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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. That's specifically what I meant with regards to the context of what he said - whether they could reveal an Invisibility + Non-Detection creature. I don't think they could do that, but admittedly, I don't remember the exact specifics of how Non-Detection all works in whether it completely protects against the force visible opcode or whether it's just a specific list of spells, or what. (e): Okay, so actually, both Faerie Fire and Glitterdust pierce through Non-Detection to remove invisibility (but not improved invisibility). Interesting. That sort of makes sense, since they're more of a...physical outlining sort of concept than simply a normal divination reveal.
  2. This is all a matter of language, but "detection" is whether other characters/creatures know where they are. In other words, if you are invisible and do not take any hostile actions (which would reveal yourself and make it so you have been detected), and you have Non-Detection up, then nothing except a Spell Thrust that incidentally hits you that's targeted at a nearby creature can take down Non-Detection and make it so you are detected. But the spell is "Non-Detection", not blanket "Non-Divination", so detection is what it's there to protect against. Although now that I think about it, Non-Detection should really not protect e.g. Oracle from dispelling, say, Mirror Image - just the invisibility/stealth state - but I believe this is impossible or at least very difficult to change in at least ToBEx games (whereas I can think of a way to do it in the EE games...but would it be worth the bother?). IIRC, I believe thieves' Detect Traps is hardcoded to always dispel all invisibility and illusions, which we cannot change the behavior of, so actually, it's a pretty hard counter in of itself against all forms of illusions. I don't...believe Glitterdust or Faerie Fire could be used to reveal a target, but don't quote me on that.
  3. Never found a good formula for Goodberry. 1 hp/level, for example, is 50 HP per cast at at 10th level, plus it can be used by fighters without needing to be cast. What then would be the point of Cure or Regenerate Light Wounds? They'd both be so vastly outclassed. This is a spell I've been very frustrated by in attempting to find where it fits between balance and usability, and generally when that happens, I leave it alone until I find something I like. I was unfortunately never able to find anything I liked for Goodberry, and though there were a few suggestions by others, no consensus was reached by anyone there either...except that it should be better somehow someway, which I do agree with. Consensus is probably overstating it. Demi was the strong consensus guy - I'm more of a..."hey, that's a good point/idea, let's try it out and revert it later if necessary, or just make it an optional tweak that's defaulted to disabled via settings.ini if it seems kind of radical" sort of guy. In the past, if a number of people really didn't like an idea, or have specifically asked for something, I generally listen, though. After all, worst case scenario, I keep what I prefer to just myself. You can single-target invisible opponents. Here is the SRR description of Non-Detection that attempts to state exactly how Non-Detection works (as SR's original description was sorely lacking and vague): "By casting this spell, the wizard makes the recipient undetectable by spells such as Detect Invisibility, Invisibility Purge, and True Seeing, though they may still be audible when moving and certain types of creatures may still sense their presence through other means. Furthermore, anti-illusory spells and abilities such as Detect Illusion and Oracle will also have no effect upon the recipient. This spell does not protect the recipient from detection as a result of engaging in overtly hostile actions, though it will continue to protect other types of illusions they have active from being directly dispelled. Note, however, that specific opponents affected with anti-invisibility spells or abilities such as True Seeing will be able to target the recipient with spellcasting through their improved invisibility for as long as such anti-invisibility spells are active. This spell wards the recipient's equipment as well as the creature itself." In other words, an improved invisible creature can be targeted by creatures, including your characters, that have True Seeing or Detect Invisibility active - only those specific characters affected with those anti-invisibility spells, however. Having an Inquisitor cast True Seeing will do nothing for your mage that does not have either Detect Invisibility or True Seeing active against Non-Detection - the mage themself, after all, must be able to see the invisible creature. Non-Detection is a spell protection, which means it can be removed by anti-magic spells such as Secret Word (which spells like Secret Word do mention). Whoops, I poorly stated how Regenerate Wounds worked in that short description - the healing is still regeneration over those 5 rounds (including the initial 15), so it does work how you suggested!
  4. I've actually already done a number of divine revisions, it's just that I never got around to putting exactly what they were in the original post, . Here, I just edited in the the level 1 revisions in the original post - progress! Goodberry is one that was discussed a lot, but no consensus was ever made on how to make it more valuable without either making it too valuable over similar spells. The only thing I really ended up committing to giving it was a longer duration, unfortunately.
  5. Not at all, it's just that the way it installs is kind of funky, so it's not handled by download/install-it-for-you tools. Basically, you download and extract SR (but not install), then you download and extract SRR on top of the SR folder (replacing its files), then you just install SR as normal via the install-spell_rev.exe (or equivalent for other OSes). So unfortunately, if your megamod installation is already complete, that means you'd have to do something rather risky in extracting SRR to on top of the SR folder, and then telling it to reinstall SRR...which would then uninstall and reinstall everything you installed after SR. It might be something better left to another time. It's done this way because SRR is an unofficial branch of SR that only includes the files it directly changes, and requiring people to install it this way means that there should be no confusion about what version you're installing, reducing problems for both maintainers of the original mod as well as myself, the maintainer of this one (...although it still happens once in a while that an SRR user doesn't know they're using SRR and not the base mod).
  6. Grandmaster's Armor +5 applies Improved Haste, which gives an additional +2 bonus to AC not considered to be a part of its base AC bonus. Will look into the scroll problems, thank you. Because of SR adding and shuffling around some spells, I might have to make it so SRR fixes some of these IR scrolls upon SRR being installed.
  7. Should be a lot 'easier' now that I put him on ignore and created a uBlock filter to remove the "view this ignored user's message" bars from appearing entirely.
  8. Yeah, that's about what I expected from you.
  9. Jarno, you've attempted to make maybe a dozen corrections on my posts over the years, but many more for other posters. I would like you to consider two different factors before you hit that "Submit Reply" button on 'corrections' for myself and others: 1. Is the information you're giving accurate? 2. Is the information you're giving actually helpful relative to the post you're attempting to correct? Most of the time, you pass the first. Presumably the times you don't, it's accidental - understandable, it happens to everyone. It's the second one you constantly run into problems with, and for no absolutely good reason, since you obviously understand what the person you're correcting is saying and can reasonably expect others will as well. Why not...just stop doing that? Like, if you want to just post the screenshot and supplement what I already said, that's fine - nobody would ever have an issue with that. But why constantly correct others in such a contrarian manner when no correction is needed - what is the psychological need here?
  10. So...the issue here is that you could possibly see not just the latest release version, but also possibly previous release versions lower down on the page as well?
  11. Oh, you mean like on the main page of a project, which I explicitly mentioned in my post, on the right side, which I explicitly mentioned in my post, under the "About" section, which I explicitly mentioned in my post, where you would then find "Releases", which I explicitly mentioned in my post? Right there? In your screenshot? Yeah, I thought so.
  12. github's UI redesign in the recent past has made it a little more difficult to find things, but if you go to main github page of a project, you can check the right side under the "About" for the "Releases".
  13. SR is made with SCS in mind, since most players at this point use it, even if it's only at the "basic" level to fix horrific AI behavior. At the level that you can use Spell Trap (it's a 9th level spell!), the types of enemies you're facing actually very arguably should know what it is and react accordingly. If it made any sort of functional difference, I would consider an optional restoration of it for SRR, but doing so would effectively just be flavor text, since the end result plays out exactly the same. I actually like and use Dispelling Screen a bit, but I play with SCS, where the AI uses Remove Magic a lot. If you don't use SCS, then my suggestion would be to simply ignore Dispelling Screen's existence, since the AI probably won't try to dispel you very much. Spell Shield already counters up to a 9th level spell, so I can't say I'm exactly in favor of also making it AoE...and in practice, this will just result in Spell Shield being dispelled by a random Dispel/Remove Magic instead of actually being used for anything more powerful. On a side-note, SRR doesn't change it so that Remove Magic is a higher level (no way to effectively do this anyways, since the AI will use it same as usual regardless of what level it's set to), but it does change it to a smaller 20' radius instead (compared to Dispel Magic's 30')...and there are additional options for changing its behavior in the settings.ini, plus a related Globes of Invulnerability tweak that makes them either ignore it or even protect against it. I've always liked the idea of an 8th level Greater Globe of Invulnerability that protected from up to 5th level spells, but at this point, it's not in the works. I'm not a good enough artist to make icons and stuff, and scroll-placing is a headache.
  14. I may or may not have completely forgotten what the vanilla version of Reflected Image did, and instead replaced (in my mind) the old version of SR's Reflected Image with it. Not going to lie, I don't really care at all about or for Nishruus or Hakeashars, but it just weird that the latter was missing just to steal a scroll when you can solve that via other means. In any case, Hakeashars are basically just Nishruus+. Also, I completely forgot to finish my thought for Dimensional Jump up above, so I just went ahead and edited that in, .
  15. This is the SR Revised version of the mod, which is somewhat different from the mainline version. 1. I always thought Dimensional Jump seemed a bit powerful too, but in practice, if you're trying to use it to avoid another spellcaster's spell, it can (e): lmao I forgot to finish my sentence here - it can be difficult to actually use, since you have to have it be timed just right and it wastes an entire round of spellcasting. If you have very advanced meta-knowledge to the point where you're trying to bait an enemy spellcaster into casting one particular powerful spell or another, and you approach the encounter in such a way that they're forced to target your spellcaster with the Dimensional Jump, and you wait until they're in the middle of casting it before you use the Dimensional Jump, sure, I guess it's highly exploitable and you can do that...but, uh, why are you doing that? I can't imagine that's a very fun way to approach the game. 2. Reflected Image has been hugely nerfed compared to the vanilla version of the game (which auto-regenerated the image every time you were hit for the duration of the spell - in SR, it just regenerates it once every round) - now Mirror Image actually makes sense. 3. Spell Shield and Dispelling Screen have kind of distinct functions, though - Spell Shield is for more powerful anti-magics (such as Secret Word, Spellstrike, Ruby Ray of Reversal, etc.), while Dispelling Screen is more just for Dispel Magic spam and Breach. 4. It was a broken spell which could really only be used well for the purpose of being broken...but it is a broken spell that seemingly a lot of people liked to use, probably because it simplified mage battles. I actually intended to have an optional restoration of it, but I never got around to finishing it. 5. They do, if you use the AoE Spell Deflection component. 6. I restored Hakeshar for SRR (along with a few other spells), but yes, it doesn't exist in non-Revised SR anymore. 7. Hmm, not my decision. If I had to guess, this was because no intelligent AI (i.e. SCS) would ever target a Spell Trap anyways, so casting it basically means enemies will ignore you for spellcasting unless they can directly remove it via anti-magic. Which hasn't changed with changing it to 99 levels of spell deflection instead, it's just that it can no longer be self-abused by the player.
  16. I use both. I prefer DLTCEP because it's actually much faster to get things done even if it's less powerful compared to NI (and also, I haven't had as many problems with creating invalid file structures as I have with NI), but I do still occasionally use NI where DLTCEP fails me.
  17. You're welcome, . @subtledoctor It is a really annoying sound. If you're using it for a lot of stuff, I would definitely make that compromise. I tested out my item idea where it was one regenerated skin per round (pretty much like a 100% SR Reflected Image), and I only lasted about a minute before I canned that idea. On a side-note, since you mentioned it, I'm actually off of using sectypes for minor use in the vanilla games - the reason being that every type you remove a sectype, it seems to always display a chat message, even if the sectype dispel string is completely empty. I hate stuff like that, so I'm no longer making use of sectypes for anything that repeats, . It should be noted that Stoneskin actually *does* play the sound even if it expires after being used up from taking too many hits, so there's really no way to escape it.
  18. Have always disliked this, too. The moment you open up an .are in DLTCEP (in my case, I did AR0042), all this stuff gets saved to your override folder: All I did was open it - no editing or saving of any kind. Not ideal for just opening it up to poke around.
  19. When I released V1.3.300, ptifab immediately give me about 30 bugs to fix...and then another 20, and then another 10. I'll wait and see if he finds another pile within the next week or so, .
  20. @ptifab I can't re-iterate how much I don't like auras. Every time I do something with any of them, something somewhere goes wrong, . Fixed, thanks!
  21. Thanks again! Bolt of Polymorphing: Fixed. Chain Mail +3: Fixed. Dagger of the Star 5: Fixed. Armor of Missile Attraction: Hah, I knew not testing this one would come back to bite me - auras always do. Dak'kon's Zerth Blade: I do assume it is supposed to be a sort of power limitation on it, since that opcode always restores the highest level spell. It would indeed be very easy to abuse, but more than that, I just don't think it makes sense to have it be quite that powerful for a +2 weapon. Aura Spells: Fixed, except I used 1 (self) targeting instead of 2 (pre-target) targeting. Additionally... Blackmist: The Blackmist ability now targets only enemies instead of friendlies as well (it's not as if this halberd is a world-beater, no need to make its ability silly like that). Blade of Roses: Has a proper aura instead of a weird on-hit effect. Whistling Sword: Aura should trigger more frequently a la the other auras.
  22. I know the feeling all too well...the most I've played is like half of a BG1 playthrough in the past couple of years.
  23. I had some time to test these spells out some more. Unfortunately, I was not able to confirm your findings with either spells, so I do not know the issue. Totally unmodified (from the current versions which I have not changed in a long time) Halt and Control Undead spells: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rgqfuszr2j2wjue/wlsbLAE5i8.mp4
  24. Backstab property applies correctly for me. I'd need more information on what exact circumstances you're finding it applying. Who's the character, what's their class, are you testing the weapon just by itself with no off-hand, etc. @ptifab Thanks once again. Armor of Missile Attraction: Fixed, probably - I don't have the constitution to test another aura right now, . Potion of Explosions: Corrected to vs. breath saving throw. Ring of Acuity: Fixed. Paralytic Bolt +1: Fixed. Scrolls: Fixed. Martial Staff: Already set to +2 (including THAC0 and damage), no change. Seems like you have another mod installed that set a few weapons back to their vanilla enchantment levels or something along those lines. Staff of the Magi: Fixed the missing Remove Magic text. Staff of Power, Staff of the Magi, and Brine Potion: Fixed the usability text not being correctly patched out for EE games (missing colon). Staff of the Woodlands: Fixed. Staff of Rhynn: Fixed both problems. Lawgiver: Already set to +2 (including THAC0 and damage), no change. Purifier: Fixed. Dak'kon's Zerth Blade: Fixed. Harmonium Halberd: Fixed. Shadow Veil: Paladins specifically are restricted from a number of dark artifacts. Others include The Ravager, Cloak of Bravery, Duskblade, Skull of Death, etc. Sword of Balduran: Fixed. Axe of Hrothgar: Fixed. Jerrod's Mace: Fixed. Joril's Dagger: Fixed. Yes, I agree that it is strange that it deals fire damage - however, Flame of the North in the same weapon class already does cold damage. Spear of Kuldahar: Fixed. Evarard's Morning Star: Fixed. Crossbow of Affliction: Fixed. "Aura's Spells": I think I have it set to no target for a good reason, but I don't remember what it was. If it's not actually working as expected, let me know. DVPARAL: Fixed. DVFBALL: Fixed (Wand of Fire already has its own resource that specifically uses vs. wand, so this gets vs. breath). WAND10: Fixed. Poisons: Fixed (also, dvaspven).
  25. Believe it or not, I actually reported that exact error some time ago as well: DavidW said it was likely to be harmless. I'll take a look at the Short Sword of Backstabbing.
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