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Everything posted by pochesun

  1. yeah i think @subtledoctor gave a valid explanation. For some reason i thought all ghasts should be immune to Web spell
  2. not that i try to cheese my way out while playing the game, i actually always go for most challenging settings and conditions (like, for instance, i install PnP equipment for fighter/druids but never instlal something like bracers for kensai or wands for thieves, or casting in armor) but there are some features of the game i prefer to leave as they are: Edwin has always been an iconic charachter in BG saga and i have a lot of fun memories in regard to him so Edwin's Amulet is one of those things i tend not to change
  3. I have a question regarding Web and ghasts. Presumably ghasts are immune to hold effect, and Web spell inflicts hold effect on a creature when this creature fails save vs breath. My ghast from Tiax seems to be not immune to hold effect from Web. Is it supposed to be this way, since i believe thee are 3 or 4 different opcodes for hold effect and maybe ghast missing one?
  4. I have a question about Edwin's Amulet. In BG1 he is now lvl 4 and with amulet he can memorize only 5 first level spells and only 4 second level spells (basically 1 extra spell per level as it stands in description of the item). But i checked ini settings of the IRR installation and there is an option to make it an item with 1 extra level spell and + save vs Breath. My current amulet does not have + 3 save vs Breath and i did not chose that option when i installed IRR. So i assume the default installation would be an item giving 2 extra spells per level (which i prefer but dont currently have). Am i missing something? nvm i forgot that Amulet got different powers for BG1 and BG2
  5. planar explosion graphical effect - good description, thats what i meant Honestly i am fine with current haste/slow graphic but i have and issue with it that its not always very noticable in the rage of the battle, the planar explosion however was pretty noticalbe and it was convineint. Up to you of course whichever is better. File attached. Tiax will be very dissapointed though cuz i used Gauntlets on him and without malus he performed pretty well with his Sling I actually like this item quite a lot, it gives +3 Strenght and for some characters its pretty vital - like Tiax who got only 9 STR naturally and for me it was crucial he got to 10 at least. brac08.itm
  6. Which folder should i put that file? I presume "Override" folder again?
  7. Animation: before you fixed Stupifier i tested and when the effect occured it got like sort of gold sort-of-golden explosion under the target (i dunno how to explain it And now, after the fix, the visual resembles a plume of puff of smoke evaporates from the target upon the stun effect. I dunno, maybe IRR/SRR applies different animation there since you modified it as .spl Can you fix Gauntlets too for my current game please ?
  8. I will let you know if i encounter similar messages. I remember i reported same issue with Werewolf Cloak about 2 years ago (when was used it delivered same message) but it got fixed. I presume the stun effect animation was changed in SRR and i just did not pay enough attention to notice it? Gauntlets of Might: i literally just tried it on my mage with strenght 13 (Xan) - it granted+ 3 strenght (gave + 1 damage modifier) granted 2 malus to DEX (2 penalty to armor modifier) but no effect on Thac0. I tried it on completely unequipped Xan - same effect. NO extra boosts/potions/spells - nothing. Base Thac0 is 19 and the same effective Thac0.
  9. Also could you please check Gauntlets of Might (Elander's gloves of Fumbling) - cursed item. In my current game it does not grant malus to Thac0 and honestly looks overpowered
  10. @Bartimaeus Ok i did some testing now, looks like stun effect happens more often now, but the animation and visual effect (when stun happens) looks different from what it was before with this mace and when stun effect occurs a phrase appearse in the combat log: "You dont remember Aldeth's brother, most interesting" when stun effect occurs (i presume it should says that the target is stunned or something instead). I also play with BG overlay that allow me to see which effects are applied on the target when i right click on it and now i cant see stun effect in the list when the stun happens (it was visible during my testing before you patched the mace).
  11. and what should i do with the file? its saved as txt file, how i convert it to the format similar inm override folder?
  12. I believe the vanilla version had 25% chance to stun with no save but in EE it was changed in some patch to 10% with save vs Spell. Anyway hope you will fix the item cuz i like it a lot actually and its a good alternative for cleric/warrior in BG1. I assume it will use IR stunning .spl after the fix so it will work more stable
  13. I might suggest there is something wrong with Mace of Stunning (the Stupifier +1). I can stun target 1 out of maybe 30 or 40 sucessful hits and when stun effects happens its usually happens as a killing blow (the same moment target dies). You sure its 33% chance and not 3%?
  14. I dunno, a person turning into werewolf naturally should tear off clothes / armor (unequip) If i was a werewolf - i would
  15. Yeah i think armor does not affect AC when changed in werewolf but helmet does add + 1 AC and also seems that when turning into werewolf and with armor up the armor itself still gives Armor class modifiers like piercing damage, crushing damage etc. I am not sure if its supposed to be that way cuz its impossible to remove those modifiers while in combat (you cant take your armor off when in combat).
  16. Hello, wanted to ask about Shapeshifting ability (specificaly Cloak of the Wolf from BG1). When i shapeshift into werewolf using the Cloak extra bonuses to AC from armor and helmet still applies. Also i can quip armor and helmet when i am in werefolf form. Is it supposed to be this way? If no - can it be fixed or its somehow hardcoded?
  17. @Lianos found solution for it. Search for it on this thread (page 20) or i will jsut copy paste it here. Also Improved Shapeshifting component has nothing to do with that error, so feel free to install it In ...\stratagems\priest\spellchoices_defensive\demivrgvs\druid.tph Line 41 a bracket is missing. PUSH_RANDOM spells (DEFENSIVE_HARMONY null should be PUSH_RANDOM spells (DEFENSIVE_HARMONY null) This fixed it for me.
  18. I guess compatibility of IRR and RR remains to be a mistery Anyway, i always put IRR above anything else because form my experience its the most elaborated and thought-through mod of that kind. From my previous playthroughs i infered that IRR adds enough of balanced and versatile items and adding anything else could make the game a little bit clustered. One of the reasons i asked about ToBex was there is a component in RR named "Revised NPC behavior on failed theft attempts" which (according to description) requires ToBex. I always play on EE so i thought maybe some elements of ToBex were implemented so that component can be installed. (i have not tried to install it yet since i will have to finish my current playthrough first and then reinstall BG2).
  19. @Bartimaeus I wanted to ask you about Rogue Rebalancing component that adds equipment for bards and thieves. i was going to try it (4-5 pieces of equipment look pretty cool and have fun design), but not sure how it works with IRR (is it stable enough etc?). Also i have no idea if IRR (or IR) borrowed some ideas from RR before and already implemented those. And if there are duplicates among euipment does the order of installation RR then IRR holds? What are your thoughts about it? Also, always wanted to ask but always forget Is ToBex already implemented in EE version of the game or they are incompatibale, or some elements of ToBex implemented in EE? Does IRR or SRR install any elements of ToBex?
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