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Posts posted by DrAzTiK



    Actually, what I wanted was the name of the script you wanted it to use, rather than the script itself. I mean, I can do it this way, too, but it would just mean I'd have to tell you what the name of the script would be and have you drop and drag it.

    Ok, so maybe the script AGEN.BCS, in EE it is the basic attack script.


    Posted Today, 05:22 AM

    Simulacrums: Uh, what level are you that your Simulacrum has HLAs? Unless it's a bug, I guess. As for a script, that's unfortunately kind of unfixable. Since the simulacrum is not part of the party, you couldn't disable its script via the Party AI button, which means for people who want to carefully orchestrate their simulacrum, it would basically take away control from them.

    I made the test with Edwin (level 23) and I just tested again on a vanilla installation (BG2EE) with a level 23 sorcerer. The clone keep HLAs and sequencers of the caster. (exactly the same ones)


    And sorry to insist but I don't see how a basic attack script would prevent people to take full control of the clone, even if it is a pure mage. Usually we do equip our mage with ranged wepons so a basic script would allow the clone to use ranged weapon , keeping the clone at long distance while still be able to control him fully and cast spell with him. A (very) basic attack script would allow fighters or fighters/mage or priests using simulacrum (especially with item revision helm shadow Veil) to defend themself a minimum.



    If I am not wrong, vanilla simulacrum do assign a basic attack script to the clone.

  3. Simulacrum :in my game the clone have access to all HLA and triggers/sequencers of the original caster . Edit : for triggers/sequencer, nothing happens when I use them with the clone so it's ok.


    It would be interesting also to assign a basic attack script to the clone because he's standing here doing nothing. It is especiallly annoying with item revisions when using simulacrum ability of helmet Shadow Veil (generally on a fighter ) : you need to micro everytime your clone coz he have no scripts to attack.



    Mestil Acid's SHeath : it is a level 5 spell in my game, is it normal ? (because Edwin had it already memorized as a level 4 spell)



    Resurection level 7 : I don't exploit it but it is possible to heal someone with long range of the spell. Maybe Heal effect should apply only if there is a resurection.



    Also I find that gated monsters (death knight, Glabrezu, pit fiend) to be extremely more powerfull in comparaison to monster summuning ( 7,8,9)

  4. Earthquake, Chain Lighting and probably some other spells are a bit more complicated tto tweak iirc (they already cast subspells).

    DB/Comet I couldn't get to work properly last time I tried. I'd prefer if Deflection stopped them, tbh.



    Apparently, this problem only occurs with Edwin on my game, with Jan jansen and Anomen (shield of the Archons) it is working correctly. what is going on lol


    For testing, I just cast spell deflection/spell trap/shield of the Archons on myself and I cast an damage spell with AoE on me .

    Use 2 mages, casting spells on each other. It's possible Delfection won't stop AoE spell cast from self.

    Yes you are right Kreso! So yes Deflection type spell do not stop AoE spell cast from self. is it normal ?



    Also I don't understand why there is such a big gap between spell trap/shield of archons and others deflection spell.

    We also have greater deflection (level7) blocking 12 level spell while shield of archons (level 7) is blocking 99 levels spells. both are level 7 spells.



    But yes not easy to balance.

  5. Hello,


    In my game some creatures are not drinking potions or maybe do not even receive potions , especially some creatures I use a lot in my mod :








    maybe also ORC03 and ORC04


    Is it intended ? I remember that there was not this problem in old SCS versions.




    Also I don't know what is your opinion but Imo, creature should drink potion of healing/extra healing when HP is lower than 70%. No need to wait to be under 50%. Most of vilains do have at least 100hp.

    Same for potions of superior healing maybe. I think it can make a pretty difference.




  6. Apparently, this problem only occurs with Edwin on my game, with Jan jansen and Anomen (shield of the Archons) it is working correctly. what is going on lol


    For testing, I just cast spell deflection/spell trap/shield of the Archons on myself and I cast an damage spell with AoE on me .



    Shield of the Archons deflects AoE spells properly, but the spell deflections don't?




    Maybe I need more test for Moment of prescience but there is also the problem of critical hits. if you have a party of 6, under haste or umproved haste, it means a lot of critical hits and just one or 2 critical hit means the enemie mage is dead.

  8. Yes I do play on BG2EE.



    Is Spell Trap supposed to block AoE effects? I thought only Deflections did that.

    I think spell trap should block AoE like shield of the Archons. Btw, shield of the Archons looks to work perfectly in my game.



    Banishment: I have not touched Banishment except to fix its icon. Does this apply to ALL summonings, or were there particular ones you tested it against?


    I have tested banishments on standards summoned creatures. (monster summoning spells). I know that gated creatures are not supposed to be banished.




    Prismatic Mantle: Yeah, it's a problematic case. What I have thought about doing is increasing its protection up to +3 and making it so that its prismatic effect can only trigger once per round upon a given enemy (i.e. if you have two fighters attacking a caster with it, they'll both be affected by the mantle, but only once per round each). It's pretty hard to figure out what to do with this one.

    Yes increase its protection up to +3 is the least we can do, that is the current behaviour with SCS. (Slightly increase the power of Mantle, Improved Mantle, and Absolute Immunity (BG2EE,BG2,BGT))

    Personally I would not be happy even with +3 . Especially in ToB I know that the fight is over everytime en enemy mage is casting prismatic mantle...( protection from magical weapons looks a way better choice, especially for liches)


    Also BIG WARNING with moment of prescience. It is the same issue as above. - 20 AC means nothing for a mage, especially when you have a party with strong figthers (-10 thac0) making critical hits ofen etc...

    We should stick to what DavidW has done and what SCS enemies mage are expecting. (so at least +4 protection from weapons)



    I have never seen the Umar liches. Is that something to do with the difficulty slider? Frankly I think it's silly at a very basic level - liches are not meant to be lackeys guarding the mid-section of a dungeon. Liches are supposed to have their own dungeons.

    I play with SCS component Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings on "almost-maximum difficulty". Liches are not supposed to appear but they do appear in my game. Maybe a bug. I should report it to DavidW.


    edit : humm but the SCS readme say that " liches are not supposed to appear unless you have 1 million XP." SO that is maybe the reason why I have encountered liches.. But 1 million XP means a party around level 13-14, still not enought Imo to fight liches...

  10. I am in ToB now. :


    - banishment : maybe I am wrong but nothing happens when hostiles summons are struck by the spell. (but I don't mind because it would make summons almost useless imo)


    -gated pit fiend and gated glabrezu are fighting each other. (but I think it is intended)


    - gated glabrezu will attack gated death knight if death knight is gated AFTER glabrezu. very strange .


    -spell trap : isn't it supposed to block AoE spells ? I take damage from incendiary cloud and meteor swarm. I will make more test with others AoE spells and others spell deflection spells.


    2 notes witch are not really about bug/fix :


    -prismatic mantle : Am I the only one who find this spell almost useless now, especially for enemies. It is not really hard to find +3 weapons very early in BG2 and I have meet many mages enemies (with SCS) casting prismatic mantle for almost nothing. This spell should protect from all magicals weapons Imo.


    mind blank : can you tell me what this spell is usefull to ? is it similar to chaotics command or maybe better ?

  11. snapback.png

    I’d also recommend reading (at least the first page of) the “revised SCS” thread; it’s clear from there that at least Kreso, and probably also Demi, were just fine, rightly or wrongly, with SR making solo play very difficult.


    Speaking of Liches in Umar, here's how I've killed one with a 12th level party.

    Personally with liches beeing level 29, I think I am going to code a way to remove liches from quests whitch are supposed to be done before underdark : so 2 liches in Umar and one in the pit ( cult of the eyeless quest) and even the liche in spellhold.


    The problem also is that beholders are hard to fight before underdark.


    The liche we have to meet in Edwin Quest should be tweaked also to a lower level. What is the challenge and the fun to fight a level 29 liche with a level 10-12 team.


    The best way to make everybody happy would be to adjust the quantity and quality of enemies according to the game difficulty level which can be set in the Gameplay subsection of the Options menu. Rogue rebalancing works like that and the new version of my mod also .(mod butchery, new release soon)


    The problem of RM DM also comes from the fact that wee meet too much high level spellcasters sometimes. (especially licches with SCS in quests that we are supposed to be done before underdark)

  12. Improved hast doesn't cancel slow effect, quite embarrassing.


    break enchantment can cure silence if I am not wrong. Maybe it could be interesing to add it in the spell description. I was not aware of it before to read the power word silence description.


    mass regenerate : the behaviour is different from mass cure because I can cast mass regenerate on others characters, it is not centered on the caster like mass cure.


    Chaos level 7 mage : in the spell book and in the spell tool bat, the icon is similar to the old vanilla spell chaos level 5, I don't know if it is intented.

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