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Everything posted by Endarire

  1. Apologies. I misunderstood. Thankee for clarifying that. If Bhaalspawn = TNO, where would the game start? (Sigil?) Would TNO's current life be because of the current or a previous incarnation doing Bhaal-like things? (Assumedly.) How would the free transitions work between BG and PST? (All a flashback? Separate memories? Time travel? TNO was a very early Bhaalspawn?) How is there a (seeming) contradiction between Ravel in IWD2 and PST?
  2. @bob_veng My simpler explanation is that CHARNAME and TNO are separate characters. Certain parts of PST require TNO to proceed. TNO, Morte, and the PST cast are simply other characters that can join the party, just like Edwin, Aerie, and Viconia. Like with Leeux, the simpler approach treats PST as a separate campaign from IWD Saga/Bhaalspawn Saga that's playable within EET; hence, the ability to reach Sigil early within EET from BG1/BG2/ToB depending on where the player started the game. I was quite surprised when I noticed certain people trying to make TNO and CHARNAME the same being.
  3. @bob_veng My explanation for PST-in-EET was much simpler: A portal to Sigil opens early in BG1, such as near the Friendly Arm Inn. You can find The Nameless One and Morte (likely an inseparable pair) in or near Sigil's mortuary and proceed with the PST story as normal while still being able to return to Faerun via the same Sigil portal. Once the party heads on its interplanar adventure to Ravel's Maze, The Grey Wastes, etc., it can't simply warp back to Sigil/Faerun. That section of PST must be finished before being allowed to return to Sigil as normal. According to this Christ Avellone interview, Ravel's incarnations coexist within the D&D cosmos having an unconscious connection to each other. Imagine it somewhat like a Wizard who had a simulacrum army or a clone army with some sort of subtle mental link, but without knowing in-depth about their 'master.' PST's ending can fit well within the EET framework: TNO/TTO sends CHARNAME and anyone not from PST back to Sigil where they simply can't return to the Negative Material Plane. Any items in TNO's inventory at the time of this ending would be dumped at the feet of CHARNAME's party or/and put in an easily-accessed place like the Friendly Arm Inn. If ToB's ending occurs with TNO still in the party, the simpler method is to call the game won and imply that TNO and co escaped the final battle's plane somehow. A more complex method is to turn TNO into the main character, drop CHARNAME's gear in a convenient place for TNO and co to reach (like Athkatla or Saradush) and warp the remaining party members there. As for lore-based timeline distortions, either ignore them, use TNO's mysterious past to explain that he was some sort of powerful caster who bent time and space, just say that Sigil and the Outlands have experienced time at a different rate than the Sword Coast. Sigil acts as a hub for EET modders who want to add to the planar cosmology. Being able to travel to Greyhawk/Oerth for ToEE-in-EET would be wonderful as an option regardless of how many ToEE assets were used.
  4. What sort of writing would be desired/required?
  5. Thankee! I think I know what you meant, but what is "gathegory?" It seems like a combination of gather/gathering and category.
  6. What were these 'legendary' features that were promised or implied? What's in the current version? What's planned for future releases? May we also get a link to the current forum and download on the Gibberlings3 site and have the current page info updated for the latest release?
  7. Greetings, all! Our family is expecting soon to start a heavily-modded EET game with randomized items, including from mods. (No items will be lost due to randomization and each new game is a new randomization.) Before finalizing characters, we'd like to know these: -Are vendor inventories randomized? If so, how? For example, if vendor inventories are randomized, do scrolls only randomize with other scroll slots on vendors? Do vendors potentially start with more or fewer items? -Are creatures' equipped items and items in creature inventories randomized? What about If so, how? -Since mod items are randomized, how does randomization ensure these mods are completable, especially if they include new areas like Balduran's Sea Tower or Sandrah's Saga? -How are plot items randomized, like keys or the Flail of Ages?
  8. The image shows it as "Sacred Grooove." (Misspelling)
  9. Endarire


    What's involved with EEex and ensuring it's released well and soon? Will SCS be compatible with the new spells/items/features?
  10. To clarify: I've not yet tested this. The SCS versions of spells seemed to work according to the EET mod installer but not IWDification's. Likewise, the tool also said Trials of the Luremaster was SCS-incompatible.
  11. Greetings, all! I miss vanilla BGII's ability to use CONTROL+KEY, SHIFT+KEY, etc. for hotkeys. It was a much friendlier interface. Any plans to mod such a thing into SCS? if not, what other mods exist to do the equivalent in BGEE & BGIIEE?
  12. Greetings, all! I'd like SCS to work properly with IWDification, especially since IWD1 or/and 2 will soon become part of EET and players can move between the BG regions and Icewind Dale. The EET program lists this as a problem, but I'm unsure how problematic it is. If this content is already in-game and I haven't used it properly, teach me how to use it properly. Similarly, Smarter Mages & Smarter Priests conflict with Trials of the Luremaster. Thankee!
  13. Greetings, all! I like the idea of item/enemy randomization as an option in RPGs. Once IWD combines into the EE world of BG1/SoD/BG2/ToB, how will items be randomized via the relevant mods? Is cross-game randomization possible, and if so, how does it properly work?
  14. Endarire


    Thankee for working on this! What's the prospective public release date? Also, the spoiler block above says "Gains the Evasion." Instead, this should be 'Gains Evasion' or 'Gains the Evasion ability/class feature/feat.' Did you fix Improved Initiative from IWDII to give its initiative bonus? Did you include prestige classes for multiclasses characters like Arcane Trickster/Divine Trickster, Eldritch Knight, and Mystic Theurge so as to mimic 2e multiclass combos?
  15. Greetings, all! I want to install a host of mods for a future BGII:EE game using the latest official BGII:EE patch on Windows 10 64 bit. How best to do it? Mods I want installed from https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/34882/list-of-bg2ee-compatible-mods/p1: -Most of them that add content or otherwise 'improve' game mechanics. More specifically, these are the main ones: -Ascension/Wheels of Prophecy/Big World Fixpack -D&D 3.5 Rules -EXP Cap Remover -Item Randomizer (Yo!) -Sword Coast Strategems (SCS) Secondary mods: -Eldritch Magic -Faiths and Powers -Might and Guile -Tome and Blood
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