issue since Flipper had the same problem with scrolls(exce[pt he didn't have refinements installed). I ran a change log on a spell cause in NI it was labelled 'Food'? Mage's couldn't scirbe it to spellbooks but could cast it from a quick slot. I'll keep digging around and see if I get my install to how I want it to behave.


Mods affecting SCRL67.ITM:
00000: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 19 // Revised Backstabbing -> More Weapons Usable for Backstabbing: V4 Beta 10
00001: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 3110 // Increase Scroll Stacking -> Unlimited Scroll Stacking: v1
00002: ~REFINEMENTS/SETUP-REFINEMENTS.TP2~ 0 10 // Revised High Level Abilities -> Install revised HLAs for all classes: beta 4.14
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I've not yet figured out what's causing it. In some installs they got changed to "Miscellaneous" and others got changed to "food". Still doing different combinations to try and figure it out.


Question - how do you run the change log? I've been doing it the hard way of installing and uninstalling various mod combinations.

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I've not yet figured out what's causing it. In some installs they got changed to "Miscellaneous" and others got changed to "food". Still doing different combinations to try and figure it out.


Question - how do you run the change log? I've been doing it the hard way of installing and uninstalling various mod combinations.

Extract this file into your game directory:


Open it for editing with right click in any editor

Replace the file names in the bottom lines with the files you want to analyse.

Create a folder named change-log in your game directory.

Now run the bat file. It will create a txt file in your change-log directory with a list of the mods/mod-components that have changed the file. It will be in the sequence they operated. In addition you will find a copy of the file at each of the found stages.

You can search for one or more files at a time. Any time you want to do a new search on a different file, just edit the bat file.

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I used the changelog to check what files changed my magic missile file. Might and guile was the last one to change it and lo and behold. By copying the backup file from might and guiles backup folder to the override, the magic missile goes back to being of the scroll category.


Mods affecting SCRL77.ITM:
00000: ~ITEM_REV/ITEM_REV.TP2~ 0 19 // Revised Backstabbing -> More Weapons Usable for Backstabbing: V4 Beta 10
00001: ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ 0 101 // Select an installation method below: -> ALL the new kits, the kit selection dialogue, and the sphere system: 0.64a
00002: ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ 0 200 // Feat System: 3.5.10
I am not sure why the feat system component would even go near the scrolls though.
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I was just checking if that helps me with the oddities I have with scrolls and I found I have an older version of Might and Guile still (3.4) and...scrolls are scrolls. Appears that the change has been done more recently.

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I removed refinements from my list and spells are working like they should. You could load my Tactics ini file and compare to what you have/don't for the conflict.


K4thos - re the invalid menus in token overlay.issue. Could you give me an idea of what type of mod I should be looking for? The message refers to the file found inside here: EET/SOD_GUI/UI.MENU . I'm running a Tactics EET Install minus a few mods. I do have a problem with the dialog box not being expanded. Basically you can see 2 rows of text. But if an NPC(Gavin for instance)talks to you - you have the expanded box showing more options. Does this make sense? I'm not altering the GUI so not sure where to look....


As for COI mods I ended up with same problems that were solved on SHS post. Changing saves to inclSv = 0 worked for my GOG install.


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Weird. I just finished a test install of F&P, M&G and Refinements and all spell scrolls appear to be working as normal. The install was on a BGEE2 install only. I wonder if something is happened during the EET install? I'm now out of ideas :\

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Weird. I just finished a test install of F&P, M&G and Refinements and all spell scrolls appear to be working as normal. The install was on a BGEE2 install only. I wonder if something is happened during the EET install? I'm now out of ideas :\

All of these mods are installed on BG2EE AFTER the EET has been installed, i.e. there should be no difference of what they do between the two games.

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I have tested several installs now and the results show that Item revisions: revised backstabbing(option 19 or 20) combined with might&guile: feat system that causes the scrolls to be turned into the food category. Why this happens I leave to actual modders of baldurs gate to figure out :)

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So, hopefully this gives some clarification:


With Might & Guile v3.5.10's feat system and/or Refinements v4rc14's thief HLA revisions, arcane scrolls such as scrl77.itm are kept as scrolls:



Some scrolls, like green scrolls, have their item type changed:



(This is intended. "Food" can be used from a quickslot just like cast-only scrolls, so there is no in-game difference. And the Scroll Case is modified to accept both kinds.)


The only reason why arcane scrolls are changed is if some other mod messes with them first... I have no idea how/why IR's "Revised Backstabbing" would affect scrolls. IR's "Thieves Can Use Scrolls" component would change them and cause this problem... which is why I specifically call it out as incompatible in my Readme.


However, a little extra work to prevent this is not the end of the world. I'll add in some code that will make sure arcane scrolls retain their ability to scribe into your spellbook from the inventory screen, even if some other mod messes with them first.


EDIT - I've uploaded Might & Guile v3.5.11 and Refinements v4 rc15 which should make sure this doesn't happen to arcane scrolls. Cheers.

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