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Posts posted by Lauriel

  1. 11 minutes ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

    Uuh, actually what jastey means is that even as the weapon doesn't say it to be a +5 weapon, but it(sw2h05.itm) is, it's not meant to be viewable, as it's not dropped, so yes, it's a +5 weapon, and no you can't get it and so on... the file name tricket me. You would think that the original wouldn't be named the next from the few normal and then the few specific player useful swords, but it is.

    Tricked me, too. :)

  2. 3 minutes ago, jastey said:

    I meant it's still a +5 weapon, and it is used in the BG1 part.

    Oh!  The description doesn't say any of that, but if you go into the melee abilities, yes, it does.  Good catch!  I'd have never in a million years have caught that.  So I can have him keep what I thought was a plain old sword and just put the BG2 version in his inventory so he drops it.  Even easier!  Thanks!

  3. 4 hours ago, Lauriel said:

    Actually, PRO_CLASS and PRO_RACE will take me longer.  There are so many that I will be forced to brush up on bitwise operators ... it's been like 30 years since I've needed to use those.  I'll add them to the tra files though, so at least if someone adds a translation, they only need to do it once.

    No I won't, unless someone convinces me otherwise.  Sounds tedious.  And I don't know how to handle multi/dual classes.  I mean, someone could be a Fighter/Mage/Thief.  Does that show up when you use PRO_CLASS?  Sounds gnarly.  Is it just base classes with a 'whatever the hell you are!' for combos?  LOL  sorry...that cracked me up.  Anyway, I don't wanna do this.

  4. 1 minute ago, jastey said:

    I was ready to punch my monitor more than once when starting with using GitHub. It's not intuitive to use if you haven't done anything similar before.

    I've only ever used it as a handy way to post something for someone else to fetch.  I've not used it for version control because I worked for big companies with MAJOR trust issues. :)  They always used internal version control systems.  So, now I have changes that it won't let me post because I didn't fetch changes first.  ::sigh::  I think I'll just edit the files on the web site - copy paste is my friend! :)

  5. 3 minutes ago, jastey said:

    I understand @900000 which would be for the first word in a sentence and thus has a first capitalized letter, but what is @900001 for?

    It's there because I was afraid to try to capitalize it LOL  To be honest.  Nothing is simple with Weidu - and I'm afraid it'll be the same with putting @900000 to upper case for UPPER_HESHE token.   I'm trying now though.  Slave driver. :)

  6. 27 minutes ago, jastey said:

    EDIT: thanks for the kind words, but I definitely did not help with this one. 😅

    Oh yes you did.  You gave me the idea to include the .tra files.  Which gave me no small amount of hair-pulling, thank you very much. :)

    27 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Would you add a note to translators, currently I wouldn't know which of the strings would need translation, and to what.

    One question: the in full upper case entries in the tra (HE, SHE etc) do they really need to be in te tra, i.e. would they be translated?

    I know I don't understand the question.  HE SHE, yes, needs to be translated, for example to French IL ELLE.  That sort of thing.  If it's in the .tra, it needs to be translated if they want it to come out in their language.  I know you know this, so I know I'm not understanding the question.  I'm confused.

    27 minutes ago, jastey said:

    And... How would I use this as a modder?..:ph34r:

    I suppose I should add that to the read-me.  The tpa gets included wherever you need to use a proper or upper pronoun, the case.tra files need to be put where your other tra's are and has to be included in your array of translation files to be reloaded, and listed where you have the other tra's listed.  Like:


          FAIL @1

       ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY transitions_noconvert BEGIN setup END
       ACTION_DEFINE_ARRAY transitions_reload BEGIN game cases END

             infer_charset = 1
             tra_path = EVAL ~transitions/languages~
             noconvert_array = transitions_noconvert
             reload_array = transitions_reload

    LANGUAGE ~American English~ ~american~   

    As far as including the tpa - just like any other:


    // CLEAN-UP QUESTS                 //
    BEGIN @13       // MOD 20
    // This option has Sarevok's survivors flee upon his death to give more quests
    REQUIRE_PREDICATE (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~transitions/setup-transitions.tp2~ 0) OR (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~transitions/setup-transitions.tp2~ 1) OR (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~transitions/setup-transitions.tp2~ 2) @8
    INCLUDE ~transitions/components/cases.tpa~    // Add proper and upper case player1 pronouns
    INCLUDE ~transitions/components/winski_escapes.tpa~
    INCLUDE ~transitions/components/survivors_flee.tpa~

    That's all there's to it.

    Oh, and to use it in a dialogue:


    IF ~Global("#L_AngeloHasFled","GLOBAL",0) !Dead("GALDOR") Dead("Sarevok")~ THEN BEGIN Angelo_flee
        SAY @2011 // ~<PROPER_HESHE> is too strong for us!  Run for your lives!~
        IF ~~ DO ~SetGlobal("#L_AngeloHasFled","GLOBAL",1) ActionOverride("GALDOR",CreateVisualEffectObject("SPDIMNDR",Myself)) ActionOverride("GALDOR",DestroySelf())~ EXIT

    et voila!

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