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Everything posted by testlum

  1. That's interesting to know. I've skimmed the AD&D 2e Handbook for Barbarians and it includes a number of kits including the Wizard Slayer. A kit of a kit!
  2. The barbarian was originally a standalone class in Baldur's Gate, prior to the Enhanced Editions. The Barbarian's existing description still matches the formatting for a class and not a kit too. I thought it was changed to Fighter due to a technical limitation for the number of classes and wanting to add the Shaman. Apparently that's not the case since the Blackguard could be made standalone in Talents of Faerun along with the addition of Favored Soul. Since I also noticed a number of Barbarian-only abilities in the Fighter HLA list, I suggest reverting the Barbarian back to being its standalone class and not a kit.
  3. Since IWD's Mist of Eldath has been renamed, for consistency reasons I'd suggest doing so for Ilmater's Favor too. Martyr's Favor could be a more generalized name.
  4. Follow up, the merchant in Heart of Winter erroneously calls himself Flynn despite being tagged as Harrold.
  5. I ran into a minor bug when using this component. When trading with Flynn, I chose to swap the Potion of Strength Transference. This brought me back to the menu where I could select Potion of Strength Transference to swap a second time. Closing the dialogue after that gave me 2x Rings of Strength.
  6. Maybe I am misunderstanding what "toss this into a D file" means. Shouldn't this command be included inside the tp2?
  7. Good to know. Thanks to both of ya.
  8. My thought is that the ~@1005~ in your example would reference 1005 in the original DIALOG.TLK instead.
  9. I want to make a simple mod for IWDEE where the kidnapped priestess Egenia in Dragon's Eye gives a reward when rescued. This boils down to (A) changing her first line of text to reference the reward and (B) adding the item to player inventory. For reference this is the relevant section of DEGENIA.D. This is what I have so far. Since the weidu docs recommend against using STRING_SET, is there a better way for me to swap out the existing line? @1005 is contained inside my setup.tra.
  10. Funnily enough, after playing for a while, I was rather glad that the change didn't take place. Having 80 was just more convenient. I just thought I'd report it in case the behaviour was unintended.
  11. Unfortunately the kensai kit also restricts use of missile weapons, so that's a no-go. That said, I managed to get opcode 181 working after all! As subtledoctor said, it was probably my mistake with the parameters.
  12. Hi, I'd like some help adding some restrictions to a bard kit I'm making. I've checked out several older threads on item restrictions and am aware it's quite a finnicky thing to mod. I'm not looking to expand a kit's restrictions but to further prevent some items from being used, so fingers crossed that it'll be easier. What I want to do is make a bard kit that cannot equip any armor or shields. I've tried adding the restriction to my kit's clabXX.2da file as a passive, using opcode 181 and item type 2 but it has no effect. Not sure if it's relevant, but the game being modded is IWDEE.
  13. If I'd like to use this fix before it gets included in the next Tweaks Anthology release, would I change the code to the below? APPEND ~%KHALID_BANTER%~ IF WEIGHT #-2 ~ Global("P#KhalidMage","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN KHMAGE1 SAY @0 ++ @1 + KHMAPC1.1 +~!Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE)~+ @2 + KHMAPC1.2 +~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_MAGE)~+ @3 + KHMAPC1.2M +~Class(Player1,FIGHTER_ALL) Race(Player1, HUMAN) CheckStatGT(Player1,16,INT)~+ @4 + KHMAPC1.2F ++ @5 + KHMAPC1.3 +~InParty("jaheira")~+ @6 + KHMAPC1.4 SetGlobal("P#KhalidMage","GLOBAL",3 // added line END
  14. Choosing the 40 stack limit for ammo seems to set it to 80 instead.
  15. Rangers have a -7 caster level penalty because they only gain spellcasting at level 8. Armor of Faith scales with caster level. When a level 27 ranger casts Armor of Faith, do they gain: 15% damage resistance (5% base + 10% from 13 caster levels below character level 21) 25% damage resistance (5% base + 20% from caster level)
  16. The CRPGs I've played with this feature usually state the threshold, so "[Wisdom 16] Sounds like..." feels more natural to me. Without the number being given, it reads more like a Wisdom check for doing something.
  17. ...huh, it looks like I somehow got hold of an older version of the mod. The setup file for rr by FredrikLingen uses: COPY_EXISTING ~CLABBA01.2DA~ override // True Bard ability table SET_2DA_ENTRY 3 1 3 ~AP_RR#BDF01~ // Assign the new song to the True Bard PRETTY_PRINT_2DA BUT_ONLY END while the setup file I installed has different code and an apparent typo (FJBLADE instead of FJBARD): COPY_EXISTING ~CLABBA01.2DA~ override // True Bard ability table PATCH_IF INDEX_BUFFER (CASE_INSENSITIVE EXACT_MATCH AP_FJBLADE) >= 0 BEGIN // Swap BG2 Fixpack fix with RR song REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "AP_fjbard" "AP_RR#BDF01" END ELSE BEGIN LPF set_clab_2da_entries INT_VAR f_MinLevel = 1 f_MaxLevel = 1 STR_VAR f_Entry = ~AP_RR#BDF01~ // Assign the new song to the True Bard END PRETTY_PRINT_2DA END BUT_ONLY END Supposedly both are v4.92. Oh well, mystery solved!
  18. Ah, Rogue Rebalancing adds another entry that changes the Bard Song - AP_RR#BDF01. Here's how it originally looked: Perhaps the RR component was being overridden by FJBARD.
  19. Hello folks, I'm trying to chase down an odd issue that popped up in my current EET install. I have Rogue Rebalancing installed and recruited Garrick. I noticed that when he was singing, the +1 to THAC0 and saving throws was not appearing on my character panel. Deciding to test with a new character, it wasn't specific to Garrick. I did a little digging and found AP_FJBARD in the CLABB01.2da file inside my override. Removing that entry from the .2da file and creating a new bard character seemed to grant me the correct bonuses when singing. Now, AP_FJBARD doesn't seem to come from RR itself, so I'm not quite sure where to follow up. I'm not even sure if this is an issue only for my own install. Has anyone else experienced the same thing?
  20. Caught another bug. For some reason, Jaheira isn't receiving the correct amount of XP on recruitment. My PC has 4000 XP. When I last removed Jaheira and Khalid from the party, both NPCs had ~1700 XP in each class. When I recruited both again, Khalid gets extra XP to increase 1 level of fighter as expected. Jaheira instead has her XP reduced to 1500 in both classes. EDIT: Another data point, if I recruit Jaheira with less than 4000 XP, she retains her old XP count of ~1700 each. This might be a specific issue with the Fighter/Druid multiclass combination, as there's a similar report on Discord a year ago.
  21. Hi, I've stumbled on a typo and a possible bug with the David Jansen and lady ogres encounter. 1. "Fare" is probably supposed to be "fair". I'm not sure whether "aright" is slang or if it's supposed to be "alright"? 2. If I instead shush Xan and kill the ogres, David simply stands around doing nothing. I think this is a bug? EDIT: Another typo in this quest. Missing "to" between "explain" and "me".
  22. Ah that's my mistake then. I'll give my files a check to see if I can find the culprit. Sorry! EDIT: It's probably A7's Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs. Will raise a separate issue there.
  23. PC's 2nd reply references the wrong string when talking to Nessie and choosing the "This place is a fortress..." reply, then the "Who are you..." line.
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