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Posts posted by Bartimaeus

  1. That all makes sense, thank you!

    14 hours ago, Guest Piquero said:

    Is that the reason the summoned planetars were doing shit?

    Yes. Bizarrely, it was also causing my modified wyvern scripts to attack their summoners, among a few other things. Not really sure how the game was interpreting the wrong linebreak scripts, but it was clearly not correctly.

  2. 3 hours ago, DavidW said:

    Fair enough!

    But if you want the low-tech way to implement my suggestion:

    - open the script in near infinity

    - copy-paste it into a textfile, and name it myscript.baf, and put it in mymod/myscripts

    - include COMPILE "mymod/myscripts/myscript.baf" in your weidu


    I in turn find Git completely incomprehensible, so I have no idea whether that's easier or harder than persuading git to handle baf files correctly.

    Thanks, sounds pretty simple. Though...what're the benefits of doing it this way, github issues notwithstanding? What's the fundamental benefit of compiling the script at install rather than having it pre-compiled?

  3. 1 hour ago, Sephir6 said:

    I'm in Windows 10 x64. Now if I use that zip I get those parse errors on the debug file SETUP-SPELL_REV.DEBUG? I don't understand what is happening... Just installing over vanilla BG2:EE. If it seems too random maybe I should forget about it. And SR before overwritten keep installing well.

    Then I have seen this changes, just in case I finally install it:

    - Spirit Armor now has a bonus to save vs spell? Not sure if intentional, in SR was for vs death. Can I change it back some how?

    - Feeblemindness can be changed to -4? It's better than domination with the same penalty?

    Yeah, sorry, I've been updating a number of things for SR and IR today and I linked it while in the middle of making changes like a dummy. Should be fixed as of V1.3.16 (latest).

    SRR's description for Spirit Armor says the save is vs. death. If it's vs. spell, that's an error. (e): I just checked, and it's still vs. death.

    Feeblemindedness is one I've had difficulty with - I've waffled back and forth between -2 and -4. The issue with this spell is that it's essentially a death spell when used against opponents, while it's simply a disable that can be easily dispelled when used against the party. Domination was actually what I was balancing it against - at the same level, same spell school, but Domination is a charm that only lasts for 1 turn while Feeblemind is a permanent death sentence. It was also a -2 in vanilla. Still...if people really wanted -4, then it wouldn't be too difficult to persuade me to change it back.

  4. 6 hours ago, Sephir6 said:

    Hi! I have been playing with SR-4b18 with TomeAndBlood-0.8.51 for a while and I have found this revised version of SR. If I install this revised version I have errors installing TomeAndBlood, all components say this: 

    #ERROR: cannot convert spl_school or %spl_school% to an integer
    #ERROR: [BGSCRL1V.ITM] -> [override/BGSCRL1V.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #ERROR Installing [Revised Illusionary Clones], rolling back to previous state
    #Will uninstall  39 files for [TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2] component 13.
    #Uninstalled     39 files for [TOMEANDBLOOD/TOMEANDBLOOD.TP2] component 13.
    #ERROR: Not_found
    #Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-TOMEANDBLOOD.DEBUG and look for support at: aquadrizzt@gmail.com
    #Automatically Skipping [Revised Illusionary Clones] because of error.

    Clean install. Using Project Infinity. TomeAndBlood alone works, SR-Revised alone works. SR with TomeAndBlood was working but SR-Revised with TomeAndBlood nope. Installing SR-Revised before TomeAndBlood.

    I have been checking other people mods list and it seems they are installing both together... Anyone can help me? Thanks!

    I'll take a look at it and get back to you. Are you playing a BG1EE or BG2EE game? (e): I successfully installed SRR and then every single component of TomeAndBlood 8.5.1 on top of it on a BG2:EE game. Going to need more information, probably your debug file, and your weidu log just to make sure.

    6 hours ago, Guest Piquero said:

    I don't like that change at all, can you make it optional? pretty please.

    Shapeshift is already very situational anyway

    Hm. Personally, I didn't actually want to do this at all since it doesn't work in non-EE games, so I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world to make it optional for EE games as well even though it's clearly a bug. Will do.

  5. I used to use P&P Celestials, but I think the Big World Project marked it as incompatible with SCS (or maybe SR?) at some point so I stopped since I used to use that to determine general mod order install and didn't feel like dealing with issues. Plus I usually never make it through ToB to see the Celestials anyways because ToB is not very good or fun, so I never figured out if they were actually incompatible or not. Still a cool idea.

  6. Look, I just work here, okay? :p

    My entire knowledge of modding the Infinity Engine games is based on seeing how the mods I'm interested in tweaking do things and learning from there. IR and SR are the mods I've messed around with the most, and they're both pretty low-tech weidu-wise for the most part, so that's kind of where I'm at (...and most likely where I will stay, since coding is neither my forte, what I enjoy, or my career). SR uses pre-compiled .bcs files for its summonables, so that's what I was editing, haha.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Sam. said:

    My solution is to add

    *.bcs text eol=lf
    *.bs text eol=lf

    to the .gitattributes file.

    I ended up specifying "autocrlf = input" in my overall gitconfig, which converts everything to just LF instead, but that's okay and has no practical effect for BG as far as I know.

  8. On 5/23/2020 at 10:10 PM, pochesun said:

    Yeah, i posted a detailed discription of both planetar's behavior here, probably could help you if you haven't seen it yet. Its the post from Thursday i think.


    This should fix it, as well as some other summonables' broken scripts (my Wyverns, Nishruus, Hakeashars, Hobgoblin Shaman, Devas, Planetars, and maybe one or two others I can't remember right now were apparently being broken by github). Man, that was annoying and took way too long to figure out.

    Some other random fixes as of V1.3.13:

    1. Enforced that Cause Wounds use the correct icons on all games types (previously only the EEs had consistent icons).
    2. Pit Fiend (Gate) was missing an icon for its attack - I gave it an ultra-generic one for the time being.
    3. Shapeshifts/polymorphs get the two-handed flag on EE games, which prevents off-hand attacks/shields from applying (crashes game on non-EEs, so remains un-enabled on there).
    4. There is a second Remove Curse scroll that can be found at Lady Yuth and in random loot - it should now also be a Break Enchantment scroll.
    5. Protection from Electricity should be properly disabled.
    6. A few spells (Protection from Normal Weapons, MS4, and Spell Deflection) were being disabled for bards and removed from spellbooks - should no longer be the case.
    7. Protection from Missiles protects from Flame Arrow.
    8. Dispelling Screen's portrait icon now says "Dispelling Screen" and not "Spell Immunity".
    9. Created proper icons for Enchanted Weapon's Ninja-To +3 and Wakizashi +3 for non-EE games.

    I will eventually get to IRR...

  9. Been investigating why some summonables in SR are having scripting problems that sometimes occur and sometimes don't, and I finally discovered why: github is converting linebreaks of .bcs files to CR+LF (Windows) when BG scripts appear to use just LF (Unix), which is breaking the files. This is especially annoying because they stay with the correct linebreaks on my local system, so it seems like everything's fine on my end, but then other people who download it get broken versions.

    ...This is less asking for help and more warning everyone else in case anyone else gets weird, mysteriously broken scripts.

  10. 12 hours ago, culmore said:

    How about making Edwins amulet drop when he is killed and making it wearable by any specialist conjurer? or some such...

    I dont even consider other mages Edwin is so much better. With SCS my main mage needs a lot of casts of spells. Maybe I should roll a sorcerer... or....


    I haven't used it myself, but I made the option for someone else and put it in this. Component #4 "Droppable/Movable NPC Items".

  11. 17 hours ago, Piquero27 said:

    Sure, this are the spells in my install:

    spwi423.spl 618 B · 0 downloads

    spwi511.spl 19.47 kB · 0 downloads


    The forum goes slower when I log In 😅


    This should fix Protection from Normal Weapons. Your MS4 is...different than how I expected it, but still seems to be modified in an unexpected way - if it actually works, though, I'll just leave it be. Hopefully what I did will prevent similar issues in the future.

  12. Yeah, no thanks, I hate dealing with AI stuff. My suggestion would be to just use the "celestials" switch I created in settings.ini years ago so that SCS can do its thing without interference. I might make an additional version of that switch that just disables SR's AI so SCS can do what it wants.

  13. On 5/22/2020 at 9:19 AM, subtledoctor said:

    EDIT - these HOLYDAM .eff files might be worth a discussion. Currently it adds a global equipping effect giving the wielder a damage bonus vs. evil creatures, via opcode 179. This means if you have Daystar or Foebane in your off-hand, that bonus will likely apply to your main-hand attacks with a different weapon. (I don’t know how damage is typed for opcode 179... presumably it is the same as the underlying attack?) My first attempt at a fix for Daystar was to add a 177 on-hit effect targeting evil creatures, applying an .eff that uses opcode 12 to do 2 slashing damage. This is what I’m using in my current game, and I could make an argument at all of IR’s categorical damage bonuses (‘holy’ and ‘starmetal’ etc.) should work this way. OTOH it would be a not-insignificant amount of work, and wouldn’t make that much difference...

    Yeah, I've been aware of this issue for years, but I was never quite sure if I wanted to fix it. The result is if you are dual-wielding, you get those damage/THAC0 bonuses with it, which is definitely not intended. However, my problem with fixing it is:

    1. You can't make the same fix for THAC0(?).

    2. More message log spam...a few weapons will three message entries every time they attack their target creatures (e.g. Flametongue).

    3. A lot of work to fix.

    4. There may be an issue of damage resistances for flat damage reductions outright negating a bonus because it's a separate source of damage that gets its own separate reduction (not sure how many creatures/characters have flat damage reductions in the BG games, though).

    5. Maybe something else.

    P.S. I like giving Root of the Problem the cold iron property. These are, as best as I can tell, the only silver/cold iron-enabled weapons in vanilla:

    Flame Tongue = Silver
    Sword of Balduran = Silver + Cold Iron
    Kondar = Silver + Cold Iron
    Albruin = Silver
    Sword of Flame = Silver + Cold Iron
    Angurvadal = Silver + Cold Iron
    The Answerer = Silver + Cold Iron
    Carsomyr = Silver + Cold Iron
    Werebane = Silver + Cold Iron
    Azurewrath = Silver + Cold Iron
    Silver Sword = Silver

    Oddly, Icingdeath mentions being made of silver, but is not silver-enabled.

  14. ...No, I just fixed them now. Is there any way you could give me a copy of your MS4 from your override folder, which is SPWI423.spl? (Also, if you want me to fix Protection from Normal Weapons, it's SPWI511.spl.)

    SCRLAK is a real spell scroll. There are a few spells that have duplicate scrolls, though I do not remember them off the top of my head - I did not know until now that Remove Curse did as well. It can also be purchased at Lady Yuth in an unmodded game. I guess I'll duplicate the normal scroll, SCRL5G, to it for now.

    (e): I seem to have inadvertently fixed Protection from Normal Weapons by fixing the other two, or at least that seems to be the case. Weird stuff.

  15. ProfE: Gotcha, tested and found it myself, will fix.

    Haer'Dalis: I discovered that there were three spells unlearnable by Haer'Dalis (and Blades in general): Spell Deflection, Monster Summoning IV, and Protection from Normal Weapons. I fixed Spell Deflection and Monster Summoning IV, but I have so far been unable to determine why Protection from Normal Weapons is affected.

  16. Protection from Normal Weapons: That seems weird - nothing's changed about its scroll. I'll take a look at it.

    Protection from Electricity: The scroll for this spell is unused. It was being reserved for Ball Lightning, which was never completed.

    Random Loot Table: Not touched by SR or SRR as far as I know.

  17. On 5/21/2020 at 1:27 PM, Luke said:

    I'm not sure, calling @kjeron...

    In non-EE games...

    MCW = Magically Created Weapon
    OHW = Off-Hand Weapon
    OHS = Off-Hand Shield

    Only Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Crash
    MCW + OHS = Crash

    Only Left-Handed Set
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OFW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OFS = Sword and Shield Style

    Only Off-Handed Set
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OFW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies, Sword and Shield Style

    Fake Two-Handed
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies, Sword and Shield Style

    Off-Handed + Left-Handed Set
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies, Sword and Shield Style

    Off-Handed + Fake Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies, Sword and Shield Style

    Two-Handed + Left-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Crash
    MCW + OHS = Crash

    Two-Handed + Fake-Two Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Crash

    Two-Handed + Off-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style

    Left-Handed + Off-Handed + Fake Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Single Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies, Sword and Shield Style

    Two-Handed + Left-Handed + Off-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style

    Two-Handed + Left-Handed + Fake Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style

    Two-Handed + Off-Handed + Fake Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style

    Two-Handed + Left-Handed + Off-Handed + Fake Two-Handed Set
    MCW = Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHW = Dual-Wielding but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style
    MCW + OHS = Shield Applies but Still Two-Handed Weapon Style

    ...would like to know what left-handed/fake two-handed do in non-EE games before I start setting them on a bunch of items, because they clearly don't do the same thing in ToBEx games as they do in EE games.

  18. @culmore Yeah, can't say I'm too upset about Edwin having some kind of weakness, given his overwhelming power compared to other mages.

    However...one thing you can do to get around this is to use the Book of Infinite Spells' True Seeing with him. Most likely the best use of that item if you're using Edwin, honestly.

  19. On 5/19/2020 at 7:11 PM, pochesun said:

    @Bartimaeus probably not a big deal but when i use Cloak of the Wolf (Relair's Mistake) to shapeshift into Wolfwere console writes "Invalid: 103593: Imoen" (the name depends on what character uses it), though shapeshifting occurs succesfully. And discription of the Cloak says that Wolfwere's weapon becomes "Claws and Bite +1" but nor in inventory screen its specified as Claws and Bite nor in weapon bar in main play screen (it just says "Attack") Also, just a note, that after transformation is able to wear armor, helmets etc (weapons in main hand not). I undestand that it is not a druid with shapeshifter kit effect (cant wear amror) but still its strange to see a werewolf vested with fullplate armor 😆 Also the discription of the item says that in werewolf form all resistances set to 0, while wearing armor could give character additional resistance, which looks contradictory. Just a thought though.

    Also i have one question, since i am not aware if its correct: A shapeshifted creature gains extra off-hand attack with weapon equipped in its off-hand? Is it a bug or a feature?

    Will investigate the console issue, though I've never seen it on a non-EE game - guess I'll start there.

    No way to fix the armor/other equipped items that aren't weapons/shields problem, since even making the items unequippable by the character will still actually leave them equipped and in effect (you can see this in action if you, for example, have a character that doesn't have enough strength to equip an armor, equip Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, equip the armor, then take off the gauntlets - only going through a level-up will forcibly remove the armor). I'll take a look at making Shapeshifted/Polymorphed weapons consistent as outlined by Subtledoctor and Luke, though.

    Potion of Absorption: Thanks, will take a look at it.

    Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: Nothing to do here, it's an EE bug in the text displayed that I've investigated like three times now since it's been a frequently reported bug but does actually work regardless of what it says.

    @Cahir I've tried to keep everything mostly consistent to SR's and SCS' standards so that everything works the same. A few things that I can think of that SRR does that SR doesn't that might have consequences in what's cast by the AI:

    1. Polymorph Other is moved from 5th level to 4th level for druids. I thought it was kind of a horrible fit at 5th level, given its kind of underwhelming power, wizards getting it at 4th, there being a bevy of other useful offensive 5th level spells, and it seemed there was a lack of offensive 4th level spells compared to 3rd and 5th). I don't *think* this was a spell SCS would add to spellcasters to begin with, so I don't think this one matters too much.

    2. I gave clerics both Dispel and Remove Magic with Remove Magic replacing the original Dispel Magic (I really hate clerics having both, but non-Revised SR forcibly converted clerics' Dispel Magic to Remove Magic and it's much better for the AI to use it as to not accidentally dispel themselves as well, but I still wanted regular Dispel Magic to be an option since it does have curing properties under certain circumstances).

    3. Restored (and slightly beefed up) Rigid Thinking to clerics at the 3rd level as opposed to getting replaced by Contagion (though I eventually ended up beefing up and adding Contagion back as well).

    4. Summon Nishruu was restored to the game (was disabled in SR).

    5. Completed the removal of Spell Immunity by replacing their individualized versions with alternatives - SR only did some of them, not all, IIRC.

    6. Gate and Monster Summoning IX both exist for mages in SRR (used to be that Gate was disabled for mages, but because SR MS9's basilisks are broken, it was switched so that it was MS9 that was disabled instead). I'm unsure to what extent SCS actually decides to use MS9.

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