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Subtitles for SoD movies

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I found out that not all the movies in SoD have subtitles. As far as I understood, these lines in BGEE.lua are responsible for this:

{'sodcin01', 5, 100, 71344, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 130, 290, 71345, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 310, 680, 71347, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 690, 940, 71348, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 970, 1190, 71350, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 1210, 1540, 71353, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 1555, 1870, 71354, 2, 1},
{'sodcin01', 1895, 2110, 71355, 2, 1},

--{'sodcin02', 10, 200, 62554, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin02', 260, 340, 62555, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin02', 360, 420, 62556, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin02', 440, 610, 62557, 1, 1},

--{'sodcin03', 80, 150, 37711, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 190, 240, 37712, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 330, 400, 37713, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 420, 480, 37714, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 510, 600, 37715, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 620, 650, 37716, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 670, 710, 37717, 1, 1},
--{'sodcin03', 730, 780, 37718, 1, 1}

There are subtitles for the first movie but nothing for "02" and "03". There is also "sodcin05" that is not in the file at all, while there are some lines to work as subtitles for it, like @70244. As far as I can see, this issue should be relatively easy to fix in a mod. Are there any mods that already do it?

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Geez, just because I'm single-handedly holding up progress, everyone's unhappy... j/k

Seriously, though, I've caught up on PRs. The ones left are marked as in-progress or I need to double-check something first.

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16 hours ago, CamDawg said:

Seriously, though, I've caught up on PRs. The ones left are marked as in-progress or I need to double-check something first.

Great, thank you! Can you accept the PR with updated Russian translation, please (https://github.com/Gibberlings3/EE_Fixpack/pull/94)? It was not possible to install with Russian language selected, because of some missing lines.

Is there realistic to expect this mod release any time soon?

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I am not sure this is the right topic, but since we are discussing EEFP here, I want to leave a bug report. I tried installing it on BG1+SoD and then install EET (EEFP is in EET compatibility list, and I though everything should be fine), but I got error:


Here is the screenshot with more information: https://www.mediafire.com/view/osgw4w3s9kcx810/e2.jpg/file#

I am assuming it is an EET issue, it probably removes something from specific.ids... What is the best way to fix it?

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