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EET Install Order - iteration xyz

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My bad, I meant 3E. Thought that maybe some effects were appended with multiclass casters in mind or something.


I did install the Multiclass Sorcerers and Bard Overhaul from your list, then installed YARAS. ; )


Thanks for the quick fix, will do a reinstall and test! : )


ad testing: I always copy a new barebone EET folder before running any test installs. I probably have 10 versions of BG2EE/EET on my desktop.


edit: YARAS works as intended now.

Edited by Gordian
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On 1/11/2022 at 6:28 PM, Gordian said:

on your metamod: Are the fixes there still relevant for the respective mods?

Last time I checked, yes.  But I'm not currently working on that one.  It was more of a personal repo of the small edits I made so I don't forget, I haven't actually released anything yet.

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Ah, glad that I'm not far into the install. Will restart. with current EEEE - had the one from a few days ago. (PI didn't - is there an auto update feature?)


Also included your voice packs. Any reason you didn't include the BG/BG2 ones in your install?

  • Monastic orders is very buggy on my isntall. It "works"... with way too much keepering though. Also RE is not really for me, same goes for too many NPC mods. Cleaned up the tweaks section, could still use more though.
  • Only things I added were iwdification components, which you are using as well. I'll let @Angel's Paladin rework go afterwards and will check ingame for redundancies. Last install the smites had no descriptions/weren't awarded to paladins. This could be an FnP-interaction as well of course.
  • I will still be using both bard versions (MnG and the revision via iwdification and thieving for bards), worked on my install without iwdification.
  • Revised specialists breaks somehow and needs keepering - any ideas, @subtledoctor?
  • Not using any k9 mods for now, I will have to be patient.
  • Wish I could install the UI at the end (for easier modding), but not advisable, I fear.

Thank you all for your continued and invaluable input! : )

I might add my list to the repository, if I end up being happy with it. Still too many kinks as of now.

Edited by Gordian
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Yes, select the mod and use the Update-Mod button above the selectors and it should update itself. Just tested.

EET imports the BG1 voicesets to BG2 already and you just duplicate the BG2 sets if you install that one as well. IMO only the IWDEE sets have a reason to be installed on their basegame because IWDEE still ships with stripped sets even if the system underlying supports all original lines by now. Maybe the SoD sets aren't imported properly atm (there are some polish issues elsewhere caused by EET still assuming pre-2.6 voice system) but I haven't checked that specific case (and even if that's true, I still amn't that familiar with the internals of EET to submit a fix for that).

Multiclass Multikit builder doesn't generate the HLA tables properly afaik, notsure what other issues it has (others might be just cosmetic only). I think the OlvynTweaks Infravision change doesn't work right.

Honestly, this list format is really confusing to me to go through with all the grouping and comments and whatnot. it also has a fair amount of mods I don't know well (TNT, JimFix, SR, IR, etc) .

Edited by Graion Dilach
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  • Ah, yes. This method I know of. It probably pulls from releases, I did include latest masters for several mods, thus I need to be wary.
  • Thanks for the voice sets-clarification!
  • I'm not using either, they are just optional. Everything after //END is not included in my default install.
  • Haha, interesting. I find the groupings make it easier to analyse. I can post the WeiDU after the finished install. The part after //END was a mess. Still is, but maybe less so.
  • JimFix is minor and seems to work well so far. I did check/read into SRR and IRR extensively (more or less), but still: they are huge mods with a lot of ramifications, bound to have missed more than just one or two issues. From my initial tests TNT seems to work fine, but I haven't tested every component so far. I did check the BWP-guide though.

Formatted the list, @Graion Dilach. Maybe it's a bit easier to read now.  I still like the general idea of groupings though. ; )


Edited by Gordian
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3 hours ago, Gordian said:

Okay, I'll omit it from the install.

After playtesting a bit, I came up with a trimmed list, which is installing as we speak.


I saw that you started working on MiH_sp - great! Will include current master. : )

You're very brave to use my master, especially while I am in the middle of working on it!

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My "description" was none at all, sorry for being so vague initially.


The files are installed but specialists are not receiving their bonuses according to Revised Specialists. They are listed at character generation but not applied, it seems. The specialists' spell book also lacks their school's spells (as opposed to them knowing every spell of their school by default).

I can use EE keeper to add them manually when compared to a test install (vastly different) with the component working.

This is something I've experienced in many different installs, but I couldn't pinpoint the culprit so far. It's also minor enough to not cause too much headache. But it might be an easy fix, which would save time keepering/maybe fix a bug for everyone.

Again: 2.6.6 EET, mod list can be found a few posts upstream.


Also on a very different note: does SoB add intbased crit chance when the comment aspect of the entry in the ini is removed? On a quick test, I didn't find any effects being added in EE keeper (where other stat bonuses show).

Edited by Gordian
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1 hour ago, Gordian said:

One could probably replace brave with a few other words. ; )

I don't mind a reinstall later down the line, as I'm still playtesting.

If you want me to refrain from using the master, that's fine as well.

As long as you remember that it's a work in progress, I don't have a problem.  Free play-testing!

What is currently there should install cleanly on BGEE and BG2EE, other versions I have not tested.  Epic wizard spells should work, except that Ioulaum's Longevity doesn't have an icon yet and Chosen of Mystra doesn't have the proper dependencies.  Revised Monster/Animal Summoning is missing spell descriptions and doesn't have all the monsters I want just yet.  Revised Animate Dead doesn't have a separate icon for Ghoul Call yet and still needs some playtesting.  Everything else should work as I haven't changed much there, except that Arcane Spellpack now implements some lore-friendly changes in High Hedge (Thalantyr) and in Nashkel (Inn and shop.)

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9 hours ago, Angel said:

What is currently there should install cleanly on BGEE and BG2EE, other versions I have not tested. 

Everything installed fine on EET with the recent update. : )

The HLAs are being awarded (probably still with specialist restrictions in mind). All of them are treated as innate abilities but only Silver Fire is being cast from there, rest is accessible via the regular spell menu.

10 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I'm not sure what that means.

I also tested RS right after its install in my order: it works fine up to there. I will check periodically during the install to narrow it down.

Edit: This wasn't meant to be a double post.

Edit 2: I've figured out what breaks RS on my quick test installer: Refinements (I'm using every component individually), probably the wizard part. Making Refinements go before RS fixes the issue in the main install. So far at least, will check after FnP multi as well.

Actually checking whether Refinements broke Monastic Orders as well, since it went after it in all of my installs.

Edit 3:

  • It did in a similar fashion. Installing Refinements before MO and RS makes both of them work so far (and using an edited QDMFIST.ITM).
  • Also Bardic Songs from iwdification broke chargen selection (kits all over the place, many under "Bards"), and was incompatible with RR's bard revisions if going before, thus in a bind, omitting.


off topic: I collected/wrote a few AHK-scripts for this game. Mainly instant thieving for cleric/thief on Dragonspear UI++ with Spell Menu Extended - there's probably a better implementation to be had than mine as I'm a total beginner. Still, let me know if anyone is interested or has scripts on their own. Reddit had some pertaining to "slow motion" for instance.

Edited by Gordian
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On 1/10/2022 at 4:30 PM, subtledoctor said:

This is the subject of some slight controversy; Refinements v4's default behavior is to install its changes to mod-added kits, so this should be good. I tend to install Refinements earlier, because it changes the base class tables and most or all of my kits starts with that base table and then patch it to add or remove HLAs. As I think about it now, I don't know whether I set Refinements to handle multiclass kits... safest route is probably to install Refinements right before FnP_Multiclass (so, after single-class kits and before the majority of divine multiclass kits).

It seems to work fine with most single class kits/systems but not Revised Specialists and Monastic Orders. It apparently breaks the two components (why?) if it is installed afterwards. I must admit that I haven't checked your online install order in a while, it states this sequence exactly.

I changed this section of the order to this for now:


ArtisansKitpack:0;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Arcane Archer Fighter Kit
ArtisansKitpack:1;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Vanguard Fighter Kit
ArtisansKitpack:2;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: The Art of Slaughter (Berserker Rework)
ArtisansKitpack:3;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Art of the Sword Saint (Kensai Rework)
ArtisansKitpack:4;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Rashemi Berserker Ranger Kit for Minsc
ArtisansKitpack:5;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Dark Hunter Ranger Kit
ArtisansKitpack:7;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Mystic Fire Paladin Kit
ArtisansKitpack:8;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Way of the Anti-Paladin (Blackguard Rework)
ArtisansKitpack:12;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Magekiller Thief Kit
ArtisansKitpack:13;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Trickster Thief Kit
ArtisansKitpack:14;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Way of the Assassin (Assassin Rework)
ArtisansKitpack:15;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Pale Master Sorcerer Kit
ArtisansKitpack:18;The Artisan's Kitpack - Artisan's Kitpack: Warhorn Shaman Kit
WSR:100;Wizard Slayer Rebalancing - Wizard Slayer kit revision
WSR:302;Wizard Slayer Rebalancing - Moderate changes

BEARWALKER:0;BearWalker -  BEAR WALKER KIT for Enhanced Editions.
wildmage:3;Wild Mage Additions - Original avatar
MilitiaOfficer:0;Militia Officer - Install Militia Officer kit for Fighters

BARDICWONDERS:0;BardicWonders - Bardic Wonders: Abettor of Mask Kit
BARDICWONDERS:1;BardicWonders - Bardic Wonders: Dancer Kit
BARDICWONDERS:2;BardicWonders - Bardic Wonders: Storm Drummer Kit
BARDICWONDERS:3;BardicWonders - Bardic Wonders: Troubadour Kit
BARDICWONDERS:4;BardicWonders - Bardic Wonders: Deathsinger Kit

RR:3;rr - Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills
RR:4;rr - Bard kit revisions
RR:9;rr - Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking
RR:11;rr - Chosen of Cyric encounter
RR:12;rr - Shadow Thief Improvements
RR:999;rr - BG2-style icons for RR content

STORMCALLER:0;StormCaller - Storm Caller Shaman Kit
SPIRITWALKER:0;Spiritwalker - Spiritwalker Shaman Kit
SpiritHunter:0;SpiritHunter - Spirit Hunter Shaman Kit
DREAMWALKER:0;Dreamwalker - Dreamwalker Shaman Kit

IHATEUNDEAD:0;I Hate Undead - Undead Predator (Ranger Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:1;I Hate Undead - Holy Redeemer (Cleric Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:2;I Hate Undead - Deathslayer (Wizard Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:3;I Hate Undead - Undead Hunter Revision (Paladin Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:4;I Hate Undead - Death Tricker (Thief Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:5;I Hate Undead - Burial Defender (Fighter Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:6;I Hate Undead - Grave Mourner (Bard Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:7;I Hate Undead - Circle Enforcer (Druid Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:9;I Hate Undead - Pallid Mask (Monk Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:10;I Hate Undead - Dreadful Witch (Shaman Kit)
IHATEUNDEAD:11;I Hate Undead - Imprisoned Soul (Sorcerer Kit)

A7#IMPROVEDSHAMANICDANCE:0;Improved Shamanic Dance - Improved Shamanic Dance
A7#IMPROVEDSHAMANICDANCE:10;Improved Shamanic Dance - Expanded Shamanic Dance for high level characters
A7#IMPROVEDSHAMANICDANCE:30;Improved Shamanic Dance - Apply Shamanic Dance improvements to Shaman kits
A7#IMPROVEDSHAMANICDANCE:40;Improved Shamanic Dance - Shaman-specific items
A7#IMPROVEDARCHER:0;Improved Archer Kit - Improved Archer Kit
A7#IMPROVEDARCHER:10;Improved Archer Kit - Add fighter kit: Marksman
A7#IMPROVEDARCHER:30;Improved Archer Kit - Add thief kit: Sharpshooter
A7#IMPROVEDARCHER:100;Improved Archer Kit - Add +4 arrows, bolts and powerful bows to the game

druidsor:0;druidsor - Geomantic Sorcerer Kit

REFINEMENTS:11;refinements - Choose which classes get revised HLAs
REFINEMENTS:101;refinements - Fighter HLAs
REFINEMENTS:102;refinements - Barbarian HLAs
REFINEMENTS:103;refinements - Ranger HLAs
REFINEMENTS:104;refinements - Paladin HLAs
REFINEMENTS:105;refinements - Cleric HLAs
REFINEMENTS:106;refinements - Druid HLAs
REFINEMENTS:107;refinements - Monk HLAs
REFINEMENTS:108;refinements - Wizard HLAs

RR:2;rr - Thief High Level Ability revisions
RR:5;rr - Bard High Level Ability revisions
HOUSETWEAKS:6;AionZ's House Rules - House Tweaks: Warrior HLAs
mih_sp:5;mih_sp - Made in Heaven: Epic Spellpack (EXPERIMENTAL)
WSR:200;Wizard Slayer Rebalancing - Wizard Slayer High Level Ability revision
WSR:999;Wizard Slayer Rebalancing - BG2-style icons for WSR content

MonasticOrders:0;MonasticOrders - Core Revisions
MonasticOrders:1;MonasticOrders - Expanded Races for Monks
MonasticOrders:2;MonasticOrders - Multiclassing for Monks
MonasticOrders:3;MonasticOrders - New Kits for Monks
MonasticOrders:4;MonasticOrders - Item Restriction Patch

CDTWEAKS:2240;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table
CDTWEAKS:2250;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-Nerfed Sorcerer Spell Progression Table
CDTWEAKS:2260;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-nerfed table [Blucher]
CDTWEAKS:2270;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-nerfed table [Blucher]
CDTWEAKS:2280;The Tweaks Anthology - Un-nerfed table [Blucher]
CDTWEAKS:2293;The Tweaks Anthology - Use cleric level progression changes with un-nerfed druid spell table [Blucher]
iwdification:160;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Paladin: Use IWD Spell Progression
iwdification:170;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Ranger: Use IWD Spell Progression

TOMEANDBLOOD:11;Tome and Blood - Rebalanced Spell Schools
TOMEANDBLOOD:1201;Tome and Blood - No Opposition Schools
TOMEANDBLOOD:13;Tome and Blood - Revised Illusionary Clones
TOMEANDBLOOD:14;Tome and Blood - Revised Invisibility and True Seeing
TOMEANDBLOOD:16;Tome and Blood - Improved Identify spell (usable by Arcanist/Multi Sorcerers)
TOMEANDBLOOD:20;Tome and Blood - Revised Dragon Disciples
TOMEANDBLOOD:31;Tome and Blood - Sorcerer: Favored Soul
TOMEANDBLOOD:33;Tome and Blood - Sorcerer: Sylvan Disciple
TOMEANDBLOOD:55;Tome and Blood - Metamagic spells, fill sequencers free (usable by Arcanist/Multi Sorcerers)
TOMEANDBLOOD:62;Tome and Blood - Level One Cantrips
TOMEANDBLOOD:40;Tome and Blood - Revised Specialists  
TOMEANDBLOOD:67;Tome and Blood - Choose-Your-Own Familiar
TOMEANDBLOOD:68;Tome and Blood - Pooky's Mod: Imbue Familiars
TOMEANDBLOOD:71;Tome and Blood - Change spells every level
TOMEANDBLOOD:80;Tome and Blood - Multiclass Sorcerers
TOMEANDBLOOD:85;Tome and Blood - Sorcerer Kit: Mana Sorcerer

B_SPELLS:103;B_Spells - Install New Spells only

A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:0;A7-GolemConstruction - Golem Construction Ability for Spellcasters
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:10;A7-GolemConstruction - Replace original Golem Manual
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:15;A7-GolemConstruction - Improve enemy spellcaster AI
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:20;A7-GolemConstruction - Golems for enemy spellcasters
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:25;A7-GolemConstruction - Greater variety of enemy golem types
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:30;A7-GolemConstruction - Fighter Stronghold golems may continue to serve you
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:35;A7-GolemConstruction - Make golems vulnerable to specific spell effects
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:40;A7-GolemConstruction - Reduce weapon immunities and resistances for constructed golems
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:45;A7-GolemConstruction - Identify all mod items
A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION:50;A7-GolemConstruction - Add "Teleport" ability to golems

A7-CHAOSSORCERER:0;The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers - "Chaos Sorcerer" kit
A7-CHAOSSORCERER:30;The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers - Add "Primordial Artifacts"

iwdification:120;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Thief: Evasion
iwdification:70;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Druid: Use IWD Shapeshifting and Ability Progression
iwdification:71;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Druid: Allow Elves to be Druids
iwdification:100;IWDification - IWD Class Updates: Paladin: IWD Abilities and Skills
mih_sp:3;mih_sp - Revised Paladin Powers

Faiths_and_Powers:21;Faiths and Powers - FnP: the Faiths & Powers original sphere system
Faiths_and_Powers:31;Faiths and Powers - Install Cleric kits
Faiths_and_Powers:33;Faiths and Powers - Install Druid kits
Faiths_and_Powers:35;Faiths and Powers - Install Paladin kits
Faiths_and_Powers:37;Faiths and Powers - Install Ranger kits
Faiths_and_Powers:80;Faiths and Powers - Apply sphere system

WILL_TO_POWER:200;Will to Power - Add the Psionicist, rogue/psion
WILL_TO_POWER:300;Will to Power - Add the Soulblade, fighter/psion
WILL_TO_POWER:400;Will to Power - Add the Psypher, ranger/psion
WILL_TO_POWER:500;Will to Power - Add the Cerebremancer, mage/psion
WILL_TO_POWER:900;Will to Power - Dark Sun Mode: Everyone Is a Wild Talent

//5E_SPELLCASTING:100;5E Spellcasting - Change All Casters to 5E System
//5E_SPELLCASTING:900;5E Spellcasting - Set Bonus Spell Slot Items to Work for 5E Casters

MIGHT_AND_GUILE:200;Might & Guile - Feat System
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:210;Might & Guile - Bard Overhaul: Multiclass Bards
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:220;Might & Guile - Revised Multiclassing and Multiclass Kits
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:240;Might & Guile - Improved Rangers
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:250;Might & Guile - Revised Berserker and Rage
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:265;Might & Guile - Revised Monk Fists
MIGHT_AND_GUILE:310;Might & Guile - Add the Corsair (fighter kit)

FNP_MULTICLASS:91;Faiths and Powers Multiclass - Multiclass Druids
FNP_MULTICLASS:92;Faiths and Powers Multiclass - Multiclass Shamans
FNP_MULTICLASS:95;Faiths and Powers Multiclass - Multiclass Cleric kits (install AFTER all other kit mods!!)

But something further down the line seems to break the two components again, will need further testing.

Edited by Gordian
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