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Posts posted by jastey

  1. The rune is really invisible - so, upon searching it, do not only trust your eyes. The spell Detect Invisibility should have an effect if thrown at the right place (i.e. inside the librabry). -If you want more spoilers, let me know!

  2. Nyaore: No worries! As long as you enjoyed the mod you can call it whatever you want.


    Thank you for the nice words everyone! It's rather difficult to squeeze a quest into ToB, though - the story unfolds so fast I have problems to find the right spot for some of the dialogues to trigger, because so much happened in the ten minutes afterwards. :)


    Kulyok: 30 interjections? ..That sounds much.. (need to play ToB again) but yes, all in all that's what I aim for. Although I think romance dialogues are more than ten already, plus scenery dialogues - I hope he doesn't talk too much in the end.

  3. Thank you for the bug reports! Although I am at a loss in both cases. There were reports about Ajantis saying strange things upon clicking on him before, but I really don't know where this comes from - the cre file provided is completely clean from text/voice lines, and all relevent sound is added upon installation.

    The walking speed problem I never had before. Which paladin version did you install, chevalier or plain paladin?


    EDIT: And oh, bug reporst are always welcome (and very much so), even if it were version 159! ;)

  4. Wow, thank you very much! It is so wonderful to have a mod praised (it's always good to have feed back at all, but praise is the best).


    Unfortunately, the ToB part will take its time, no schedule (I never meet the date anyway). RL is very busy atm, but when that is finished (the busy part, not the RL as such), which will be hopefully in summer, I will return to modding and Ajantis is on top of my list.


    EDIT: Sorry, you posed two questions I didn't mean to ignore. First, the night scenes in Ajantis are random, although if the order is as you said, I should shuffle them a bit - it's not that he resists all the time at the end, there were meant to be mixed possibilities.


    The Anomen romance goes further if Anomen is the romance interest, although only two (?) more LT in SoA.

  5. To make it simple: I have no idea why Douglas is still following around. Or to be precise: I know why he is following (script wise), but I don't know why he is still there.

    His presence has no influence on the romance, though. What should happen next is that Ajantis tells the wedding is ready. This should be two ingame days after the rings are chosen. ("(solemnly) Now all is ready, <CHARNAME>").


    In any case, there will be a second meeting with Douglas in chapter 6. I just discovered that there, the dialogue initiation by Douglas is broken (This will be fixed in the next version). Talking to him should work, though. This dialogue is crucial for the romance to proceed, so let me know if Ajantis doesn't get the message after the underdark!


    Sorry for the inconvenience - I hope the rest will work as it should.

  6. Would you please check the following variables. The -> means "should be":


    "C#AjantisLoveTalk" -> 19

    "C#AjantisDouglasTalk1" ->0 (not existent)



    Alternatively, you can send me a savegame either directly before Douglas' appearance, or with Douglas following around to jastey at web dot de, then I can check the variables myself.

    Douglas seems to be overenthusiastic to see his young master at times but I never had him appear before the Underdark, so I am confused.

  7. Thank you for the interest (also Shaitan in the other thread!). I think I planned too much (dialogues) already, so no quest in the first ToB release, I think. Well, for Ajantis, the whole evil god Bhaalspawn blood shed hell plane thing is kind of difficult, so he has a great urge to talk about it.


    The reason why the mod's development is stuck currently is, as usual, RL reasons in combination with a motivation lack (also due to the RL commitments that consume a lot of my energy). But to give numbers: In my last "modding rush", I wrote 15 dialogues in three weeks. The ToB part needs three more romance dialogues, coding of the romance / friendship path, the NPC banters (I am planning 5 "group" banters, game event triggered, instead of 1+ banter with every NPC alone), creation of one item, coding of the whole, and testing. Currently, the (installable) package consists of the kickout/joining dialogue, the fate spirit calling, and some other basics that makes Ajantis generally available in ToB.


    And, to be honest, I have ideas for the master wraith, but nothing in consistency with the game (tthere is no dead person in Ajantis' history who would fit.)

  8. Glad you managed to delete the music.

    For the other topic - I tried to phrase it in a general way, since there is no way to check in BGII (not BGT) for anything that happened in BG1. Blame Firkraag for his amnesia..


    Anomen is not bad in romance mode. I liked his romance, actually. He is not as even-tempered, which also comes from the fact that he has a much harder childhood / family situation than pampered Ajantis.

    But then - is Ajantis even-tempered?... :cool:

  9. Welcome to the forum! And thank you very much for the praise and the kind words! I am very happy you liked the romance I added to Ajantis in BG1. Let me know whether the BGII romance also meets your expectations, or in case it does not I am also interested in hearing about it (any feedback welcome!)!


    The Ajantis BGII mod works fine with BGT. If you have any problems, let me know!

  10. To MiLeah's problem: To me, that sounds like a problem with a non-extended SoA action.ids and can be easily solved by adding

    APPEND ~ACTION.IDS~ ~160 ApplySpellRES(S:RES*,O:Target)~
    		 UNLESS ~160 ApplySpellRES(S:RES\*,O:Target)~

    to the mod's tp2.

    I believe you if you say you installed it an an SoA only game but maybe there are copies where the action.ids needs this extention, I included it to Ajantis as well.

  11. BioWare let him die, I guess your suggestion would be a mod that completes the original idea. I don't feel like writing this path, though. I was rather proud about my "leave the original incident but let him live" idea. I was too selfish for letting him die, I wanted him to live. I honored the original occurrance, but did not stop there, but spun the story further so it makes sense that he and the other knights aren't dead although the PC killed monsters that turned to knights.

  12. I am not sure I understand your first question. The mod extents the original occurrance in the Windspear Hills, in a way that the PC should notice that there is more to it than knights looking like monsters: They get a quest item from one of Firkraag's minions, mentioning the knights, Firkraag speaks to the PC about it, and if the PC returns to the Order in Athkatla before finishing the quest, he learns that there was something wrong with the knights' corpses. So, leaving Ajantis and the other knights as dead in the Windspear Hills would mean not investigating the occurrances further, but yeah, I guess the PC could do that. It definitely wouldn't make sense for a PC who is engaged to Ajantis, since I would assume her to be more than anxious to learn what happened to him, especially if there is hope that he is not dead.


    2. The only thing(s) the mod adds to the Paladin stronghold is reactions (dialogues / interjections) from Ajantis. The mod introduces a way to receive the item from the temple for MaeVar without stealing (the same as in Alternatives) but no new way to Spellhold.


    3. ToB lovetalks and friendship talks are written but not fully coded. Interjection points are identified but not coded. The rest is only ideas. I would say ToB part is about 40% done, but no release date as I only work on it if I am motivated enough, not too tired and have enough free time. :)

  13. To actually have a look at the compiled files is a good idea. I trust the OUTER_SPRINT, though, made good experience with it in BGQE and also here. The variables in question are not compiled via OUTER_SPRINT anyway, it's only the things that differ in BG1 and BGII engines (like no real timers in BG1, and no StartDialogNoSet() I like to use for Tutu/BGT).

    I will have to investigate this further by installing and playing, I guess. If I look at the bafs I can't explain what happened. Thank you again for the report!

  14. OK, now this is really weird... I had a look at the variables, and as much as I can see, the variable C#AjanFP_NoPCTalks is at 1, which means that theoretically, Ajantis shouldn't talk at all - why this variable was set I don't know, as all the trigger variables from the BG1NPC Project (including the LoveTalk number) do not fulfill the criteria. This might have prevented the right Ajantis friendship talk variable to be set (the one that would have spared you the repetitions).

    But, as I said, actually you shouldn't have had any friendship talks, as there is a check for the C#AjanFP_NoPCTalks variable in every trigger block (and considering there is no OR in BG1 there are many).


    So, a variable was set and I don't know why, this might have prevented the correct variable from being set, and all dialogues trigered but I don't know why. ???

    I have to admit I don't know what to do with this. You don't happen to have a savegame before you killed the romance, do you? EDIT: And you would do me a great favor to look whether you really have version 4.

  15. Don't worry about the changelog for now. The amount of mods you have installed is not too much, I will have a look whether any of them makes anything with the area script.

    Although the original area script has one script block that might prevent other blocks from running, although this seems only to be active after Keldorn's quest when he was shortly away but returns to the Order to wait for the PC.

    This wasn't the case for you, though, was it?

  16. Thank you! I will investigate. I would be very happy if you might keep one savegame so I could check on the variables, but this won't happen before next week. EDIT. And yes, you already wrote after which LT it was. I was in a hurry, as it seems, not reading properly.

  17. Thank you for this report! Although it's rather depressing. I spent so much effort in preventing exactly this, and now it's not working! Do you remember after/ at which dialogue you told him that you are not interested?

    And you are right about the wrong documentation. Funny thing is, I thought I only included druids as neutral characters. Well, guess he is not as picky as I thought!

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