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Posts posted by StummvonBordwehr

  1. In the latest version, you can choose to roll for HP up to level 20 - instead of the flat and nerfed regular bonus.

    The way it works for me, is that it grants the hit dice, but not the constitution bonus past level 9. So a fighter gets 10 hp at each level from level 9 to 20. I dont know if this is intended, but would it be possible to add the con bonus as well?

    and perhaps add more options - for instance continue until you reach the level cap?

  2. Just adding my 50 cents. Sorry if I open old wounds.

    What happened over the years have is a usage of other people’s work without consent. And it’s still happening in 2020. 

    If you wish to be a part of a community, respect for other people’s work and consent is mandatory if you want to change something  - no matter how helpful you are towards people who like your work. I sincerely hope for redemption for Roxanne and her project. Time will tell if that ever comes to pass.

    But until the above comes to pass, I steer clear of Roxanne and her project. Not for the lack of helpfulness, but for the lack of consent.

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