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Tactics Remix

Guest morpheus562

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On 8/31/2022 at 1:45 PM, morpheus562 said:

I want to touch base on a couple of these points.

Kuroisan - Yes, Acid Backlash is nerfed; however, he now has an active fireshield in addition to the Acid Backlash. A lot was done with this, so I do not think he is moving towards being a pushover. Happy to receive user feedback when this goes live and adjust.

Items - As discussed above, looking at options to make the Ring of Leached Abjuration more of a cursed item by way of also reducing hit points.

Red Badge - All enemies in this fight are receiving the Belt of Intertial Barrier and Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance (undroppable & unstealable). This improves magic resistance and reduces incoming magical damage. Please note: playing at a difficulty level of less than insane will remove these items.

Ritual - No comment at this time beyond saying those boots will be overhauled. I haven't had a chance to dive deep into it, but those boots jumped out as something that will need massive changes.

Sanchuudoku +4 from Acid Kensai is way too powerful at that stage of the game. Just regen 3 hp per round is op enough at SOA. Not to mention it is the highest dps weapon if just considering the vanilla weapons in game (-acid resistance on hit + 1d8 acid dam is very strong on enemy with pr and consider how early you get it...)

In my playthrough is remove both +4 dam from the weapon and the backslash. Even tho this weapon is super effective against enemies with physical resistance.

Bloodbane +5 from Red Badge, this is the only +apr twohanded weapon if just considering vanilla game items, making it the best two handed weapon. And it has saveless poison damage which is very strong because it's saveless and stacks on itself.

I remove the extra apr of it and remove the -4 save penalty from the onhit stun effect in my playthrough.


Ascension, SCS and Tactics is the three most favourite difficulty mod to me. What changes I wish to the mod is making the item given by this mod to be more consistent with the vanilla game items, aka less powerful & complicated. Item like Amulet of Lilim and Ring of Leached Abjuration gives too many bonuses and is less interesting to me. I wish we can keep items simple and elegant, instead of having bloated bonuses.

Edited by dunehunter
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59 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

How were the fights themselves? 

I used to solo/party the insane & 3 mods in non-ee version of BG series, these fights are intensive and you have to know how to do it right otherwise it's very hard. Like acid kensai is definitely very hard in low level but used to be super cheesy has you could bounce its backlash with your own fireshield in the past (not sure if it's still works but i remember seeing that v2.6 you can still trigger infinite bouncing between two fireshield).

I haven't played the ee version of 3 mods but am trying on a new playthrough since a lot mods support EE now. I will give more constructive feedback after I finish it :)

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Also I found that both Ritual and SCS grant you yellow dragon armor(SCS one is dropped from Anadramatis as scale so you can craft it, but Tactic has it dropped from yellow dragon in Ritual, which is weird because the armor is directly dropped from the dragaon...which make no sense as it shall be the scales).

Edited by dunehunter
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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

This was the way it was within the original Tactics. The two yellow dragon armors do the same things, except SCS version weighs more. It doesn't mean I can't change it to something else, but I'd need to ponder on what.

I’m okay with two pieces of same item because it’s from two mods, it’s just anti lore for a dragon to drop an dragon scale armor…

And if you wanna replace it with new item, I wish that’s not op because tactics is really classic mod and among Ascension and SCS a must for many of us. It’s a mod aim to increase difficulty but op items will just reduce difficulty. And that’s why I’m modifying the items to match original game better :p


Edited by dunehunter
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39 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Of the items you list, only is the leached ring of abjuration the only one that I introduce, and that is a cursed item with some hefty penalties. Acid Katana has been nerfed from it's original form and requires a difficult fight to obtain. The spear I wouldn't argue as the most powerful 2h weapon, and that requires a very very difficult fight to obtain. I don't feel any item being introduced is going to trivialize the game.

Yeah these items won't trivialize the game because it's what tactics you use that matters most. I just feel that Bloodbane's overshadowing other vanilla weapons makes me sad. 1 extra APR, 6 saveless poison damage and -4 save stun on hit is just too good. :) I think the reason behind the extra APR is because it's a thrown weapon, and every thrown weapon has extra apr bonus. I installed the Skills & Abilities mod too and adjusted weapon style & the 2h strength bonus component already makes most 2h weapons competitive with dual wielding, so this 1 extra apr really kills the edge. That's why I decide to remove it in my game and -4 save stun means it will stunlock any mobs without immune so i removed the -4 penalty. 

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1 minute ago, morpheus562 said:

Either way you cut it, Apr will always be capped at 10. It isn't going to let a character get to 11 Apr, so by the time you get it, you'll either have 4 or 5apr unhasted or 10 Apr with IH/GWW.

Yeah with Skils & Abilities's 2h style, normal 2h weapon will grant you 3.5 apr to non-fighter warrior or 4 apr to gmw fighters with apr gauntlet. And Bloodbane makes it capped to 5.

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