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Everything posted by Parys

  1. @Weigo Hello, While playing I noticed an incorrect closed door animation: Nashkel (AR4800), Tavern's door. Thank you for your hard work!
  2. @Weigo Hello, No problem at all I have tested these two 8-bit image files on clean installation of bg1ee sod without any other mods. The red and green glow does NOT appear as well. I would also like to mention that I noticed when installing the mod (bg1ee sod beamdog version) using your modified macros.tpa file, the installer reports that it cannot find the file to copy, but fortunately continues the further installation. This situation repeats several times for different AR files to copy. After the installation everything seems to be fine. Should I be worried? I didn't notice any other graphic artifacts besides this one. I mentioned this in earlier post.
  3. I tested again with these files on a clean BG1ee SOD setup (beamdog version/ without any other mods). The red and green glow does not appear.
  4. Hello @Weigo I installed the mod with converted night map of BG2600LN. The red glow disappeared. As a test, I converted the night map of AR0700 to 24bit bmp. The green glow does not appear anymore. (Tested on BG1EE SOD beamdog version) Weigo, thank you for your tenacity in resolving the issue.
  5. @Weigo Thank you for your time. I have tested this with my sorcerer human character on BG1EE without SoD (Steam Version) (clean install without any other mods beside BGOO) This red glowing is more saturated than infravison glowing When my charname is selected, he is glowing red. But when i select Quayle (gnome) his infravision has proper subtle glowing Human sorcerer selected: Quayle selected: I also noticed that my character starts glowing green when he is in this location: Are you able to reproduce this bug. For example, go to the shadow of a tree on the wyrmcrossing night map and you will notice this strange red glowing that appears on the human race wizard character which is completely different from the typical glowing during infravision. Without BGOO installed, this anomally doesnt appear. I'd like to help you track down the problem. Can I be of any help?
  6. @Probe88 Unfortunatelly, it did not solve the problem of red glowing This macros.tpa is a workaround for an error i constantly encountered during my installation process of BGOO mod on BG1EESOD beamdog version game. This macross.tpa I have placed in the bggo\lib directory.
  7. @Weigo I tested the intallations with this new macros.tpa and everything has gone well. Thank you. I have found a graphical glitch on AR1200 night map (tested on: BG1EESOD beamdog version and BG1EE without SOD Steam version) I would like to ask do you know any way I could turn this red glow off? You mentooned that the reddish colour is due to the night lightmap, is it possible to turn it off via Near Infinity?
  8. I can confirm this issue on my installation as well, on every night map, in shadows the sprites glow red. BG1 with or without SOD expansion (beamdog version) BGGO for EET, BGT, BGEE, BG2EE, ToB and Tutu: v3.1
  9. Thank you for investigating my problem. After copying ar3800, the installer screams about the lack of another file to copy (ar5400.mos) Does such copying make sense since the directory structure is different. Will the game not crash to the desktop or will I see the changes made by the BGOO mod when I want to visit that location?
  10. @Weigo Hello, I can not install bggo on my clean bg1sod (beamdog) setup I get the following error: ERROR: Failure("resource [AR3800.mos] not found for 'COPY'") Would you like to help me, please? SETUP-BGGO.rar
  11. Thank you for the in-depth explanation of the workaround.
  12. After having installed the remastered spell icons v 1.1, I get the following error: The game start normally and the spell icons in mage and priest books are scaled properly.
  13. Hello Jastey, Congratulations for creating a great mod! I created a more accurate icon for the BS location. It will be an honor for me if it will be used in the mod. EDITED: @jastey Would you like to take a look at the new version of the file. I improved the walls there a little bit. EDITED2: @jastey I added a bridge connecting the tower to the BG city. I made further adjustments to the walls. I will try to create an icon to match the eet version EDITED3: @jastey I have finished BS map icons for BGEESOD and BGEET. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/plfzw1oq91fh7vhpn9e20/MAPICONS.rar?rlkey=y3p00dvtfmtxhxm5ciq5uupch&dl=0 Best Regards
  14. Hello Weigo, Thank you for your excellent work! I have graphical glitch on Ice Island dungeon. (BGEET) Also, I found Ulgoth Beards has no night map (BGEET) I have crash to desktop in my BGEE Siege of Dragonspear installation (w/o any other mods) on all nightmaps. EDIT: I copied the old files of this map (BG1009.ARE, BG1009.WED and BG1009.BCS) and then deleted them. Everything is now displayed correctly. I do not know what this problem was caused by. Fresh installation of the mod causes the same graphical glitch again. I noticed a misaligned door texture in North Baldur's Gate area (AR0200): WeiDU.log
  15. This is a great news. Thank you for your work to bring this mod back to live. I have been following the progress of your work for a long time. I look forward to see completed integration new Baldurs Gate city maps into mod. Do you have plan to create a nightmap for the Ice Island (AR1008)? This location does not have nightmap at all.
  16. Please allow me to ask you how long do we have to wait for your excellent work to be completed? I appreciate you taking the time to redone these bam files.
  17. another batch of revamped icons: old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ old: new: __________________________________________________________ v2_part2.zip
  18. Observed: Take off Hexxat's cloak; When she begins receiving damage, you can see that accompanying animation has a black border. Expected: Animation should be displayed without a black border.
  19. Certain spells and special abilities icons don't match grapically with other icons. Below I had attached screenshots with old (first screenshot) and revamped spells/abilities icons (second screenshot) alongside with a random icons to better see the difference. ______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ (Ether Gate is offensive spell, thus it should has a red colour.) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ new(left) old(right) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ (the new icon of Symbol: Death was extracted from bg2ee v1.3) v2.zip
  20. BG1EE & BG2EE 2.6 The second level cleric spell chant has light purple colour instead of white: I have extracted the *.bam file of chant spell from bgee 1.3 and attached the file to download. It has proper white colour: SPPR203C.BAM
  21. It's depend on what mode you are going to use. TweaksPack, SCS version 30, and AscensionBETAv1506082016 works perfectly. Many pre 2.x (2016) mods works fine as well. Fixpack is included in bgee 1.3. That way, you have the same experience like oBG with widescreen mod and many other improvements while retaining old-school spirit of oBG. Cheers!
  22. This is known issue and this problem stems from the decision to throw catmul rom renderer aside. The pre 2.x version of BGEE 1&2 does not have such a problem. Steam is still offering a 1.3 version of bgee 1&2 without such an issues.
  23. BG2EE 2.6 I have noticed inccorect item apperance (HELM32 - Helm of the Rock and HELM33 - Gold Horned Helm) in inventory screen. I have attached a screenshot. On the top, it is observed behaviour; On the bottom, it is how it should be. Helm31(unupgraded helm of the rock) has correct apperance. I have uploaded ammended HELM32.ITM and HELM33.ITM files. HELM32.ITM HELM33.ITM
  24. I observe quite weird phenomenon when PC is wielding a sword of flame +1, thoug one condition must be met - you have to equip your character with whatever piece of armour you have. 1. C:CreateCreature("korgan8") 2. C:CreateItem("sw1h53") 3. Join Korgan and unequip his chainmail. 4. Give Sword of Flame +1 to Korgan At that moment, nothing unusual happened. His sprite looks normal. 4. Equip his chainmail. Look at his sprite, his armour started blinking. If you give Sword of Flame to Imoen, her chest will started blinking, even if she is not wearing any armour at all.
  25. Thanks you for your hard work on these project. I prefered the option number 1. Finally, all the item's shadows has the same black colour . Rings, amulet, bracers, etc - all these stuff are displaying consistently in the inventory. I’m looking forward to bg2+tob revamped icons. Do you have plan to remade inventory icons from bg 1&2 enhanced editions/1pp.
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