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Translation requests


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Looking ahead to the next release, I'm going to need a few more strings translated into Czech, French, German, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.


Give Edwin his BG stats

Give Edwin his BG2 stats

Give Jaheira her BG stats

Give Jaheira her BG2 stats

Give Minsc his BG stats

Give Minsc his BG2 stats

Give Viconia her BG stats

Give Viconia her BG2 stats

Commoners use drab colors

Improved item icons


I think we're also missing some additional strings in Russian and Polish. I'll check the tra files tonight.


edit: Forgot four strings.


Make Imoen a Bard

Make Khalid a Fighter/Mage

Make Montaron an Assassin

Fixed Kick-out Dialogues

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Guest Guest



Edwin erhält seine BG Eigenschaften

Edwin erhält seine BG2 Eigenschaften

Jaheira erhält ihre BG Eigenschaften

Jaheira erhält ihre BG2 Eigenschaften

Minsc erhält seine BG Eigenschaften

Minsc erhält seine BG2 Eigenschaften

Viconia erhält ihre BG Eigenschaften

Viconia erhält ihre BG2 Eigenschaften


Commoners use drab colors

Einfache Leute tragen gedeckte Farben


Better ground icons

Verbesserte Darstellung am Boden liegender Gegenstände

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Darle a Edwin sus estadísticas del BG

Darle a Edwin sus estadísticas del BG2

Darle a Jaheira sus estadísticas del BG

Darle a Jaheira sus estadísticas del BG2

Darle a Minsc sus estadísticas del BG

Darle a Minsc sus estadísticas del BG2

Darle a Viconia sus estadísticas del BG

Darle a Viconia sus estadísticas del BG2

Los plebeyos usan colores oscuros

Mejores iconos en el suelo

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And yeah, we lost a lot of the Russian strings when we had the encoding problem around v7 or so. I need the following strings in Russian:


@600 = ~Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent~


@700 = ~English Only: Description Updates for Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent Component~

@701 = ~Requires the Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent component to be installed.~


@5200 = ~Icewind Dale Casting Graphics (Andyr)~


@5500 = ~Restore SoA Load Screen Logo (ToB Only)~


@10700 = ~English Only: Description Updates for Universal Clubs Component~

@10701 = ~Requires Universal Clubs to be installed~

@10702 = ~Ashes of Embers is installed, which already adjusts club descriptions.~


@11300 = ~Reveal Wilderness Areas Before Chapter Six~


@11600 = ~Improved Athkatlan City Guard~

@11601 = ~Amnish Soldier~

@11602 = ~Sanctioned Wizard~

@11603 = ~Militia Cleric~


@11900 = ~Druids Use Cleric Level and Spell Progression~


@12200 = ~Delay High Level Abilities~


@12500 = ~Change Experience Point Cap~

@12501 = ~Level 20 Experience Point Cap~


@12600 = ~Level 30 Experience Point Cap~


@12900 = ~Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor~


@13000 = ~English Only: Alter Item Descriptions for 'Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor' Component~

@13001 = ~Requires 'Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor' component~


@13300 = ~Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor~


@13400 = ~English Only: Alter Item Descriptions for 'Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor' Component~

@13401 = ~Requires 'Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor' component~

@13700 = ~Expanded Dual-Class Options~

@13701 = ~barbarian / mage~

@13702 = ~barbarian / cleric~

@13703 = ~barbarian / thief~

@13704 = ~barbarian / druid~


@14300 = ~Gradual Drow Item Disintegration~

@14301 = ~Your drow item has disintegrated~


@18000 = ~Maximum HP on Level Up~


@18800 = ~Identify All Items~


@19100 = ~100% Learn Spells~

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edit: Forgot four strings.

Änderung: Habe vier strings vergessen.


Make Imoen a Bard

Mache Imoen zur Bardin


Make Khalid a Fighter/Mage

Mache Khalid zum Kämpfer/Magier


Make Montaron an Assassin

Mache Montaron zum Meuchelmörder


Fixed Kick-out Dialogues

(I am actually at a loss here. Everything sounds really cheesy)

Verbesserte Dialoge beim Verlassen der Gruppe

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Guest Serdrick
I need the following strings in Russian

I have sent you Russian translation for file Setup.tra G3 Tweak Pack Version 11. Check up yours e-mail, or write to me - serdrick@yandex.ru

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Guest Elgaern

Here are the french translation for the lines:


Attribution des statistiques de BG à Edwin

Attribution des statistiques de BG2 à Edwin

Attribution des statistiques de BG à Jaheira

Attribution des statistiques de BG2 à Jaheira

Attribution des statistiques de BG à Minsc

Attribution des statistiques de BG2 à Minsc

Utilisation de couleurs ternes pour les passants

Amélioration des icônes d'objets


Changement d'Imoen en Barde

Changement de Khalid en Guerrier/Mage

Changement de Montaron en Assassin

Correction des dialogues d'exclusion de PNJs



Camdawg, soon I will also send you an updated version of the tra files with some little modifications :bday:



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Guest Razfallow

Dej Edwinovi staty z BG

Dej Edwinovi staty z BG2

Dej Jaheiře staty z BG

Dej Jaheiře staty z BG2

Dej Minscovi staty z BG

Dej Minscovi staty z BG2

Dej Viconii staty z BG

Dej Viconii staty z BG2

Obyvatelé užívají jednotvárné barvy

VylepÅ¡ené ikony předmětů


Udělej z Imoen bardku

Udělej z Khalida Bojovníka/Mága

Udělej z Montarona Zabijáka

Opravené dialogy po vykopnutí

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