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Object.ids - typos or missing lines

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Just some minor things noticed. Didn't see this from a quick search. These won't cause issues if left unchanged, but I also don't see a reason not to make these fixes.

EDIT (2023-01-08): I saw in this thread that some mods actually used the mispelled identifiers. So, it's best not to edit the typos. I also updated my patch below to avoid confusion.

Stuff on typos:


57 EigthNearestEnemyOfType
57 EighthNearestEnemyOfType

67 EigthNearestMyGroupOfType
67 EighthNearestMyGroupOfType

- double lines for 57 and 67
- no scripts in the base games use the typo versions.

57 EigthNearestEnemyOfType
67 EigthNearestMyGroupOfType

- no scripts in the base game use these.

These lines are missing from the IWDEE file. I've tested a few of them and they work. BGEE/BG2EE/PSTEE already have these lines, so I don't see a reason for IWDEE to not have them:

94 LastKilled
95 NearestAllyOf
96 SecondNearestAllyOf
97 ThirdNearestAllyOf
98 FourthNearestAllyOf
99 FifthNearestAllyOf
100 SixthNearestAllyOf
101 SeventhNearestAllyOf
102 EighthNearestAllyOf
103 NinthNearestAllyOf
104 TenthNearestAllyOf
105 FarthestEnemyOf
106 SecondFarthestEnemyOf
107 ThirdFarthestEnemyOf
108 FourthFarthestEnemyOf
109 FifthFarthestEnemyOf
110 SixthFarthestEnemyOf
111 SeventhFarthestEnemyOf
112 EighthFarthestEnemyOf
113 NinthFarthestEnemyOf
114 TenthFarthestEnemyOf


You can use something like this to patch the file, in case someone installs it after EEex (which adds new lines):

//Add lines to Object.ids

//Check some stuff
COPY_EXISTING - ~object.ids~  ~~
  COUNT_REGEXP_INSTANCES ~EighthNearestEnemyOfType~    check1
  COUNT_REGEXP_INSTANCES ~EighthNearestMyGroupOfType~  check2
  COUNT_REGEXP_INSTANCES ~TenthFarthestEnemyOf~        check3

//Add lines with correct spelling (only if missing)
ACTION_IF (check1 = 0) BEGIN
  APPEND ~object.ids~  ~57 EighthNearestEnemyOfType~

ACTION_IF (check2 = 0) BEGIN
  APPEND ~object.ids~  ~67 EighthNearestMyGroupOfType~

//Add lines if missing (i.e. for IWDEE v2.6)
ACTION_IF (check3 = 0) BEGIN
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~94 LastKilled~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~95 NearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~96 SecondNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~97 ThirdNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~98 FourthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~99 FifthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~100 SixthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~101 SeventhNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~102 EighthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~103 NinthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~104 TenthNearestAllyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~105 FarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~106 SecondFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~107 ThirdFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~108 FourthFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~109 FifthFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~110 SixthFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~111 SeventhFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~112 EighthFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~113 NinthFarthestEnemyOf~
  APPEND ~object.ids~ ~114 TenthFarthestEnemyOf~




Edited by Dan_P
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