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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. I had some time to test these spells out some more. Unfortunately, I was not able to confirm your findings with either spells, so I do not know the issue. Totally unmodified (from the current versions which I have not changed in a long time) Halt and Control Undead spells: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rgqfuszr2j2wjue/wlsbLAE5i8.mp4
  2. Backstab property applies correctly for me. I'd need more information on what exact circumstances you're finding it applying. Who's the character, what's their class, are you testing the weapon just by itself with no off-hand, etc. @ptifab Thanks once again. Armor of Missile Attraction: Fixed, probably - I don't have the constitution to test another aura right now, . Potion of Explosions: Corrected to vs. breath saving throw. Ring of Acuity: Fixed. Paralytic Bolt +1: Fixed. Scrolls: Fixed. Martial Staff: Already set to +2 (including THAC0 and damage), no change. Seems like you have another mod installed that set a few weapons back to their vanilla enchantment levels or something along those lines. Staff of the Magi: Fixed the missing Remove Magic text. Staff of Power, Staff of the Magi, and Brine Potion: Fixed the usability text not being correctly patched out for EE games (missing colon). Staff of the Woodlands: Fixed. Staff of Rhynn: Fixed both problems. Lawgiver: Already set to +2 (including THAC0 and damage), no change. Purifier: Fixed. Dak'kon's Zerth Blade: Fixed. Harmonium Halberd: Fixed. Shadow Veil: Paladins specifically are restricted from a number of dark artifacts. Others include The Ravager, Cloak of Bravery, Duskblade, Skull of Death, etc. Sword of Balduran: Fixed. Axe of Hrothgar: Fixed. Jerrod's Mace: Fixed. Joril's Dagger: Fixed. Yes, I agree that it is strange that it deals fire damage - however, Flame of the North in the same weapon class already does cold damage. Spear of Kuldahar: Fixed. Evarard's Morning Star: Fixed. Crossbow of Affliction: Fixed. "Aura's Spells": I think I have it set to no target for a good reason, but I don't remember what it was. If it's not actually working as expected, let me know. DVPARAL: Fixed. DVFBALL: Fixed (Wand of Fire already has its own resource that specifically uses vs. wand, so this gets vs. breath). WAND10: Fixed. Poisons: Fixed (also, dvaspven).
  3. Believe it or not, I actually reported that exact error some time ago as well: DavidW said it was likely to be harmless. I'll take a look at the Short Sword of Backstabbing.
  4. Furthermore, if Artemius is playing with IR and not IRR, there is absolutely no reason he should be expected to try to support both.
  5. Do other types of characters have the correct lore values?
  6. If you can, keep trying it on other types of undead as you come across them and see if it works. If it works on even one or two, it's very likely the race of those specific skeletons has been wrongly set. I would do a more thorough test right now, but the fact that it's BG1 skeletons makes it a bit difficult for me to do it right away. Very odd. Still don't really understand why that'd make any difference, but I guess the good news is I don't have to fix it either.
  7. Thanks again! I'll have complete replies at a later date, but one thing I'll note now is with the odd Boots of the Gargoyle duration - it is intended. Although now that I think about it, I might be able just to do permanent timing instead of the very long limited duration. The reason for this is...whenever Stoneskin expires (whether from duration or from being used up), it plays a very loud and annoying sound effect. Initially, I had these boots at either 1 skin per round or per 2 rounds, but the sound effect spam was driving me out of my mind - hence why it was instead upped to 5 per turn (so the sound effect will only trigger an average of once per turn at worst) and the duration set so long (to avoid the pointless sound effect of it refreshing every turn while out of combat). This does mean that you can exploit the boots by having each character wear them out-of-combat, but I am more in favor of avoiding annoyances for well-meaning players than avoiding every last exploit (especially given how tiresome it would be to constantly switching the boots between characters all the time). As always, if you really want to exploit stuff, that's your business, not mine, . An alternative idea would be to bring it back to once per round, but have it only cast itself during combat, so it's not permanently active. I think this would still get annoying with how much it would spam during combat, though, which is why I opted for the 5 skins per turn instead. Perhaps not quite as good (although there can be an advantage to having 5 skins at once to be able to do something as opposed to just 1 per round), but certainly less tiresome.
  8. You got an actual magic resistance message...or it just doesn't work? There's a big difference. Hmm, okay, although I still don't see why Magical Stone in particular is a issue for the BG1 animation, if Magical Stone does not even set a weapon animation. Shouldn't the same thing happen if you like...hold a dart or something?
  9. Uh, is there anything I need to do here? The Magical Stone .itm doesn't even use an animation, so I'm a little confused on what the issue here is.
  10. Glad to hear it's not as long as the first, but all reported inconsistencies/bugs are always welcome, . No, I don't think the targeting would be used either, so no need to change.
  11. ProftE & Imprisonment: Fixed. Imprisonment's was especially messed up, both clerics and thieves could use it. Amulet of Form Stability: For some reason, no anti-polymorph items (I checked three) have this opcode, so I'm inclined to leave it without. Amulet of Spell Warding: Fixed. Arrow of Slaying: Fixed the monk usability, the hidden THAC0 bonus is intended (vanilla gave it a whopping +15 bonus...but the slaying effect only affected ogre mages, so this is a compromise to give this very rare, very expensive item a better chance of working). Arrow of Piercing: Fixed, I think. Feel free to check this one out to make sure I got everything right. Throwing Axe +1: Enchantment level was already set to 1 (and THAC0/damage were correct), no change. Axe of the Unyielding: Sometimes I allow unusual weights if I think there's enough reason to do so, particularly if it's based on something in vanilla or in the lore of the item, but axe weights are all over the place in vanilla (Battle Axe +1, +2, and +3 all have different weights in vanilla, for example) and I don't particularly see a reason to let Unyielding be an exception, so I've fixed it. Maces: I was unable to detect any incorrect mace speed factors. One potential confounding issue you might be picking up here is that "Bane" weapons are treated as 2 higher enchantment level than their THAC0/damage/speed factor bonuses. So, for example, Jerrod's Mace is +3, but has the Demon Bane property, so the THAC0 is only +1 and the damage is only +2 (the other +1 is part of the default mace weapon type), and the speed factor is only 6 (1 lower than the default 7 for maces). This applies for all Bane-type weapons, not just maces. Skullcrusher: Fixed. Club of Detonation: Fixed. Ice Star: Hm, similar to Axe of the Unyielding, morning star weights are all over the place in vanilla...but this particular morning star is made out of an unusual material, and it is the only morning star in vanilla that has a weight of 7. I will leave this one as an exception. Bolt of Polymorphing: Fixed. Tansheron's Bow: Whoops, typo in the item identifier name prevented them from being installed. The panic effect working at 100% is intended (it helps illuminate when a creature is held, and also, if the hold effect fails due to immunity, it leaves the possibility of the panic effect working instead). Fixed the wrong resource name as well, thanks. Gauntlets of Crushing: Fixed, although I don't believe there is actually any practical difference between dispel/resist types 2 and 0 - still prefer it to be the correct one, though. Mail of the Dead: Fixed. Ashen Scales: Fixed. Chain Mail +3: Fixed, I think. Cloak of Electrical Resistance: Fixed. Cloak of Nature's Vengeance: Fixed, and additionally set it so that it is not subject to magic resistance as per other attack-back effects. Dark Elven Spellchain: I've never known what this item is or whether it's even used, no change. Dagger +2: Fixed. Dagger of the Star: Fixed. Drowcraft Flail: Fixed. Drowcraft Bolts: Bolts do not receive bonus damage from enchantment, looks correct to me. However, I did notice that Weapon Changes was incorrectly incrementing the damage due to the Drowcraft damage bonus when you install that, so I have corrected that. Drow Pifawfi Cloak: Fixed. Drowcraft Light Crossbow of Speed: Icon fixed, but usabilities are correct: clerics aren't allowed to use crossbows. On a side-note, Light Crossbow of Speed (xbow06.itm) *was* usable by clerics, which I also just fixed. Suryris's Blade: Fixed, don't see too much reason to have a strength requirement of 17 here, doesn't seem intended. Dragon's Breath: Fixed. Ravager: Fixed. Hammer of Corrosion: Enchantment level was already set to 1 (and THAC0/damage were correct), no change. Helms: Fixed. Karajah's Armor: Fixed. Trollhide Armor: Fixed. I'm also drawing on inspiration from the vanilla armor that used to occupy this slot, Armor of Thorns, for a new property to make this armor very slightly more interesting, though the description is a little preliminary (I'm not particularly pleased with the justification for its inclusion - I may end up rewriting it at a later date). Jansen Spectroscopes: The description states a +20% bonus (which is correct), no change. ...Well, actually, the bonuses were set to a dispel type of 2, so I did change that, but besides that, no change, . Staff of the High Forest: Fixed. Ankheg Armor: Doesn't the "Items of Protection Can Be Worn Together" component of IR 'fix' this? I'm probably not going to manually add or remove any lines from this .2da, especially since vanilla's version of this file is undoubtedly screwed up in a number of different ways and the main component of IR makes no attempt to fix it as far as I know. Erinne Sling: For some reason, the additional point of damage is instead outsourced to an extra damage opcode. I'll have to see what the results of changing it to instead be directly on the normal damage roll is. Staff of Air: Fixed. Staff of the Woodlands: Fixed(?), a colon at the end of "Usable By" was missing. Celestial Fury: Good spot - dvbatto.spl is the original filename from IR, while sw1h51.spl is supposed to be mine, but it looks like I got them confused when I updated it recently. Sword of Balduran: Fixed. Harbinger: Every single one of these bane-type .effs has no target selected for some reason. So long as they actually work, it's fine. Wand of Cursing: Fixed. Crossbow of Affliction: Fixed. Big thanks for the big list! Hopefully I've dealt with everything you found.
  12. Thanks! Will take a look at all of them and respond to each one at a later date.
  13. I must be thinking of a different mod that I tried, that added some new innate cantrips that refreshed themselves. Weird. Thought it was yours, but I guess not!
  14. I believe the idea is "cantrips AT level 1", not "cantrips take up level 1 spellcasting". I tried this mod a long time back, and thought the cantrips were...neat, but eventually realized that without a character script that would automatically cast them for me, there's no way I'm actually using them because it's too little benefit for how much effort it is to keep casting them. However...if SCS AI automatically uses said cantrips in an appropriate manner (i.e. after exhausting all of their normal combat options), then that sounds like a worthwhile idea again.
  15. When we're talking about the secondary components of IR/R and SR/R which only apply some global tweaks, then I don't see why not. Is there a particular issue you have in mind? The main components should absolutely be installed way earlier, but my installation order already says that.
  16. Not at this time. The only outstanding issue I have for SRR (that I can remember...) is that I wanted to make a more fair Dispel Magic, but I don't particularly want to work on that arduous process right now. I have no advice to give on EET, for I have only installed EET a total of one time, and it was in a very barebones installation. I assume people who use EET will be able to figure out where EET should be installed based on other people's superior knowledge and advice. If it were me, I would assume that it would go in about the same place as BGT, but I'm not about to recommend that without knowing it. Furthermore, the list that I gave was more for people's edification on what order IRR/SRR/1pp (the three critical mods I modify) should be installed in, not an exhaustive list of everything that somebody might use (which I already said in that same original post). To my knowledge, where I put SCS is correct.
  17. V1.3.300 released. Changes: Blackmist now applies Blackmist's blackmist on 15% of attacks made with Blackmist (instead of being manually activated via an ability). The blacksmith's Blackmist's blackmist blackmists the blacksmith's Blackmist's blackmist. Boots of the Gargoyle no longer have 3x Stoneskin, but rather have a 5 skin Stoneskin that triggers every turn. Is this a terrible idea? A warning is given in the description that it should not be used with other Stoneskin effects. Ravager has a makeover: loses the Cloak of Fear abiltiy in exchange for a Terrifying Aura that causes fear AND paralyzes enemies within 10' every round at a -2 saving throw vs. spell. Additionally, Ravager does poison damage (1D6 at +4, 1D8 at +5). A pretty decent top-end halberd option again, I think. Dagger of the Stars' Stardust ability applies 100% of the time (from 25% for +4 and 33% for +5), now has a -2 saving throw penalty, but the effect only lasts 1 round (used to be 2). Tansheron's Bow's Phantom Arrow has a 50% chance of paralyzing enemies, 50% chance of causing fear (...technically, the fear effect happens 100% the time to help make it obvious when an enemy gets held, but it doesn't really make a difference...unless the creature is paralysis-immune but not fear immune?). Ixil's Pinning ability gets a -2 saving throw penalty for now (and its damage is increased from an erroneous 1D4 + 5 to 1D6 + 5). Angurvadal's Flame Whip now has a -2 saving throw penalty. Runehammer and Harbinger's Banishing ability now has a -2 saving throw penalty. The Wave's Smashing Wave and Fire Eating abilities now have -2 saving throw penalties. Suryris' Blade now always has a 100% chance of occurring (before it was 50%), but the Staggering effect is only -1/2 APR instead of the full -1 APR. Cloak of Nature's Vengeance now has a 33% chance of striking (up from 25%). Rod of Terror's fear-causing ability now applies 100% of the time (up from 33% - seemed odd for a weapon literally called the Rod of Terror, especially when the same effect on other weapons worked 100% of the time). Club of Detonation's Detonation ability now has a 20' radius (up from 15'). Horn of Kazgaroth drains 15% of your health (up from 10% - matches Claw of Kazgaroth). Also, located on Lagole Gon proper now instead of trying to place it on Deril. Boots of the Shifting Sands grants immunity to Earthquake (though I still don't want these boots to even exist). Impaler has a minor vorpal effect (15% chance with a saving throw vs. death, but no penalty). Spear of Lordly Might receives a +1 APR bonus (up from +1/2 - needed to be better to compete with the other better spears). Ring of Kangaxx has an Energy Drain ability instead of Minor Drain and Finger of Death - use with SRR for its much more powerful version of Energy Drain! Staff of the Magi loses the 1x Reverse Magic, but receives permanent True Seeing and 3x Remove Magic (cast at wielder level). Ring of Invisibility's Invisibility lasts for 5 turns instead of 1. Ilbratha's Mirror Image lasts for 5 turns instead of 1. Staff of the Woodlands' Barkskin lasts for 5 turns instead of 1. Spell Turning from that one item that has an activatable Spell Turning now lasts 5 turns instead of 1. No, I don't remember off-hand what item that is, but trust me, it's 5 turns now. Spell Deflection from that one amulet lasts now lasts 5 turns instead of 1. There is a setting in settings.ini to nerf Edwin's Amulet from 2 spell slots every level to just 1 + receive a +3 saving throw vs. death - defaulted to off. There is a setting in settings.ini to increase the power of Bracers of Defense AC (effectively, the unique/high quality Bracers of Defense will receive a mixed AC bonus - e.g. Bracers of Defense AC 5 will set the character's AC to 6, but then also give them a flat +1 bonus to take it back down to 5, making these mildly useful even for characters already wearing armor) - defaulted to off. Book of Infinite Spells now has 20 different spells it can flip to. It occurred to me that the book had True Seeing, which is Conjurer's main weakness in lacking - so I decided to kind of overhaul its selection for both flavor and functionality in shoring up what I felt were specialists' most missing spells. The vanilla version of this had... Fireball, Invisibility, Protection from Evil, True Seeing, Burning Hands, Spell Turning, Wyvern Call, Stinking Cloud, Lightning Bolt, and Farsight. IRR's has... Fireball, Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin, True Seeing, Confusion, Spell Shield, Invisibile Stalker, Cloudkill, Domination, Skull Trap, Vocalize, Cone of Cold, Animate Dead, Lower Resistance, Greater Malison, Mirror Image, Breach, Haste, Hold Monster, and Pierce Magic. Fixes: Wand of Fear erroneously had an unnoted -1 saving throw penalty. Store Revisions doesn't try to increase the size of bags that don't exist (critical install error on non-EE games in some circumstances) Gauntlets of Weapon Mastery's icon was weirdly highly oriented. Some icons for non-EE games got their offsets messed up when I fixed said icons for the EE games - now fixed. Axe of the Unyielding gets a slightly revised icon (this was one of my early attempts at fixing some of the terrible ToB icons, and I wasn't happy with it - I think it's mildly better and kind of passable now). Belt of Inertial Barrier and a number of other auras had stuff fixed and made more consistent (...hopefully). Potion of Speed was supposed to be non-dispelable - it is now. Robe of Arcane Might only gives a caster level bonus for arcane spells, not both divine and arcane. Another Symbol of Helm usability fix for Anomen. Fixed short bows missing their special short bow ground icon.
  18. Friends: Strong for sure, but I was never able to come up with a formula that I liked for spanning both BG1 and BG2 for being effective, and like a lot of things when I can't find a good formula for it, I tend to just leave it how it is. Potential options I thought of were +1/per 3 levels (max of +5 at 15th level), +2 + 1/per extra 3 levels (max of +5 at 10th level). Enchanted Weapon: I'm nearly a hundred percent sure the enchantment level does not stack (i.e. casting the EE verison of Enchanted Weapon on a weapon that's already +4 does not make it +7, and in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it instead made it worse by making it +3 instead). Magic Missile: Will never happen, sorry. Already one of the best level 1 spells, and formulaically, it would make no sense to have a giant 10 level gap in between increased scaling. Magic Fang: That'd be cool, but I'm not sure what to use.
  19. That seems logical! I think I ended up adapting that code for a few other things of my own as well, so thanks!
  20. Well, that seems very annoying. Oddly, I feel like I didn't write the fixed code myself, I think someone else did for the base version, but it must've never gotten included? Not entirely sure.
  21. Apparently, the official version of IR's Store Revisions is not currently equipped to handle the dynamic location of SR spells. I don't even remember changing IRR to be able to account for this, but it's already fixed there. IR: ACTION_IF comp_sr=1 BEGIN OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_medium_wounds") sppr215 OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_serious_wounds") sppr315 OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_critical_wounds") sppr401 END IRR: ACTION_IF comp_sr=1 BEGIN ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~SPELL.IDS~ ~[ %TAB%]CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]~)) BEGIN LAF RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME STR_VAR spell_name = ~CLERIC_CURE_MODERATE_WOUNDS~ RET spell_res END OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_medium_wounds") ~%spell_res%~ END ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~SPELL.IDS~ ~[ %TAB%]CLERIC_CURE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]~)) BEGIN LAF RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME STR_VAR spell_name = ~CLERIC_CURE_MEDIUM_WOUNDS~ RET spell_res END OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_serious_wounds") ~%spell_res%~ END ACTION_IF (FILE_CONTAINS_EVALUATED (~SPELL.IDS~ ~[ %TAB%]CLERIC_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS[ %TAB%%LNL%%MNL%%WNL%]~)) BEGIN LAF RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME STR_VAR spell_name = ~CLERIC_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS~ RET spell_res END OUTER_SPRINT $temple("cure_critical_wounds") ~%spell_res%~ END END There may very well be other stores that attempt to use SPPR215 instead of SPPR216 and consequently break, unfortunately.
  22. The "name" ("The blade...") is just an unset string - these are set when the mod actually installs it into your game. The way SR installs new spells is not static - what is SPPR215.spl in the mod's directory may not be installed to the SPPR215.spl slot depending on whether there are currently more or less slots used than the mod expects (for example, you may already have a mod that installed a spell to SPPR215; SR would then attempt to install SPPR215 to something like SPPR216 if that's currently unused...or something later instead if it isn't, or somewhere else depending on a number of other factors). SPPR215 is intended to be Cure Moderate Wounds...but with what I said before, it might not be, so you'll have to look at it with NI and figure out if that's it is or upload it so that I/someone else can take a look at it.
  23. CGI has its place, though using it to construct like 90% of a scene seems to usually look phony and visually exhausting to me (but I don't really care that much, since I'm not the type to really watch the big-budget CGI action movies/shows anyways, and have not kept up with anything Star Wars or Marvel or pretty much any other big movie franchise - I enjoy smaller movies more, so that's what I stick with). From what I've seen of human CGI examples, it seems to be currently at an uncanny valley level that's weird, creepy, and immediately scene-ruining due to it garnering a "...wait, is this CGI?" sort of reaction and taking you out of the movie. We'll have to see if that's something that's ever conquered at a very high detail like a cinematic experience would demand - funnily, lower detail video using like face-replacement software can seem less phony because of the lower detail nature and our brains having already been trained to fill in or at least ignore the missing details, but the same can't be said when we're looking at extremely high quality footage like you'd see in big budget films.
  24. Isn't it probably the broken item in the store that's the problem, not the store itself? Might want to figure out what that item is and changelog it as well.
  25. I don't know how that would interface with SCS, but you can certainly do it on your own end.
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