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Framed: Alternate Chapter 6 for BGEE and EET

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9 hours ago, maus said:

I got the candlekeep work order (which I associate with framed) from  Scar during the first encounter on the bridge; without any comment on that item. Is this intended? From the description I expected Eltan to do such a thing... (version 1.9.1). 

I'll look into it.  He should have said that the folks from Candlekeep were looking for the PC.

EDIT: I double checked.  He says "Folks from Candlekeep sent a messenger here looking for those that cleared out the Nashkel mines.  They wanted me to give this to you if I saw you."  The rest should be evident from reading the item he gave you.

Eltan gives you an alternate chapter 6 if you do Candlekeep early.  If you choose to not do Candlekeep early, he'll take back the work order.

Edited by Lauriel
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2 minutes ago, maus said:

Looks like a timing issue. The message, that I received the item was printed after Scars long text of state 1. Your part is after state 0 and before state 1. The message of the journal entry is at the right place.

I did a replay of the scene to confirm this. 

For those who want to watch it ;)


You will always receive items after the dialogue is finished.  The 'command' to give the item happens when he says his line.  It just doesn't actually happen until the dialogue is finished.  The only way I could change that is to make his 'folks from Candlekeep' line to happen last.  And I could, however it would make for a messier changes.

Since you found that to be confusing, and the dialogue does seem to get buried in his other dialogue, I'll see about putting it at the end...if it makes sense in the flow of dialogue.

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I would recommend to keep it as it is. Because at this position no other mod interferes. For the later parts of the dialogue there is Drake at state 6 or 7, Walahnan, VerrSza at earlier states, some BG1Project interjection. So if you put your part at the end you will have to deal with the installation order and have to rely that the other mods use I_C_T in a correct way that your GOTO state is copied correctly. 

The slight irritation is not worth the possible problems in my opinion. In the end, the text of the note explains the task and one gets the journal entry. 

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1 minute ago, maus said:

I would recommend to keep it as it is. Because at this position no other mod interferes. For the later parts of the dialogue there is Drake at state 6 or 7, Walahnan, VerrSza at earlier states, some BG1Project interjection. So if you put your part at the end you will have to deal with the installation order and have to rely that the other mods use I_C_T in a correct way that your GOTO state is copied correctly. 

The slight irritation is not worth the possible problems in my opinion. In the end, the text of the note explains the task and one gets the journal entry. 

Ok, noted. :)

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47 minutes ago, maus said:

Feldane (in front of the library) has still his/her original dialogue lines about the two groups in the library. But the two groups are now gone. Lots of other dialogues have been adjusted, but not this one ;)

I've never seen that NPC.  I'll search it out.

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Next issue: when returning from the catacombs we went to Tethoril and talked first to Arkanis (whom we didn't meet in the catacombs) waiting upstairs. After that we talke to Tethoril who metioned the doppelgangers and in the next line that someone removed the wards. Then the dialogue was over. No change in the journal and no word about the spiders?

Maybe I missed one of the spiders down there or possible trigger? Or is this the end of the quest?

Suprisingly Sistal was quite a challenge in this scenario. Nice idea to place him there. 

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11 minutes ago, maus said:

Then the dialogue was over. No change in the journal and no word about the spiders?

Ok, that's a bug.  Was the Gatewarden missing from upstairs?  Maybe my fix to work around his absence wasn't so hot...


15 minutes ago, maus said:

talked first to Arkanis (whom we didn't meet in the catacombs) 

Really?  Hmm, he's there by default - I don't put him in, I just use him.  I wonder if another mod removes him.  I'll see what I can do.


16 minutes ago, maus said:

Suprisingly Sistal was quite a challenge in this scenario. Nice idea to place him there. 

That is a tough fight, I admit.  But thank you.. :)

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On 9/19/2021 at 10:08 AM, maus said:

I would recommend to keep it as it is. Because at this position no other mod interferes. For the later parts of the dialogue there is Drake at state 6 or 7, Walahnan, VerrSza at earlier states, some BG1Project interjection. So if you put your part at the end you will have to deal with the installation order and have to rely that the other mods use I_C_T in a correct way that your GOTO state is copied correctly. 

The slight irritation is not worth the possible problems in my opinion. In the end, the text of the note explains the task and one gets the journal entry. 

I'm in the opposite side. The way it is currently is confusing and I would have made your same video.

It's true that modders have to think about compatibility, but I would say that the fact that the same scene is touched by other modders is not a good reason not to correct some "minor" issues of the mod.

Beside,  not anyone use the mod you've mentioned.  But that's just me.

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25 minutes ago, maus said:

After that we talke to Tethoril who metioned the doppelgangers and in the next line that someone removed the wards. Then the dialogue was over.

This is the code for that section.  If the Gatewarden is there, he should say something then the dialogue will return to Tethtoril.  If he's not there, it should just continue...

	SAY @2145 // ~We will reseal the entrance into the caverns beneath the keep. Someone must have discovered how to remove the wards.~
	IF ~OR(2) !Exists("GATEWA2") Dead("GATEWA2")~ GOTO WRAP_3

So, I guess there's a 3rd alternative?

EDIT: maybe he's there but unable to speak?  I'll ponder this...

Edited by Lauriel
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