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Everything posted by MikeX

  1. V4.28 (and lower) The .d files in question (e.g. 'd5_stalk.d') are located in folder 'might_and_guile\feats\dialog'.
  2. There are a couple .d files (e.g. d5_stalk.d) with lines like this: IF ~GlobalLT("D5_STRID","LOCALS",1)~ THEN REPLY @2210 GOTO d5_stalk_16 which reference not existing tra entries @2210 (and @2211). BiG World Fixpack adds empty tra entries for this (e.g. @2210 = ~~), probably to work around possible issues.
  3. Nevermind, I downloaded the mod file again, unpacked everything and now all German tra-files UTF-8 coded, wierd... Topic could be deleted.
  4. In my German BGT installation all German 'umlauts' (äÄ/öÖ/üÜ) within words are deleted. Example: Might it be due to German tra-files are ANSI coded and HANDLE_CHARSETS expects them to be UTF-8 coded?
  5. I prefer IR/R's version for consistency (description, price, lore...) and really appriciate all the effort and continuous support especially you put in. I 'borrowed' the idea and code from startegems to make my own little mod to redistribute some +1 weapons back ino the game...
  6. Probably somehow related... Component #3501 adds a non-existing item '%WIZARD_.itm' to 'resar.cre'. From Lolfixer: RESAR.CRE issue: Inventory Item #4 (%WIZARD_.itm) does not exist! Removing item... Probably from 'standardise_bg1_spells.tpa': I haven't figured out, where the connection between '%WIZARD_%spell%_SCROLL%' and the actual item is made...
  7. Minor issue reported and corrected by Lolfixer: AROW02.ITM issue: Ability #0 has a non-existent icon (mwwarow0.BAM)! Assigning Inventory Icon (mwarow01.BAM)... masterwork.tpa, line 295: WRITE_ASCII 0x76 ~mwwarow01~ should be: WRITE_ASCII 0x76 ~mwarow01~
  8. Component #5900 adds a non-existing item 'WIZARD_S.itm' to shops (random). From Lolfixer (only one per install): BERNARD2.STO issue: Stocked Item #2 does not exist (WIZARD_S.itm)! Removing item... TRMER04.STO issue: Stocked Item #2 does not exist (WIZARD_S.itm)! Removing item... Looks like a name resolving issue... Probably from 'bonus_spell_scrolls.tpa': debug:
  9. I think, this has been mentioned somewhere before... For some unknown reasons component #5900 sets the enchantment level (itm offset 0x60) of masterwork weapons (created by Item revisions) from '0' back to '1'. Lolfixer component #8 detects this and therefore 'fixes' the item by setting the item flag 'Magical'. And so we are back to a magical +1 weapon... One could argue about Lolfixer doing this but OTOH, what is the reason behind setting the enchantment level by SCS? Edit: I think, the changes happen in this section of bg1fix.tpa: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // correctly flag Enchantment level of certain items ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LAF edit_item INT_VAR tv=1 STR_VAR item=~arow02 ax1h02 ax1h07 blun03 blun05 blun07 bolt02 dagg02 dart02 halb02 hamm02 staf02 sw1h02 sw1h05 sw1h08 sw1h14 sw1h22 sw1h24 sw1h98 sw2h02~ editstring=~enchantmentGT=>1~ END IMHO it should only be executed if GAME_IS ~bg1 totsc~. If I look into a plain BGT game (BG2 fixpack installed) all enchantment levels are already fixed (but don't know about Tutu). Maybe better would be a check inside the function, only setting an enchantment level if the flag 'Magical' is set.
  10. I'm not an English speaking native myself but I think with 'messy hackjob' he described his own work to get it working... And because of that, he did not publish anything and also adviced others not to follow his work. So I think, he did not mean to be rude towards your work...
  11. Thank's for all replies. @Jastey: Thank's for your help. I'm especallly trying to reach out on insomniator on his incredibly awesome mod 'BG2 Improved GUI' but he seems to be only active on Spellhold Studios... Edit: I now used a gmail adress over there and it worked, finally.
  12. Hi, I've tried now several times over the last couple of days to sign up at Spellhold Studios without any success. I used the same user name and email there that I used here but never received any validation email. Anybody here from Spellhold Studios that could help? Thank's.
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