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EET and SR Compatability

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Hi there,

What are the spells in the eespells subfolder meant to be for? I don't see any component in the Readme referencing them nor could I find any references in the mod to install them, but I have found them overwriting spells from SR. I prefer to have Spell Revisions spells rather than base-game spells, which is why I installed it, so this is pretty frustrating.

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8 hours ago, Endarire said:

If you're doing a clean install of EET and Spell Revisions and installing mods in the proper order, everything should work well.  Are you saying this doesn't work for you?

So I installed EET Tweaks after SR. I'm not sure if that's the correct order. It is the order suggested by Roxanne's EET install tool. (This is my first ever playthrough of EET.) I know BWS is dead, but even in BWS's install order, EET Tweaks installs after SR.

Looking closer at this, I'm seeing that in EET_Tweaks\lib\xp_quests.tph, it copies out the spells from override, makes changes to them, then puts them back. So in theory, these should be the SR versions of the spells, since SR installed first. But the versions I have in that directory are the OG versions (i.e. Spell Deflection lasts 3 round/level) and not the SR versions (i.e. Spell Deflection lasts 5 turns). My EET_Tweaks\backup\2062 folder has the SR spell versions in there though.

(A few minutes later)

Wait, now I'm really confused. I redownloaded EET Tweaks, to make sure Roxanne's download tool wasn't having me download some unofficial version, and xp_quests.tph inside of it doesn't have the spell copying code at the top. BUT the EET_Tweaks-master.zip I used in my install was the same version, with the same hash, and it ALSO didn't have the spell copying code at the top of xp_quests.tph. So now I don't know where that spell-copying code at the top of xp_quests.tph came from at all. I'm so confused now.

I'll attach my weidu.log and the xp_quests.tph with the spell-copying code at the top. This is the extra code at the top, which I can't figure out its origin, and it also seemed to not work properly since it grabbed the original .spls and not the SR-modified ones, which I also can't explain (since COPY_EXISTING should grab the version in the override folder, right?)

COPY_EXISTING ~SPIN710.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPIN920.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPPR701.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPRA302.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI318.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI519.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI522.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI618.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI701.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI802.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI902.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~

COPY_EXISTING ~staf11.SPL~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~BTEST1.ITM~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~
COPY_EXISTING ~Rods01.itm~ ~EET_Tweaks/eespells~

COPY ~EET_Tweaks/eedummy~ ~override~


WeiDU.log xp_quests.tph

Edited by hippofant
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