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Everything posted by polytope

  1. Sure, you can parse and replace scripts at install time, but what about subsequently installed mods coming after Spell Revisions? SCS makes allowances, others might not. Weak haste opcode #16 type 2 just ensures APR are rounded up to the nearest whole number, it will not work well with fractional APR bonuses for this reason (although can only reach 5 attacks per round, type 0 haste allows up to 6) and still doubles the rate at which timed effects tick (as I've said, I think it's easier to work around unwanted doubling of frequencies of in game effects than the scripts that check for hasted states). #317 allows the same types, but is used in vanilla almost exclusively as type 1 - equivalent to Improved Haste.
  2. It genuinely breaks several vanilla game scripts, because some creatures employ Haste as a spell like ability, rather than having it memorized. From MELISS01.bcs IF !Allegiance(LastSeenBy(Myself),GOODCUTOFF) !See([GOODCUTOFF]) See([EVILCUTOFF]) !StateCheck([EVILCUTOFF],STATE_HASTED) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("MelissanHaste","LOCALS") THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobalTimer("MelissanHaste","LOCALS",THREE_ROUNDS) ForceSpell([EVILCUTOFF],WIZARD_HASTE) // SPWI305.SPL (Haste) END Gets into a useless endless loop trying to haste a monster which will of course never be hasted if opcode #16 is stripped from haste. That was my point, in earlier SR versions 3rd level Haste was single target, which is fine, that would be a reasonable nerf of a too-powerful 3rd level spell and doesn't cause the AI problems. The problem arises when the opcode itself is changed, not only for vanilla and SCS but for every other mod that introduces new AI scripts and assumes Haste has an associated detectable state.
  3. I didn't mean it as an insult, I know you have a lot of other things going on and it takes time to play through a full campaign which is practically the only way anyone can be certain they haven't inadvertently introduced a bug or missed a case somewhere. Even my much smaller mods sometimes have unexpected compatibility issues.
  4. Isn't this one more a Spell Revisions issue than an SCS issue anyway? It's one thing to nerf 3rd level Haste to single target but another entirely to strip the opcode from it for the minor benefit of not accelerating poison/disease/regeneration from items (regeneration from spells is handled easily). Even in vanilla there are script checks for STATE_HASTED. Welcome back Btw. ETA. A couple of other players noticed that conjurers can't effectively use anti-magic in current SCS + SR
  5. After deepfakes got a sitewide ban on reddit they went to voat for a while before that was canned too, so I'm not sure where the community congregates now and aren't up to date on the capabilities, I believe the consensus was that the accuracy of the portrayal depended on how much time and effort the creator was willing to expend on feeding the machine learning model various angles of photographed faces, of which many can be gleaned from a film if you go through it frame by frame. The line between the person and their character is indeed less clear when you have an actor portraying a character who started out as an illustration, especially if more than one actor plays them over the years, but I'll certainly agree that the individual human's likeness is the important thing that should be sacrosanct against impersonation, even if currently legal and permissible... it's often the case that there's a legislation lag where the courts have no ability to pursue charges for a new thing that's obviously morally wrong and directly harmful.
  6. Also "auto pause on hit", which is why it would be relevant for an effect block in an enemy creature's natural attack (but irrelevant for the "target gone" autopause, because that means the victim of the attack is dead anyway). That said, I have literally never seen this bug with manual pause, only autopause, of which the only one I use is "enemy sighted" ("spell cast" is kinda cheaty, even "badly injured" makes the game easier). If it can occur due to player pause it's the rarest of bugs, rarer for instance than the "endless spellcasting without a spell ever actually cast" thing that can occasionally be triggered by breaking line of sight for a player controlled character, and which I've never seen mentioned in the "code fixes" thread.
  7. In principal yes, but such disclaimers are so easily scrubbed from the content or simply missed. Consider how often reports from "satirical" sites go viral among those who didn't read the fine print and assume it's for real. Well, if it's a cartoon or anime or CGI character then no, it's vulgar but not illegal to draw them as a Nazi. Photo-shopping the actual human actor who plays a character into an SS uniform is different. Just as you can't use a person's face in representative media they didn't consent to (c.f. the deepfakes controversy) I'd argue that their voice as a similarly unique (if less easily distinguishable) extension of the person should be accorded the same degree of protection.
  8. Are there specific situations where you'd want to remove one but not the other? Except of course when one's a magical effect and the other isn't, but then it can probably be dispelled in any case. Remove Paralysis spell description states: "By the use of this spell, the priest can free all creatures within the area from the effects of any paralyzation or related magic (such as a ghoul's touch or a Hold spell)." Seems to cover all in-game cases of #109 and #175. Related, should Remove Paralysis actually have a #163 in addition to the #162 in the block?
  9. Besides Blade Barrier/Globe of Blades, Earthquake and Implosion there aren't many sources of physical damage from spells rather than weapons (Comet may be, depending on mods, and Lance of Disruption if you have IWD spells). Could forbid dual classing to priest (if it's a self-targeted kit ability) or simply disable spell casting for the duration of the buff (if not).
  10. On a closer look, I posted misinformation about the fiends yesterday though, the top blocks in their script seems to never cycle if summoned by a PC, thus not losing the "Summoned Demon" identifier nor becoming an ALLY in terms of EA.ids. However there's definitely a problem that player-summoned fiends in the middle of a fight proceed to attack each other even if of the same type i.e. not Lawful vs Chaotic, a neutral aligned caster has a 50/50 to summon either so fiend summoning would be less useful to such a PC even if things were working as intended.
  11. I doubt it's a mod interaction. In my default SCS install DEMPITSU - the pit fiend - has these problematic blocks in its script: ...at the beginning, and: ...at the end. Proceeds to absentmindedly misdescribe the problem
  12. The (currently) bad AI of summoned fiends is not an aTweaks bug per se, but iirc aTweaks fiends can no longer be installed smoothly over SCS. I managed to get aTweaks fiends to install in working order over (version 34+) SCS fiends on a previous game, although I had to change so many things in the setup that while I still have the files on a USB somewhere, I couldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't have exactly the same install order. ETA: And it would be rude to publicize hacks of someone else's mods, even if they were needed for your own game.
  13. Some multiclass in IA are decent, fighter/thief and cleric/thief are terrible last I checked, but gnome fighter/illusionist is okay, because he's both a support caster and fighter and when you eventually start getting HLAs he doesn't have to pick Hardiness (he's got Stoneskin) and can choose a lot of Critical Strikes, will also have weapon grandmastery through the Black Blade of Disaster spell. Fighter/mage/cleric is also not bad if you have an Auramaster or Avenger as your divine caster and want access to some cleric-only stuff like Chant, Aid & Champion's Strength sometimes (in fights where they'll get silenced). Latest version includes a lot of new stuff for clerics, but I haven't really tried it yet. IA requires HLAs though, nowhere in the vanilla game or probably even Ascension do you really need to use a HLA, although SCS Irenicus in Hell and the Ascension finale would be much harder without HLAs or a lot of exploits.
  14. Another idea, rather than setting the cursed flag on the spear itself have it apply a spell on equip - noncumulative when switched - that is removable by Remove Curse (easy on EE or use a lot of #283 effects otherwise) and which: Restricts by #181 the type of weapon usable to Spears category & Hand to Hand (which would presumably include the magically created spider weapon) Alternatively, by melee hit effect #248 ensures a possibility thereafter of transforming into the spider whenever attacking in melee, regardless of weapon used Both of the above, which would be very close to the implementation you initially posted (can't use weapons other than spears until curse is removed, probably wouldn't use a different spear anyway, risks transformation whenever fighting)
  15. In my experience the #143 opcode is bugged and problematic to the extent that I'd only use it on creatures outside the party, usually to grant a "bundle" of abilities or protections that can then be detected by the simple scripting trigger HasItem() rather than needing an associated detectable spell state and also be removed via DestroyItem() instead of requiring a secondary spell with sectype removal (for original BG2) or #321 (for EE).
  16. I think undead immunities have varied a lot between editions of the rulesets, like in 3rd edition they were immune to illusions, but in 1st and 2nd edition of AD&D only a few were. Original MM says ghouls are "subject to all attack forms except sleep and charm spells." whereas for instance spectres are "not affected by sleep, charm hold or cold-based spells. Poison or paralyzation do not harm spectres", wights (and by extension wraiths) get the same immunities. Shadows, even skeletons and zombies are also described as proof against sleep, charm, hold and cold magic. Perhaps the idea is that "living" flesh - with metabolism and a need for food - is susceptible to hold-type spells, paralyzation or poison, so ghouls actually count; reanimated and incorporeal/ghostly undead don't. There's a consistent pattern that all undead are definitely immune to sleep & charm-type spells presumably including the ones that hadn't been published yet such as Emotion.
  17. I'm kind of reaching here (there probably isn't a good solution) but you could treat the spider transformation similar to the Spirit Warrior challenge in watcher's keep, i.e. the spider is a separate creature but still tied to the wielder. Your spear would have a chance of summoning a spider statted out however you like - which would be initially invisible - and its script would instruct it to: PolymorphCopy(LastSummoneOf(Myself)) then Polymorph(SPIDER_WRAITH), or whatever you want it to look like The wielder would be placed under a fake maze effect through #271 and #100 versus everyone, plus #101 vs 12 etc. to be safely hidden away for the duration the spider is active. If the spider dies the wielder's fake maze state ends (AoE removal by a spell on death script) and dies too, or drops to 1 hp like the harm spell, if you'd prefer.
  18. Would that not break compatibility with mods that introduce #175 dependent hold effects which were only intended to work on living things? Of course #175 respects ids targeting so multiple instances of the opcode could be applied against HUMANOID, GIANTHUMANOD, MONSTER, ANIMAL with the exclusion of UNDEAD but why would a modder have set it up that way if the assumption has always been that they're immune? Some non-undead have the RING95 immunity package, anyway, and not all undead have it, most vampires get their immunities from a different item, as do most liches (which are immune to 3rd and 5th level spells anyway, so irrelevant for Hold Undead and Hold Monster).
  19. Glad to hear it, Polytweak always worked fine on oBG2, but a lot of the scripts would need to be completely rewritten for EE which is the assumed default these days, I don't really want people seeking out an unsupported mod. There was a minor unfixed "bug" with the umberhulks last I checked, they can confuse Phaere or Solaufein in the underdark, which results in automatic quest failure if they then attack each other (doesn't occur in vanilla). Of course a victim of confusion will only ever attack the closest creature so a Stoneskinned or low AC, high hp party member can soak attacks for a few rounds until they regain their senses, but it's probably best not to have summons in this encounter.
  20. Le malapropism. Also @Bartimaeus the ancient mod I once published, polytweak, is deprecated and substantially incompatible with recent versions of EE (really, all except the new icons for the flametongue sword/blackrazor, which I don't think were well received anyway), so should probably be removed from the install order recommendation in the IR revised thread.
  21. Have you actually tested this? RunAwayFrom(), MoveToObject() and probably other actions that eat up game time are often interruptible by other prioritized scripted actions. It's not really relevant to the elementals anyway, and won't work if you can select them and give orders, which overrides script actions for friendly creatures.
  22. Not sure if you intended this for me or where you picked up anger in my posts, I'll just say that I think Improved Anvil's designer(s) understood the balance problems introduced by HLAs, and although I sort of like IA and play it from time to time, they took the opposite direction to nerfing HLAs and instead strengthened enemies to a tremendous extent, like, many IA monsters have ~75% physical resistance (or more) precisely because a fighter comboing Improved haste and Critical Strike deals 4x the damage you'd expect. Many IA monsters can soak a mage's entire memorizable complement of spells before dying, because Improved Alacrity and casting speed bonuses allow such a spell barrage in the first place. Such superlative improvements of the monsters' resistances have strange consequences though, for instance the difference between weapons and each one's base damage is muted when attacking an extremely physically resistant creature because of ceil rounding, unless it's applied as a separate damage unit as in the Treefolk's arm club, which suddenly becomes very useful. Spells like Creeping Doom and Flame Arrow which apply the damage (over time or up front) as small increments instead of large blocks are disproportionately effective too. Also, most IA enemies are immune to disabling effects and instakills again because a fighter can Whirlwind with Celestial Fury, Flail of Ages, Ravager Halberd etc. and practically guarantee a proc, or a mage could Malison + storm-of-save-or-else spells under Alacrity. My point is that if you don't apply some rebalancing of overpowered vanilla abilities you need to juice up enemies, by a lot, far beyond what they should have btb, for them to present a tactical challenge again, but doing this locks out several styles of play too. Purists might prefer to remove OP things rather than meddle with creatures stats like that. Fighter/thief multi is still six HLAs ahead of a plain thief though with a potential total of 23 instead of 17... but I think InKal was referring to Improved Anvil, which has an xp cap of 12.2 million, multis would draw noticeably ahead if IA didn't also delay HLAs for them, especially for the triple classes which I think nobody takes when playing an Anvil campaign.
  23. The readme does say IR should come after almost all "content" mods except Spell Revisions, Sword Coast Stratagems, atweaks, G3tweaks and some components of IA and 1PP. I have a feeling Item Revisions and Item Upgrade are conceptually incompatible anyway, the three elemental staves after revisions don't have abilities analogous to those which should be "inherited" and combined into one by the upgraded Staff of Elemental Mastery. The IR staves: The Item Upgrade combo staff: Note, different spell like abilities, no on-hit effects except versus elementals. I mean the design philosophies of Item Revisions and Item Upgrade are pretty opposed too, IR doesn't contain single handed weapons of higher than +4 enchantment even in ToB, with IU you can forge a +5 club in chapter 2 of SoA.
  24. I believe that in a script... RESPONSE#100 SetInterrupt(FALSE) *other scripted actions* SetInterrupt(TRUE) ...will allow separate & time consuming actions in the block to be executed consecutively without interruption by other prompts in the script. As for the Wizard-summoned elementals, if I was doing it I'd apply a spell via opcode #146 to each such creature file which: Sets movement rate and APR to nil for 3 rounds, could also apply blindness if you think it's worthwhile. For PC summoned elementals only has a 15% chance at the end of the three rounds to firstly remove any enchantment school effects, secondly to set reaction, opcode #72, to ENEMY
  25. I've been thinking more about this. Since (some) enemy fighter and thieves are scripted to use HLAs even without SCS, opponent HLA usage could be simulated with special and rare potions with warrior/rogue usability and a chance (10 to 25% depending on the HLA being replaced) to drop a dose of such potion (game mechanic wise, added to the inventory when their scripted HLA occurs). Whirlwind/Greater Whirlwind -> Potion of Celerity, duplicates Improved Haste for 6 rounds Power Attack/Critical Strike/Smite -> Potion of Might (would be power if not already in game) giving +3 to hit +5 to damage + 20 temp hp for 1 turn. Assassination -> Potion of Improved Invisibility (or Elixir of the Spectre if that's a better name) Avoid Death/Greater Evasion -> Potion of Magic Shielding (exactly as in game) Hardiness -> Potion of Imperviousness Improved Alacrity is the difficult one to fake, because if a mage is scripted to use it it's almost certainly for a good reason, there could be a Potion of Speedcasting added but probably no more than a 10% chance of an extra being found on any mage who uses it. Other mage HLAs can be (as I said) Wish spell effects or rod charges (one of Comet or Dragon's Breath should be). If fighters aren't to get HLAs I'm thinking their THAC0 and save progression should be revised. THAC0 would progress normally to level 14 (7) then 1 point per 3 levels, so 17(6), 20(5), 23(4), 26(3), 29(2), 32(1), 35(0) Saves, across the board, would progress toward 3 at a rate of a single category improving 1 point every 2 levels. I.e. L17-18: 3/5/4/4/6 L19-20: 3/5/4/4/5 L21-22: 3/4/4/4/5 L23-24: 3/4/4/4/4 L25-26: 3/3/4/4/4 L27-28: 3/3/3/4/4 L29-30: 3/3/3/3/4 L31-40: 3/3/3/3/3 This way the fighter has some improvement to look forward to at higher levels without HLA stuff. Monks do keep improving above 20th level "naturally" as it is, but should probably follow the fighter THAC0 curve. I think this might appeal to purists, but most players obviously prefer the existence of HLAs, debating whether it's worth making it into a mod considering the new item graphics will take time to produce.
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