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What does it take to carry over an area?


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I would like to make a custom area, and one in BG2(EE) looked like the right place to copy. I took its ARE, its WED, and, this being for the Enhanced Edition, I exported its TIS as PNG, then carried these files to a different computer, with an installation of BG:EE, the first game. I renamed the files to refer to each other, then coverted the PNG to a "PVRZ-based MOS." Everything seems in place. The area looks cogent in the editor. But characters won't travel to this place from the console - nothing happens. What am I missing? Plus, conversion produces a MOS file with a standard name, MOS... and some zeroes, not including the custom name of the area or the original name. It looks like every conversion is going to produce a file with this name, which obviously creates a big compatibility problem, if I include it. So what gives?

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Because simply copied the TIS appeared only as a gray shape on black, a geometric blot. And the only files that are listed in connection with an area are ARE, WED and TIS.

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25 minutes ago, temnix said:

And the only files that are listed in connection with an area are

In Near Infinity... but what does the IESPD say ? .are . Yeah. And you need to then go back and convert the .png back to a .tis file to use it as a tileset. Do not forget that the NI is just a tool... it's not the perfection of libraries of known things.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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