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Comprehensive BG2 Mod List


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(You may need to copy/paste the links into your browser's address bar.)


Basic Installation Order: {refer to mod documentation for specific installation order including Game Engine Conversions}


<*Shadows of Amn Only*>

1. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

2. Official Bioware Patch for SoA

3. Baldurdash Fixpacks for SoA OR Sorcerer's Place Fixpacks

4. Other Non-WeiDU Mods (Only one dialog.tlk-overwriting mod can be installed. See the Big Picture install guide for step-by-step instructions)

**OR** Total Conversions (no other mods should be installed after TC's)

5. WeiDU Mods


<*Throne of Bhaal*>

1. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

2. Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal

3. Official Bioware Patch for ToB

4. Baldurdash Fixpacks for ToB

5. Other Non-WeiDU Mods (Only one dialog.tlk-overwriting mod can be installed. See the Big Picture install guide for step-by-step instructions)

**OR** Total Conversions (no other mods should be installed after TC's)

6. WeiDU Mods







Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - http://www.bioware.com/games/shadows_amn/support/patches/

*** Install if you do NOT plan to install Throne of Bhaal ***

-European Edition patch version 23037

-Japanese Edition patch version 23037

-English Edition patch version 23037

-Italian Edition TLK Update


Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal - http://www.bioware.com/games/throne_bhaal/support/patches/

*** Do not install unless you have installed Throne of Bhaal ***

-European Edition patch version 26498

-English Edition patch version 26498

-BETA Patch version 26499 (use with caution!!)






Baldurdash - http://www.baldurdash.org/

-Baldurdash Fixpack for SoA (SoA only)

-Baldurdash English-Language Game Text Update for SoA (SoA only)

-Baldurdash Fixpack for ToB (ToB only)

-Baldurdash English-Language Game Text Update for ToB (ToB only

-Baldurdash Shadows Over Soubar Compatible FixPack (ToB only)


Sorcerer's Place Fixpacks - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors3.htm

-Sorcerer's Place Fixpack (SoA Only!)

-Sorcerer's Place Cloak of Mirroring for BG2: ToB






Beige Tangerine's Miscellaneous Gaming Stuff - http://www.geocities.com/beigetangerine/

NiGHTMARE's Infinity Engine Junk - http://haunt.8m.com/ie/

Sabre's Customizations - http://www.users.bigpond.com/qtnt/index.htm

MetalFan49's Baldur's Gate 2 Customizations - http://metalfan490.tripod.com/bg2items/index.html






BG1Tutu - http://www.pocketplane.net/tutu

-BG1Tutu FixPack - http://www.pocketplane.net/tutufix

-Tutu Tweak Pack - http://www.gibberlings3.net/tutu/

-The BG1 NPC Project (BG1 Tutu Edition) - http://www.spellholdstudios.net/?page=mods/bg1npc

-Harden Cooner's BG1Tutu Addon - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showtopic=5720

-Vedran's Tutu Lost Item Mod - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.p...indpost&p=92871

Icewind Gate II - http://www.weidu.org/iwg2/index.html

Baldur's Gate Trilogy - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?board=94






Dragonlance: The Glory of Istar TC - http://www.dragonlancetc.com/

Epic Endeavours - http://epic.teambg.net/

Epic Endeavours (WeiDU) - http://www.spellholdstudios.net/?page=mods/ee

Battle of Helm's Deep - http://www.elhoe.fsworld.co.uk/LOTR_BOHD/LOTR_index.html






The Darkest Day - http://tdd.teambg.net/

Shadows Over Soubar - http://www.teambg.net/soubar/

Tortured Souls - http://torturedsouls.teambg.net/

The Big Picture - http://plaguezone.com/

The Forgotten Children - http://necropolis.teambg.net/

Nalia Romance - http://web.starman.ee/arnel/nalia/

Exnem's Addon - http://www.3dconsortium.com/bgvault/index.htm

Mage Duel - http://graveyard.teambg.net/

The Tortured Soul - http://metalfan490.tripod.com/bg2items/quests.html

Deeper Shadows of Amn - http://icelus.net/misc/

ZotFix - http://icelus.net/misc/

Food Feature Mod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/?file_id=159217

Romance-Friendly Imprisonment - http://www.geocities.com/lostcrossroadsmod/downloads.htm

Fixed Creatures - http://www.geocities.com/lostcrossroadsmod/downloads.htm

Innate Dimension Door - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=13302

CBisson's Familiar Pack - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=13239

TeamBG's Contest Submissions - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showforum=108

Sorcerer's Place Hosted Mods - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors2.htm

-Rutkowski's NPC Conversion

-Masamune Sword Mini-mini-quest by ShadowDaemon

-Numerous kits and item addons






**NPC Mods**


Kelsey - http://www.pocketplane.net/kelsey

Chloe - http://chloe.spellholdstudios.net/

Tashia - http://tashia.spellholdstudios.net/

(Tashia "Happy Patch" - http://tashia.spellholdstudios.net/download.html )

Solaufein - http://www.weidu.org/main.html

Valen - http://www.weidu.org/valen.html

Goo - http://www.pocketplane.net/audio

Silverstar - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showtopic=7512

Vanim - http://fphfslinux.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/...eb/start_e.html

Xan - http://shadowtalon.250x.com/xan.htm

Kiara-Zaiya - http://nocturnalsupremacy.net/AMDIndex.htm

Horace - http://www.geocities.com/olryx2/index.htm

Mike - http://www.ocimail.com/por/Leutian/

Azrael - http://www.ocimail.com/por/Leutian/

Neh'taniel - http://www.geocities.com/dbefly/index.html

Tsujatha Melalor - http://www.gilalion.com/tsujatha

Krondor - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showtopic=8413

One-Day NPCsâ„¢ - http://www.pocketplane.net/oneday








**NPC-Related Mods**


NPC Flirt Packs - http://www.pocketplane.net/npcflirt

Banter Packs - http://www.pocketplane.net/banter

Getting Rid of Anomen (Kelsey addon) - http://www.pocketplane.net/audio

Cloakwood Squares - http://www.pocketplane.net/audio

NPC Kit Pack - http://www.gibberlings3.net/npckit/

sporeboys! Alternate Female NPC Portraits - http://www.gibberlings3.net/sporeboy/

JPS' Portrait Collection - http://www.gibberlings3.net/jpspp/

Blonde Imoen - http://www.gibberlings3.net/blondeimmy/

Alternate BG2 NPCs (changes the class of several Bioware NPCs) - http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/winelodge/79/

Totemic Cernd - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

NPC Tweak Mod - http://limbomods.hyperboards.com/index.cgi...&board=npcTweak

Imoen Romance - http://www.imoen.org

Corthala Romantique - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=93

Mazzy the Paladin - http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showtopic=8518

NiGHTMARE's NPC Beautification Pack - http://www.gibberlings3.net/nmbeauty/index.html

Immortality's Modder Portrait Pack - http://www.spellholdstudios.net/?page=mods/impp


**Quest-based Mods**


Ascension (WeiDU) - http://www.weidu.org/asc.html

Tactics - http://www.weidu.org/tactics.html

Unfinished Business - http://www.pocketplane.net/ub/

Turnip Golem Encounter - http://www.pocketplane.net/audio

Improved Oasis II - http://www.pocketplane.net/sim

Expanded Thief Stronghold - http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/winelodge/79/

Check the Bodies - http://www.teambg.net/~checkbod/checkthebodies.htm

Neverending Journey Part One - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?board=98

Azengaard Tactical Encounter - http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/azenmod/

Improved Battles Mod - http://fridgecomp.com/moonfruit/

Redemption (Ascension addon) - http://www.onlinefiction.net/Redemption/Redemption.html

Spellhold Lich - http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/e/deg161/mods/

Desecration of Souls - http://chosenofmystra.db-forge.com/mystra_...topic.php?t=478

Super Firkraag Mod - http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/e/deg161/mods/

Ajoc's MiniMod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

KR's Difficult Brown Dragon - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Planar Sphere Mod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Planar Sphere Return Mod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Improved Asylum Mod - http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/e/deg161/mods/

Leutian's Mini Mod - http://www2.snugcove.com:8081/leutian

Mordan's Christmas Mod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest - http://www.stanford.edu/~rahkan/bg2mod/potion.html

Iron Modder 1 Pack ("The Last Mug of Ale in Amn") - http://www.pocketplane.net/ironmod

Iron Modder 2 Pack ("Some of My Best Friends Are Slimes") - http://www.pocketplane.net/ironmod

Iron Modder 3 Pack ("A Kiss Before Dying") - http://www.pocketplane.net/ironmod


**Rules, Tweaks, and Enhancement Mods**


Dungeon-Be-Gone - http://www.pocketplane.net/dbg

Ashes of Embers - http://www.pocketplane.net/aoe

Oversight - http://www.spellholdstudios.net/?page=mods/oversight

Virtue - http://www.pocketplane.net/virtue

G3 Tweak Pack - http://www.gibberlings3.net/g3tweak/

PnP Celestials - http://www.gibberlings3.net/celestials/

SimDing0's Miscellaneous Tweak Pack - http://www.pocketplane.net/sim

Drow Innate Abilities - http://www.pocketplane.net/sim

Cal-Culator - http://www.spellholdstudios.net/?page=mods/cal

Rogue Rebalancing Pack - http://www.gamesector.co.yu/avenger/

Revised Hell Trials - http://adahn.gmxhome.de/

Ease-of-Use - http://www.weidu.org/ease.html

Subraces - http://chosenofmystra.db-forge.com/mystra_...topic.php?t=325

Clear Fog of War - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Riklaunim's Crazy Remixes - http://www.english.rk.edu.pl/downloadcat5.html

Game-Be-Gone - http://www.teambg.net/~igi/

igiTeamBG's Tweak Pack - http://www.teambg.net/~igi/

High Level HLA Fix - http://www.the-silver-river.com/Forum/index.php?topic=3813.0

BG2 Refinements - http://refinements.nocturnalsupremacy.net/

FinnJo's BGII Subrace Mod - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=13581


**Spell-Related Mods**


Spell-50 - http://www.weidu.org/spell50.html

Narm's Cloud Mod - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?board=24;acti...;threadid=12889

King Dutka's Disarm Trap Spell - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Mana-based Spell System - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=13092


**Script-Related Mods**


eSeries (additional character AI scripts) - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

gMinion (improved scripts for summoned creatures) - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

Scriptable Spells - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

Detectable Spells - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

Sequencer Memory - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/


**Store and Item Mods**


Item Upgrade - http://www.weidu.org/item.html

(Cespenar Audio for Weimer's Item Upgrade Mod - http://www.pocketplane.net/audio )

Underrepresented Items - http://www.weidu.org/underrep.html

Improved Horns of Valhalla - http://home.earthlink.net/~cirerrek/

Freedom's Reign/Reign of Virtue (WeiDU) - http://servants.teambg.net/

Ruad - http://fridgecomp.com/moonfruit/

The Unusual Oddities Shop - http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/e/deg161/mods/

Rastor's Item Pack - http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/e/deg161/mods/

Dark Ritual - http://chosenofmystra.db-forge.com/mystra_...topic.php?t=617

Item Value Tweaks - http://www.angelfire.com/alt/karkadinn/

The Magnificent Magic Store - http://www.dmrealms.net/board/ikonboard.cg...=ST;f=31;t=1143

MunchMod - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

BagBonus - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

The Improved Volcano! Pack for ToB - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors2.htm

TDDSinTDD - http://www.clandlan.net/index.php?file=MODTDDsinTDD.htm

SP Items - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors2.htm

Priest Rings for Kenshiro - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors2.htm

Cloak of the Shield Upgrade - http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/index_editors2.htm

Flail of Ages Alteration - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=13121

Trophy Feature Mod - http://www.teambg.net/forum/?showtopic=130...indpost&p=83693


**Kit Mods**


(It should be noted that kits are availabe in the Tactics, Improved Battles, Oversight, and Ashes of Embers mods, all listed above)

Cleric Remix - http://www.gibberlings3.net/cleric/

The Sorcerer's Place Collection - http://www.gibberlings3.net/spc/

Sharpshooter Kit - http://www.gibberlings3.net/sharpshooter/

Acid Elementalist Kit - http://pageperso.aol.fr/Ipotemine/

Morituri Kit - http://icelus.net/misc/

Druidic Sorcerer Kit - http://www.3ddownloads.com/telefragged/fwstudios/hlid

Runic Bladesinger Elven Kit - http://www.english.rk.edu.pl/downloadcat5.html

Shuri Ninja Kit - http://members.lycos.co.uk/twinblades/

Champion of Torm Kit - http://forums.gibberlings3.net/index.php?showtopic=956







Clan DLAN's Mods - http://www.clandlan.net/index.php?file=MODsIndex.htm

-TDD sin TDD (WeiDU)

-Taim NPC (WeiDU)

-Mhoram NPC (WeiDU)

-Vendedor DLAN (WeiDU)

-Bolsa (WeiDU)

-Mawgul NPC (WeiDU)

-Nanstein (WeiDU)


Riojano's Corner - http://elsalondelosespejos.iespana.es/elsa...s/Descargas.htm

-Castillo De´Arnise Mejorado (Improved De'Arnise Keep - WeiDU)

-La Música de los Reinos (The Music of the Kingdoms - WeiDU)

-Recargador (Store mod - WeiDU)

-Trovador REO (WeiDU)

-Sir Renal Mod (Store mod - WeiDU)

-Cofre Dimensional Custodiado (WeiDU)

-Darron Mod (Store mod - WeiDU)


Nemesil Arena - http://members.fortunecity.com/draghna/baldur.htm

Christoff (NPC) - http://members.fortunecity.com/draghna/baldur.htm




Octavian's Drizzt Mod - http://www.rosenranken.de/index.php?board=...y;threadid=4291

Octavian's Malthis Mod - http://www.rosenranken.de/index.php?board=...y;threadid=4410

Knights Kits - http://www.rosenranken.de/index.php?board=...y;threadid=4294

( Drow Kits addition to Knights Kits - http://www.rosenranken.de/index.php?board=...y;threadid=4293 )

( Oriental Kits addition to Knights Kits - http://www.rosenranken.de/index.php?board=...y;threadid=4290 )

Maus's Mods - http://fphfslinux.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~maus/

-Tashia (WeiDU)

-Vanim (WeiDU)

-Roar (WeiDU)

-Elvanshalee (WeiDU)

-Teddy (WeiDU)




Kim NPC Mod - http://www.leportailweb.com/lacouronne/ind...?showtopic=3003




Ritorno a Trademeet (Return to Trademeet) - http://rtt.altervista.org/




Riklaunim's Library - http://www.crpg.riklaunim.noi.pl/

-Viconia Release Upgrade

-Grimnosh (Monk NPC)

-Lia (Assassin NPC)

-Tamika (Bounty Hunter NPC)

-Runic Bladesinger Kit





Kelsey for Mac - http://www.pocketplane.net/kelsey

Dungeon-Be-Gone for Mac - http://www.pocketplane.net/dbg

Unfinished Business for Mac - http://www.pocketplane.net/ub

UniversalWolf's Item Pack - http://ire.mainecoon.net/customForum/index...lay;threadid=44

Fire's Mods - http://ire.mainecoon.net/customForum/index...lay;threadid=50

-Compatibility Mod

-Level 50 Rules Pack

-Level 40 Rules Pack

-Power to the Wizards

-No Break

-Import Your Stuff

-ToB XCap for SoA

-Upgraded Familiars for SoA

-Upgraded Classes & Spell Progressions for SoA

Adventurer's Spa and Grill - http://ire.mainecoon.net/customs/featured_mods.html

-The Darkest Day (Mac version)

-BG1Tutu Assistant

-Slart's Fodder Pack

-Summon Bhaalspawn NPC

-Alex Macintosh

-Chicken Change

The Gibberlings Three Mods - http://www.gibberlings3.net

-Blonde Imoen

-Cleric Remix

-G3 Tweak Pack

-JPS' Portrait Collection

-NiGHTMARE's NPC Beautification Pack

-NPC Kit

-PnP Celestials

-Sharpshooter Thief Kit

-Sorcerer's Place Collection

-sporeboy's! Alternate Female NPC Portrait Pack

-Tutu Tweak Pack


This update includes:



-Cloak of the Shield Upgrade

-Mana-based Spell System

-Blonde Imoen

-Sharpshooter Kit

-Flail of Ages Alteration

-BG2 Refinements

-Trophy Feature Mod







Also note that the following mods have been updated by their authors recently:



The biggest change with this update is the creation of a new domain for The Gibberlings Three. Please note that all mods and the forum have moved to the new domain of www.gibberlings3.net.


This update includes:



-Weimer's Underrepresented Items

-Innate Dimension Door (TeamBG)

-CBisson's Familiar Pack (TeamBG)

-PnP Celestials




-New link for all Gibberlings Three mods (Blonde Imoen, Cleric Remix, G3 Tweak Pack, JPS' Portrait Collection, NPCKit Pack, PnP Celestials, Sharpshooter Thief Kit, Sorcerer's Place Collection, Tutu Tweak Pack)

-New link for sporeboys! Alternate Female NPC Portraits

-New link for Runic Bladesinger Elven Kit

-Removed Improved Viconia (now incorporated into Riklaunim's Crazy Remixes)

-New link for the NPC Tweak Mod

-New link for the Turnip Golem Encounter

-New link for Unfinished Business

-New link for Oversight



Also note that the following mods have been updated by their authors recently:



-Ease of Use

-Check the Bodies


-Big Picture/Baldur's Gate Trilogy/Neverending Journey

-Cleric Remix

-G3 Tweak Pack

-JPS' Portrait Collection

-Sorcerer's Place Collection

-Tutu Tweak Pack

-BG2 Refinements

-Unfinished Business


The biggest change with this update is the creation of a new domain for The Gibberlings Three. Please note that all mods and the forum have moved to the new domain of www.gibberlings3.net.


This update includes:



-Tsujatha Melalor NPC

-Champion of Torm Kit

-Rahul Kanakia's Potion Quest

-TeamBG's Contest Submissions

-Iron Modder 3 Pack (May 2004)

-Mazzy the Paladin

-FinnJo's BGII Subrace Mod

-NiGHTMARE's NPC Beautification Pack

-Krondor NPC

-Unfinished Business for Mac

-The Gibberlings Three mods for Mac OS X

-Immortality's Modder Portrait Pack



-New official home for BG1 Tutu

-New link for the BG1 NPC Project (BG1 Tutu Edition)



Also note that the following mods have been updated by their authors recently:

-Unfinished Business

-G3 Tweak Pack

-JPS' Portrait Collection

-NPC Kit

-PnP Celestials

-BG1Tutu FixPack

-SimDing0's Tweak Pack

-Super Firkraag


I realize that all of the lists I maintain are pretty out-of-date, and that there are many new/updated mods that have not been added. The main reason I've been holding back (other than lack of time) is that I'm still waiting to see/hear something definite about the fate of TeamBG. If nothing has been learned by this coming up weekend, I'll reorganize the list a bit and lump all of the inaccessible TeamBG mods in their own section.


Sorry for any problems. :)


A very helpful addition would be something which assists in the order of installation (since I believe some WeiDU mods do request to be installed after others), which mods conflict with which and so on.


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