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About Cahir

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  1. My friend, I told you a while ago, you should really start going on your own. While all of your mods are awesome, I do think there is a point where one should step up. I could totally see you writing a new IP. That's the collaboration I'd love to see! I'd advise taking a break from BG and play something else for a change. Then, when you come back to playing BG again, maybe you'll find it fresh again.
  2. Man, you really should take a break from modding, to get some perspective. Seems that everyone is working on your nerves lately. If you find asking about something as pestering, then yeah... it's no good for neither your nor others well-being. One cannot even say anything to you, because you find it passive-aggresive or a pestering. I don't want to pick sides on any side with your conflict with Morpheus, cause I don't care which fault it was. All I know you both could handle in a much more mature way. But you keep picking fights with new people, and that won't take you anywhere. I respect your work, I find your knowledge of Faerun lore exemplary, but you really start sounding like you are feeling stressed being here, replying to "all those annoying people, who doesn't have a clue what they are talking about." Really sorry for my rant, I am not a person who usually comment heated conversations between other people, but you really should not treat everyone else as enemies. EDIT: And no, I'm not your enemy. Just saying.
  3. Guys. You do know that Morpheus' mods are still available, right? They aren't gone and people can still play them. Don't be dramatic about it...
  4. It's because of competitiveness. IE is not an easy engine to mod and those who can mod it, sometimes find themselves confident enough in their skills, that they diminish the skills of others. It may be intentional or not, it really depends on individual or even on specific case, but I've seen it happened in the past. I've also seen modders being jealous of other modders' skills, even accusing them of not sharing their knowledge on particular topic.
  5. AFAIK both authors are inactive for years and not sure if there even a way to contact them at this point. They were also doing another, more ambitious mod, but they never finished it.
  6. Just to add to the post above, apart from Lava, who is writing mods in English anyway, Polish BG modding scene is virtually no more at this point. EDIT: Sorry, I was being imprecise. We have also our dear Roberciiik, but AFAIK he is rather doing a great work updating existing mods, rather than writing new mods from scratch.
  7. It wasn't, and I'm fairly certain in won't be (no one is working on it AFAIK). Authors of this mod worked on a new version (a major update) years ago, but they never finished and retired a from a modding scene.
  8. Hi David, Not sure if you accept feature requests for future versions (or even for release version), so if not, feel free to disregard this thread. I'd like to request a couple of additions to subrace component: Human subraces - not sure if the engine allows for that, but I would love to see human subraces (like Chondathans, Tethyrians, Calishites, etc.). I realise, in P&P, it's mostly flavour distinction, and I'm perfectly fine, it would be also just a flavour addition in ToF, but that would IMO add more immersion and role playing options. Two new elven subraces - star elves and avariel. Here's the Wiki page about star elves, in case you're not familiar. As for avariel, I guess the presence of wings may be a problem in implementing them, but if it's possible, that would be a welcomed addition.
  9. Thank you. I hate to see it unpinned, but the reality is that it's obsolete and people shouldn't trust it anymore. There may be still some truth in it, but I can't verify how much.
  10. I wonder if maybe this topic should be unpinned. It's an old list that hasn't been updated in couple of years now and it became awfully out of date. I don't want people to risk messed up installations, because of all those mod updates, that happened over the years.
  11. Here's update for Polish version: @5000 =~Eksploracja obszaru zapewnia premie do Wiedzy~ @5001 = ~Twoje podróże pozwoliły na uzyskanie premii do Wiedzy.~ @5002 = ~Dalsze podróże pozwoliły na uzyskanie kolejnej premii do Wiedzy.~ @5003 = ~Intensywne podróżowanie pozwoliło na uzyskanie premii do Wiedzy.~
  12. As silly as this may sound, Endarire is the main reason I rarely visit BG forums anymore. He simply jumps out from every freezer these days. I almost feel like being stalked.
  13. In fact, seems Summerfall Studios related the release by a week (to 10th of August), to not overlap with updated PC release of BG3.
  14. Also, Liam is probably busy with the pre-launch marketing and events for Summerfall Studios first game, Stray Gods. So, I wouldn't expect him to find time to deal with SHS issue in the near future, unfortunately.
  15. It's a shame he didn't describe which tools did he use to accomplish this. I'd love to experiment myself. Seeing the entire BG saga fully voiced makes me drooling.
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