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Last minute fixes for v2


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Some last minute stuff I've found in my final review for v2...


Roger's sea troll uses a different DV for its active and knocked down version. If you use death magic on it (instead of the conventional method of knocking it down and finishing with fire or acid), Roger never realizes the troll is dead because he's checking for the DV of the knocked down troll.


// wrong DV for roger's sea troll; if killed instantly (rather than via fire) roger won't know
COPY_EXISTING ~rogtro01.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_ASCII 0x280 ~rogtro02~ #20 // death variable


One of the trolls in Firkraag's dungeon can be killed by anything once knocked down, instead of just fire or acid:


// 'knocked down' troll can be killed by anything
COPY_EXISTING ~firamb05.cre~ ~override~
 WRITE_SHORT		   0x24	1			// current HP
 WRITE_SHORT		   0x46   10			// natural AC
 WRITE_SHORT		   0x48   10			// effective AC
 WRITE_BYTE			0x5a  100			// resist cold
 WRITE_BYTE			0x5b  100			// resist electricity
 WRITE_BYTE			0x5f  100			// resist magic cold
 WRITE_BYTE			0x60  100			// resist slashing
 WRITE_BYTE			0x61  100			// resist crushing
 WRITE_BYTE			0x62  100			// resist piercing
 WRITE_BYTE			0x63  100			// resist missile
 WRITE_BYTE			0x23c   9			// dexterity
 WRITE_BYTE			0x270 255			// enemy


Kind of a last minute request, but if you haven't done so, could you add something like:

PRINT @# //Error: This mod can only be installed on BG2 or BGT.
//Exit without installing

This removes the possibility of someone installing it on Tutu. (Or alternately, you could code in Tutu-compatibility for those components that would make sense in Tutu, but we'll probably just swipe the code for the BG1 Fixpack if there are any such components :p.)

Kind of a last minute request, but if you haven't done so, could you add something like:
PRINT @# //Error: This mod can only be installed on BG2 or BGT.
//Exit without installing

This removes the possibility of someone installing it on Tutu. (Or alternately, you could code in Tutu-compatibility for those components that would make sense in Tutu, but we'll probably just swipe the code for the BG1 Fixpack if there are any such components :p.)

Honestly, this would really only rule out some OBC components. Being as Tutu is based on the BG2 engine, just about all of the IDS and 2DA fixes should still apply. (No, you still shouldn't install the Fixpack on Tutu. If you use conventional Tutu, install Fixpack before the conversion; on EasyTutu don't install at all.) Since some mods use BG2 items in Tutu, you can't toss out the GTU entirely either.


I know Macready has said he's working on incorporating the relevant fixes from Fixpack into future versions of EasyTutu.


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