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Are there any mods that make Nalia a decent thief?


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Why are you still using Shadowkeeper? That's so 90's. Come on, join the 21st Century baby - NI all the way!


I'll join the 21st Century once I get cured of this terminal boneitis. *hums Safety Dance*




Sadly, no Nalia-as-thief.


There is Nalia as ...

a: Conjurer

b: Illusionist

c: Wild Mage

d: Sorceress

e: Multi Fighter/Mage


The way Blucher designed the files it shouldn't be too hard to create a Nalia-as-thief. I might try to do that meself one day.


Update: we're discussing making new Level 1 NPCs at this link.


By the way, Bursk; the reason that Nalia's theiving abilities appear much lower in Shadowkeeper is because it doesn't take into account the modifications resulting from high stats or potions of master theivery, etc.


Learn NI.


I just have the character join, then change them as I desire by using NI to edit the save file. I'm currently enjoying Imoen as a pure thief. It's nice not having to rely on someone else's mod and mod-making decisions.


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