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Everything posted by Lurker

  1. Hmm, I also intended this topic to stay mostly clean from discussions, so that the individual reports don't get drowned, but I supposed that's also wishful thinking here around. Well; at least I tried. And I really appreciate the feedback, so all good.
  2. I beg to differ. I never used EEEx, and some of the components dealing with more meaningful stat bonuses caused choppy walking animations seconds after starting a new game in BG1 (EET). That was in the first quarter of this year, when I still did my installs manually and via Wine, so a makeover took really LONG. That was actutally what caused me to start keeping notes, and then writing my bash script to ease installs. And @subtledoctor's offering a comparable solution, which IMO works better, and is better supported. The Artisan's kitpack had things like allowing mages to use crossbows, but no crossbow ammo. There's only one Firetooth crossbow in the game... I spent some time comparing diffs on GitHub, until I figured it out for me locally. To my knowledge, he's still only active on Discord, which I don't use, so couldn't give feedback. All of this combined should explain my wariness. It's not to shit on other people's work, but a matter of self-protection. All in all I started with BG again out of a mood to actually play it, and look what has happened since then.. Will try to keep that in mind when I start to collect mods for a future installation. I can only propose to you to offer perhaps proper (meaning intended strictly technical) releases and a basic readme, to increase adoption. I'd offer help, but the time it would take you to explain everything to me might be better invested in just doing it yourself. Then again, if you just keep your stuff publically available to ease collaboration, but don't care that much for user adoption, that's also a way to go, I suppose.
  3. Oh yes, in addition to InKal: Level 40+ has to stay! (At least for bhaalspawns...)
  4. I can see this ending up in a megamod-like situation, making it challenging for mod compatibility. But as long as it's properly communicated upfront, I'd be certainly willing to offer this a dedicated installation. Perhaps with only BG2:EE support, at least in the beginning, to make it more manageable? And to shift the epic stages more into the planes is a very sensible approach. One concept I generally would like to see handled better in a setup that is supposed to be primarily about "a charname", is to also address this at game mechanics, not only by story. Same as the thing of having no soul is of absolutely no consequence in the game, charname should really stand out power-wise the more the story progresses. The few pitiful minor abilities are fitting for the BG1 phase, but even then more from a story point of view, because charname is still in the infant stage of evolving. In BG2:SoA, those "pitifuls" are meaningless. Well, I stand corrected, there is a consequence of losing the soul: the loss of those abilities, which only occurred to me right now, which might help to see how painful this loss really is... And the slayer change? Well, at least it is something... For evil charnames. They get a gameplay gimmick as an apology for so few options to play their alignment more convincingly. The power-boost from the platforms in Ascension comes far too late, while the choice of giving this boost to another bhaalspawn is a nice roleplaying opportunity; preferable with strings attached. Long story short, wishful thinking: Even the most underwhelming class with the lousiest ability scores should have the opportunity to outclass any companion, if he/she manages to survive long enough. And the player should have time to actually enjoy using that power, so no to a huge power-boost that happens 2 minutes before the endgame credits roll. Too keep this rant going on just a bit longer, two examples: KotOR1: BAD. Especially with the "DLC" for PC gamers. With higher experience levels, choices less and less matter, because every character is maximized, and the munchkin items only emphasize this. And whoever thought that sitting around in the Ebon Hawk should give XP for idle companions, shame on you. KotOR2: better (all-lower-case is intentional). While all of the example above still applies, the main character gets a power boost (even if it's almost meaningless, because the game is so easy), and some unique abilities. While this may sound just like what I complained about above regarding BG, the execution just felt better. And again, in all-lower-case. But I hope my position is relatable.
  5. I've an idea for Carsomyr, and perhaps Paladin items in general. Staying with Carsomyr contextually for now; instead of limiting who can use the item, which can be cheated by high level rogues, would it be possible to check if the item is currently worn by a Paladin class, and only then provide the more powerful features? Preferable without the need for EEex, if possible. That would also be more in line with PnP behaviour. Let Paladins enjoy their special equipment unnerfed, but nerf it for the UAI abusers.
  6. I'm into RR for the Skald (walking juke box that mostly obsoletes Chaotic Commands or Mind Blank, party wide, plus serious combat bonus) and the CoC encounter. The Blade is meh. I'm very picky when using Artisan's mods. Some components from HouseTweaks caused severe lag and where hard to track down for me back then, for example. I used Bardic Wonders for a Black Pits run a while ago, which lead to this, that and the following discussion. In current versions of HouseTweaks, the component to restore the reputation increase sound effect all of a sudden will only install on BG2:EE, not on EET. I patched the (working!) component from an earlier release (good luck figuring out which version is which) into the version installed here, locally. His work is too sloppy, in my opinion. Btw, reading that comment again reminded me what I did with your CotSF and Templar kits. The result is quite OP, especially when combining it with the right tweaks, but it works really well. I was curious if I could do it, and Paladins deserve all the love they can get. I'd like to ask, @morpheus562, if you were perchance willing to readopt it, perhaps as a munchkin easter egg for your kitpack? The way it is, it withers away in my current modpack... @Graion Dilach I don't remember anymore where I got my version of klatu from, but as I said, I try to stay with official releases where possible. Has it been adopted from TGP? Having to keep up with forks is something I try to avoid, usually.
  7. (if I missed to update any link pointing to my current list of notes, they moved up here) Could you be a bit more verbose, please? Or provide links? I've a collection of accumulated links to various GitHub repos, but usually try to stay with the "official" versions of mods. The Manual of War worked fine in my last, but terminally doomed ToB-only game. At that point, it also doesn't feel overly overpowered. I've a link in my notes about the general issue, but that points to SHS forums, and I guess we sadly all know how useful the information buried there currently is... I also get the feeling, regardless how much I like all those really cool gameplay tweaks and the possible options in how to combine them, when I see the increasing number of stacked effects on my individual party members in Near Infinity, I'm less and less surprised about the increasing number of crashdumps in my game save directory...
  8. MIH_EQ, Tactical Challenges: Throne of Bhaal, Enhanced Battles: Saradush; quoting the readme: That effect affects the whole party, even if only a single character is actually inside the prison area, while the others are waiting outside or even in another building. That's one way to sell the tweak from MESpells, which extends the duration of "Negative Plane Protection" to 8 hours...
  9. @morpheus562 With your HLAs to increase stats (GREAT STR/DEX/CON/...), why did you chose to apply them appearing like increases from items, meaning that the increased stat will show up in green in the character record? I know that, if I remember correctly, the base game also sometimes does this (Hell trials / Tears of Bhaal come to mind? Where it could be justified by assuming those effects get removed when the same PC is used again in a new game; but then, the permanent decrease of a stat from one of the dream sequences appears like a dick move in comparison); I also had this happen via some potion once, but don't remember the details. I never liked that particular approach, because it somehow feels temporary, and I'd preferred that a permanent increase in a stat does actually increase the base stat, instead of adding an effect (just guessing, I haven't really checked how you or the other case(s) implement the increase technically). The "colored" increase should IMHO be exclusive to items, for consistency; a criticism that is also very much directed at the base game. This issue lately came to my mind again when I used both your HLAs and the Manual of War, the latter applying the "non-colored" increase to a stat.
  10. (original content of this comment slot) Bugs and other issues: SCS: Avoiding major v34.3 bugs the reason behind what appears like empty slots between other items in unlooted chests conflict with MIH_EQ: Revised Magical Beasts <-- my issue with unkillable Dread Wolves (ff) / SCS messing this up MIH_EQ: passive Poison Mist Tactical Challenges: Throne of Bhaal, Enhanced Battles: Saradush - gung ho level drain area effect big time hog on installation component #21 looks like it messes up the transition from Chapter 5 to Chapter 6 (not a gamebreaking issue, but enough for me to blacklist this component) Black Hearts: progress breaking bug in Chapter 5 + workaround (link to possible hotfix in follow up comment) mod seems to be in support limbo (see also quotation here) another progress breaking bug, almost immediately after the last one, + another workaround this mod is a no-go for me in its current state Sergio is much more benevolent (I generally recommend his thread for mod feedback) The Calling and BST might have an issue; this is already known; reminder for me for when I get there Thou shalt not blindly rely on AutoDescription. Various notes to myself: Check for Tony again the Black Talon issue multiple things Viconia skipping lovetalks: supposedly not a bug, depends on player's resting habits Sarevok's alignment change not triggering, while all conditions are met partially explained here, although still no reliable clue to what was causing this don't keep a Blackguard close to a good-aligned character who's going to use Turn Undead what's up with the backticks in Longer Road? do I really need and want to understand text encoding issues; will this silly subject never die? have another look at Carsomyr, to better understand FA's changes, and how AutoDescription handles both original and modded versions repeatedly jumping to conclusions and blaming Forgotten Armament matching modded game with matching saves without constantly having to readjust symlinks The engine_name variable within engine.lua in the game folder defines the profile subfolder's name (aka the folder in Documents). Changing that one variable ensures that the entire duplicate is sandboxed if necessary. (Graion Dilach) What was my source for Jaheira Recast and Chatty Imoen? (dead repo is not in my bookmarks) (this list is getting longer and longer; needs restructuring at some point)
  11. All what effort? There are so few mods bothering with ToB, and the few that exist seem to fight with their brethren about their own path to ascension, without regard for mortal collateral damage. And if only to sully the highly regarded SoA I have to say, for all the bla bla bla about the soul, I never felt threatened without one in the game. Backporting the spirit eater meachanic from NWN2:MotB, perhaps? The charm of the Oasis is that that's one of the few places where the godchild can mow down an "army" of puny mortals. The same with Sendai's Lair; I hate it when the player's alter ego is treated as nothing more than a nuisance until after the credits have finished. Sendai at least has the decency to act like she's threatened by the player. Another good example was the crime lord Visquis in KotOR2, when the Exile "visits" his compound. Irenicus is a way to arrogant dickhead to provide such a service. If it wasn't for David Warner's terrific voice acting, nobody would really care for that pompous elven leather face.
  12. Okay, now I'm 99% sure that Longer Road is responsible for this mess. Out of curiosity, I loaded a save where my party is still in the Pocket Plane, right before the final combat, but with my newer installation. Tadaaa, the regular Ascension kicks in, and the platforms are connected by those energy beams. And I get a combat with Irenicus vs. Irenicus. Bah, I should just browse the text for the Longer Road epilogues, and then finally kill this mess.
  13. This isn't a bug, but a potential feature request for crossmod compatibility; bringing this only up because I've it in my override already. WIRING01.ITM (Ring of Lesser Magic Resistance) from Blackhearts for EET v1.0 could/should be usable by Wizard Slayers, if either component 301 (Revised Wizard Slayer item restrictions -> Minimal changes) or 302 (Revised Wizard Slayer item restrictions -> Moderate changes) from Wizard Slayer Rebalancing is installed. EDIT: This one is completely out of scope here. Oh, well.
  14. @Lava Shades of the Sword Coast - Expansion Pack for BGEE v8.3 L#SHADM2.ITM (Oolanglar'toll) has Fire Resistance: +50% in its description, while the item itself provides Fire Resistance: +40%.
  15. @morpheus562 Game version is documented in the first comment. Purifier: Mods affecting SW1H64.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT/FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT.TP2~ 0 21 // Update Existing In-Game Itemsv3.0 00001: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Optionsv16 00002: ~SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES/SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES.TP2~ 0 312 // Overhaul Proficiency System - Add New Proficiencies and Weapon StylesAccelerated Proficiency Progressionv2.0 00003: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 Mods affecting SW1H65.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT/FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT.TP2~ 0 21 // Update Existing In-Game Itemsv3.0 00001: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2140 // Expanded Dual-Class Optionsv16 00002: ~SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES/SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES.TP2~ 0 312 // Overhaul Proficiency System - Add New Proficiencies and Weapon StylesAccelerated Proficiency Progressionv2.0 00003: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 Shuruppak's Plate: Mods affecting PLAT22.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT/FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT.TP2~ 0 21 // Update Existing In-Game Itemsv3.0 00001: ~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ 0 2070 // Free Action does not prevent Haste or Movement Rate Bonus1.7 00002: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2431 // Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-ClassesTighten equipment restrictions for druid multi- and dual-classes [Angel]v16 00003: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2100 // Allow Thieving and Stealth in Heavy Armor per PnPv16 00004: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2120 // Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Heavy Armorv16 00005: ~SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES/SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES.TP2~ 0 312 // Overhaul Proficiency System - Add New Proficiencies and Weapon StylesAccelerated Proficiency Progressionv2.0 00006: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6
  16. With these next two, I shot myself in the foot; noting anyway. Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC) v4.2 vs cdtweaks component 2431(Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-ClassesTighten equipment restrictions for druid multi- and dual-classes): The cdtweaks component sets the "Unusable by" flag for Druids and Fighter/Druids for DSTDRUID.ITM (Tiara of the Chanah'Rea) and DSCDRUID.ITM (Crown of the Archdruid). Mods affecting DSTDRUID.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~DSOTSC/DSOTSC.TP2~ 0 0 // Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC)v4.2 00001: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2431 // Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-ClassesTighten equipment restrictions for druid multi- and dual-classes [Angel]v16 00002: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 5900 // Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)34.3 00003: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 Mods affecting DSCDRUID.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~DSOTSC/DSOTSC.TP2~ 0 0 // Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC)v4.2 00001: ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2431 // Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-ClassesTighten equipment restrictions for druid multi- and dual-classes [Angel]v16 00002: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 EDIT: This is one of those cases where I actually wouldn't really care for various reasons, and it's an easy fix locally with Near Infinity. But since the work is already done, how to address this? DSotSC is no G3 mod. For the first two items, I see the need for action more on the side of cdtweaks, if any. Since I don't know whom to ping, I'll need to report this. (reported) (fixed) Dark Side of the Sword Coast (DSotSC) v4.2 only: DSBOOT01.ITM (Boots of the Forest) are usable by Druids, but not by Fighter/Druids. Intentional or oversight? EDIT: Working as intended.
  17. @Bardez Bardez's extensions to Thalantyr Item Upgrade Mod BZCLK07B.ITM / Nymph's Cloak of Protection +2 The saving throws bonus is only +1; should be +2 according to the item description. EDIT: This mod has no section here around, and the release announcements are read-only. I'm not on GitHub, so pinging @Bardez is all I can do for now to report issues with this mod.
  18. @morpheus562 I updated my previous comment to answer yours. @subtledoctor I know, I explained my reasoning in the opening comment (got ninja'd by you while editing). When you're done with your housekeeping, I'll gladly pick up the new stuff. Regarding IWDification, well, something must go first, and TotLM is my first quest mod, directly after IWDification. If I'd started again from scratch, I'd moved the Class Update down to the other tweak mods. This setup originally started quick'n'dirty, so I wasn't as orderly as usually. Regarding Fishing For Trouble, I'll try to keep that in mind, thank you. Supposing that I even know which mod is messing with me, when I get there... Yeah, I hope that it's not Turnabout when I get there again. I'm aware of the shortcomings of ToB and the ridiculous power levels, but the latter is actually something that I like (If anybody here remebers that: Pools of Darkness is my favorite Gold Box game, but that was ruined due to a stupid riddle at the end of the bonus dungeon, which offered absolutely no clue, at a time before gamefaqs existed... So I completed that game around 25 years later for the first time.) Another positive thing about Longer Road: It actually tries to give you a reason for traveling to Watcher's Keep in game, beyond "FOR THE LOOOOT!".
  19. Hi @morpheus562. Damn, you're quick. This is an instance were I'm missing the feature "flag topic as hidden", until I'm finished with the initial editing. I'll update this comment later. If I got your mod and items mixed up with someone else's, I apologize in advance. I'm at this for around 10 hours now. EDIT: AMUL27: I'm still on the latest official release, where the item description is updated (25% MR), but the item is not (10% MR) SW1H63: that one I got mixed up, sorry; the "Larloch's Minor Drain" effect is missing Mods affecting SW1H63.ITM: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ 0 20 // Extended ToB Item Descriptionsv28 00001: ~SOD2BG2_IU/SOD2BG2_IU.TP2~ 0 31 // Cosmetic Enhancements for Existing Items (does not affect function)v2.0.5 00002: ~D5_RANDOM_TWEAKS/D5_RANDOM_TWEAKS.TP2~ 0 2708 // Change Mantle into 'Iron Skin'1.6 00003: ~SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES/SKILLS-AND-ABILITIES.TP2~ 0 312 // Overhaul Proficiency System - Add New Proficiencies and Weapon StylesAccelerated Proficiency Progressionv2.0 00004: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 Purifier +4: 20% MR matches description, okay MO1H64.SPL shows 69 effects in Near Infinity - is this intentional? Mods affecting MO1H64.SPL: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT/FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT.TP2~ 0 21 // Update Existing In-Game Itemsv3.0 00001: ~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ 0 2110 // Treat all Innate Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence)1.7 00002: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage34.3 00003: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 Purifier +5: 30% MR according to the description, while item only has 20% MR (confirmed in Near Infinity) MO1H65.SPL shows 135 effects in Near Infinity - is this intentional? Mods affecting MO1H65.SPL: 00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT/FORGOTTEN-ARMAMENT.TP2~ 0 21 // Update Existing In-Game Itemsv3.0 00001: ~JTWEAKS/SETUP-JTWEAKS.TP2~ 0 260 // Green Slime poison can be cured3.1 00002: ~KLATU/SETUP-KLATU.TP2~ 0 2110 // Treat all Innate Abilities as Non-Magical (Unaffected by Wild/Dead Magic and Silence)1.7 00003: ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ 0 3580 // Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells heal ability-score damage34.3 00004: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.6 I noticed this mainly due to the long list of effects when using AutoDescription I used Purifier in a BP2 game with my previous setup, and it had no noteable aura effect on my companions PLAT22: The item description looks like the one from the base game, the item is like in your updated-item-descriptions.html Carsomyr: I never used the originals on a charname, so don't want to do so with a nerfed one if I finally do
  20. (List of quest mods which actually work with EET + Ascension for ToB) (how to weidu --change-log) (shortcut to notes) Here I plan to document my experiences with this particular game installation. I'll report bugs, mostly for mods that I'll care for and plan to use in future installations, because I'm an egoist. Maybe I'll ask annoying questions, or at one point run out of steam and won't touch this game again for the next 3 years - who knows. I decided to redo my last installation, to remove possibly gamebreaking mods that might make completing the game a total mess (once again) or even impossible (please prove me wrong). I didn't change all too much, because I've an ongoing game in Chapter 5 that I don't want to abandon. The naming scheme implies that this installation has mods that were current, official releases up to the date in the topic's title. The exceptions are AutoDescription and Dark Tidings, both of which are the current official releases. Dark Tidings is a new addition compared to the previous installation; it claims to be compatible with but untested on EET. I'm sure this won't be a problem, no. That I'm currently reinstalling a previously finalized installation in the background, only because I didn't check if English is actually the mods language #0 before running a compete install surely doesn't mean a thing. Basic information: EE, EET 13.4, Linux+Wine WeiDU-BGEE.log: WeiDU.log (updated: 2023-11-01) WeiDU.log_modpack_2023-09-17_v2 modpack_2023-09-17_v2.modinstall: (updated: 2023-11-01) (installable with wmodinstall-native.bash; contains comments and hints for bug reports) modpack_2023-09-17_v2_s1_pre-biff.modinstallmodpack_2023-09-17_v2_s2_finalize.modinstall modpack_2023-09-17_v2+padding.modinstall: (added: 2023-11-01) (just for reference, see comments between here and here) ( Notice that the "padding" payload contains shell commands that will be executed ALWAYS, regardless if the "debug" option for wmodinstall is used or not! ) Please notice that my comments in the wmodinstall payload files and spoiler are a mix of personal notes for later reiterations, reminders of bugs to either report or to locally override, and so on. If they may sound sometimes overly criticising, then that's just expression of my personal preference, nothing else. I generally stay away from NPC mods, because the basic selection is more than enough for me. I also detest romances in modern RPGs; they quickly evolved from a novelty to a nuisance for my taste. To not shit on anybodies favorite RPG romances, let me just say that the last one that I still fondly remember is in "Treasures of the Savage Frontier". When I started to assemble this collection, I was roughly aiming for a mix of trying out (other) gameplay tweaks and quest mods. I'm also not very fond of side quests, that many people seem to like so much because of "non-linearity" or whatever. I prefer a good main quest/story, that fits my character's concept and doesn't need filler content to cover up a lack of substance. On the other hand, I'm a completionist, and have trouble to simply ignore the stuff I don't like, as long as it's in the game. Which makes the BG1 part of EET sometimes very challenging for me. I guess the same can be said for the amount of quest mods that I stuffed into this setup; but I'm also curious, because since I don't know most of this stuff, I cannot know in advance if I'll hate it. Changes from the previous setup, other from what I've already mentioned above: removed both mods from Lauriel (Transitions and Themed Tweaks), for the reasons mentioned in the wmodinstall spoiler/files thanks to omitting Transitions, I could cram in the remaining options from Endless_BG1 and Imoen4ever reintroduced atweaks "Regain Bhaalpowers in ToB" as a surrogate for the corresponding component in Transitions removed Longer Road, because playing it once was enough; I didn't really enjoy it, it's ultimately just an NPC mod, and I couldn't finish it (at least not without cheats)... but Irenicus' constant bitching in David Warner's voice was just awesome! reintroduced D0Questpack's "Improved Oasis II" removed the broken cosmetic components from The Cowled Menace That's mostly it. Again, I didn't want to deviate too much from the previous setup, because I want to continue my current game in progress.
  21. If a maintainer of WeiDU happens to read this, the output of "--change-log" lacks a space between "Component Name" and "Version". EDIT: The same applies to "Component Name" and "Sub-Component Name". Lazy Lurker
  22. @Graion Dilach Quoting your GitHub link: Just to be precise, I so far only reported an erroneous title of a journal entry. That this is also one of those that won't properly finish is something that I still need (well, not really ) to experience in game when I get there . Anyway, great to know that I was able to help. And thanks for mentioning the --change-log feature. When I last tried to use that, I used a complete relative path to a file in override, which didn't really work...
  23. I still hope that someone can provide directions to enable me to finish this game, however hacky that needs to be. Thematically, the mods that effect this part of the game should be Ascension Longer Road Turnabout
  24. Does your current version also support this method for "re-customizing" already "used" NPCs?(*) I'm still on 5.9.9 and tried this with Xzar, who's already a Sorcerer in my game. His proficiencies aren't removed when leveling up (again) from level 0; same with spells(**) and innates. I think you mentioned previously that this wasn't supported, and I'm wondering why. Is there a difference in "cleaning up" a freshly recruited NPC from a "used" one? (*) I'd find this useful. I'm sometimes in the mood to changes classes for an NPC in the middle of a game. This is somewhat doable with EEKeeper (which I no longer use), and a total pain with Near Infinity. (**) freshly recruited NPCs also keep known mage spells from a previous class when becoming a Sorcerer, in addition to new ones - this can be abused to make Mages totally pointless (no criticism, just an observation)
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