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IWDEE: no access to HoW

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Well,  I’ve decided to play a IWDEE and decided to put the CDTweaks component #1300 which permit to have access to How/TotL from the Chapter 1. And in his house at Kuldahar Hjollder don’t say anything and don’t activate his line, and I’ve noticed that it’s the same thing in HoW. I don’t know what is the origin of this annoying bug. Thank you for your help. Here the WeiDU log:



all the levels, from the Chapter 2 to the end of IWDEE before to the final fight…and I don’t know what is the origin of this annoying bug…Well if you succed to solve it, thanks a lot.


So you are sure Prof Errata that you are talking about Kuldahar &  Hjollder and:  not Easthaven & Hrothgar. As I would remember that the Chapter 1 is not the same thing in IWDEE as it's in non-EE IWD. As the Chapter 1 starts only after getting past the expedition in the non-EE game. As the areas before that are part of the tutorial chapter or what ever it was named. 


Well,  after having proceeded by trial and error I’ve finally the mod responsible of this bug : the mod MRAN, which place in Lonely Wood a NPC, Anurgath, who permits to the team to return to Kuldahar after having paid a sum. I think personnally it’s a quite simple script problem, which cause the silence of Hjollder, and could be solved by modders who know well the IE language. I hope that this problem could be solved. Thanks by advance.


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