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bug with kivan?

Guest aliss77777

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Guest aliss77777

hi everybody,


first of all this mod is amazing and it really transforms BGtutu into a wonderful experience.


however i think i may have a problem with kivan. after removing him from the party, a long time has passed (10-15 hours in real time and many more hours of game time). when i talk to him again, i get the dialogue 'it's been fun friend, perhaps we should meet again soon' or something, but i can't ask him to rejoin the party.


this might be something unique to kivan but it doesn't seem that way b/c i can ask all other NPC's to rejoin the party after giving them the boot. i don't think it's a rep issue (it's at 11) or an alignment issue (i'm TN, he's NG). this could also be an issue with Easy Tutu and not the BG1 NPC project....where to begin?


well, thanks for listening everybody! just keep smiling, your voice is ambrosia

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It is something peculiar to the original game, Kivan is known for being difficult.


It could be a consequence of you not doing his quest (bandits) fast enough (the quest is logged as done when you talk to officer Vai). I'd tell you how to go around his timer, but I don't have his scripts on hand.


or it could be that your reputation is a bit on the low side. It is definetly not your alignment.


In both cases, try Ctrl+Q him in the party if you have CLUA, it might be the easiest way. If you then initiate a dialogue with him and see if his dialogue normalized or still stuck.

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Hello -


however i think i may have a problem with kivan. after removing him from the party, a long time has passed (10-15 hours in real time and many more hours of game time). when i talk to him again, i get the dialogue 'it's been fun friend, perhaps we should meet again soon' or something, but i can't ask him to rejoin the party.


This is a bug with Kivan's dialog which was fixed in the 21 May 2006 release of EasyTutu.

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Guest Guest
Hello -


however i think i may have a problem with kivan. after removing him from the party, a long time has passed (10-15 hours in real time and many more hours of game time). when i talk to him again, i get the dialogue 'it's been fun friend, perhaps we should meet again soon' or something, but i can't ask him to rejoin the party.


This is a bug with Kivan's dialog which was fixed in the 21 May 2006 release of EasyTutu.


thanks macready! i'll check it out

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Guest Guest
Hello -


thanks macready! i'll check it out


If you are the OP, I do not recommend changing EasyTutu versions mid-game.


so this bug can only be fixed by reinstalling easy tutu? (i'm aliss77777)


for some reason, after doing some research i thought that tutu fixpack 17 could fix it but maybe that was just wishful thinking

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Hello -


for some reason, after doing some research i thought that tutu fixpack 17 could fix it but maybe that was just wishful thinking


Yes, wishful thinking. EasyTutu has included Tutufix core bug fixes from day one.


so this bug can only be fixed by reinstalling easy tutu? (i'm aliss77777)


Essentially, unless you fix it manually. Taking a quick glance at what I did, I believe the transition for state 4 in _KIVANP needs to be changed from:






IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT

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Guest Guest

Essentially, unless you fix it manually. Taking a quick glance at what I did, I believe the transition for state 4 in _KIVANP needs to be changed from:






IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("KickedOut","LOCALS",1)~ EXIT


hey buddy! your fix doesn't seem too difficult. since kivan is already in a permanently unjoinable state in my current game, i may as well give this a shot. that is, unless there could be other consequences? i await your expert advice :suspect:

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Guest Guest
Hello -


Oh, also, that fix just prevents the issue. Kivan would actually need his KickedOut local set to 1 to fix his behavior once the glitch has occurred.


is that done through the CLUA console?


you know what Macready you are a champ but maybe we should continue this over email. can you drop me a line at: aliss77777 AT yahoo DOT com that explains this from the beginning? sorry to be a pain but you've already shown yourself to be a super nice guy willing to help, so hopefully it won't be too much more trouble!




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Hello -


is that done through the CLUA console?


Actually, I'm not entirely sure how to edit a local variable. I doubt you can do so from the console, because locals are associated with specific objects, and I don't think there's a way to reference Kivan in the context of a SetGlobal. I was thinking maybe SK or NI, but I only see a way to set globals there.


Anyone know of a way to edit a local in a savegame?

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What I'd try is to Ctrl+Q Kivan into the party and then reset the LOCALS on him; or, perhaps, experiment with selecting him on the game screen and entering SetGlobal command via CLUA. LOCALS are z pain. :suspect:

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Guest Guest_aliss77777_*
What I'd try is to Ctrl+Q Kivan into the party and then reset the LOCALS on him; or, perhaps, experiment with selecting him on the game screen and entering SetGlobal command via CLUA. LOCALS are z pain. :)


whoa, this seems kinda complicated.

then again, it would be SWEET to have kivan back in the party in time for the final battle with sarevok and getting his revenge on Tazok. i just beat cloakwood mines, so I guess I have some time to figure this out :)


thanks for the help all!

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Hello -


is that done through the CLUA console?


Actually, I'm not entirely sure how to edit a local variable. I doubt you can do so from the console, because locals are associated with specific objects, and I don't think there's a way to reference Kivan in the context of a SetGlobal. I was thinking maybe SK or NI, but I only see a way to set globals there.


Anyone know of a way to edit a local in a savegame?


You can try



while your cursor is over Kivan's portrait. I think that should work, but can't be 100% sure.

Otherwise, you'll have to use SK. :)

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