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Posts posted by Kulyok

  1. Russian:


    ~Не используется:~

    ~Любыми нейтральными или злыми персонажами~








    (Plural, for use in item descriptions. Don't kill me: it's how Faergus does it/did it in Russia).


    If copy-pasting doesn't work for you(I remember, it didn't for CamDawg once), tell me - I'll e-mail you the lines.

  2. Between v12 and v14, there vere very minor adjustments in the existing content, and no lines were shuffled around the place. So you just need to check that your translated files have the same length/number of lines as English ones(and make sure that you've translated the latest additions, such as Bardic Reputation adjustment or Xan's last lovetalks).

  3. I wonder: Anomen Romance has very roughly twenty lovetalks in SoA.


    Now, Anomen-Aklon conflict is... even more than that? I wonder if it's right for my PC to feel a little abandoned: Ano could use this time to find her more crimson rhodelias, or tell her more of his childhood, but not to bicker with someone else. Sigh. Or maybe there's something between Aklon and Anomen they're not telling us about?*


    * {Like, sneaking away to the nearest pub for a few mugs of beer. But I ain't saying anything.}

  4. x#xanlt.tra


    The person assigned to this file will need to do a manual file comparison themselves, and to be safe probably needs to start over.


    Mostly just a few typos here and there. Don't worry about it, I suspect it'll be good enough as it is - four new lovetalks is all you really need to translate.

  5. Just two months? Hey, it was the _whole_ two months, with all these extra versions and testing. ;) Dungeon Crawl(except for area art and voice acting) was done in a few days of writing and two weekends of coding. Tiax was done in 8+8+8=24 hours. Xan SoA(three paths, voicing, editing and all) was created in four months. Same goes for many other projects out there; I don't know exact timelines, though, so I can't tell.


    Anyway, enjoy and thanks for visiting. ;)

  6. Something ate my "Version 2 is available" topic(it was that tasty!), so here we go. Changes for v2 include:


    - Multiple language support

    - An internal RE timer, to ensure that only one RE encounter happens at rest

    - Additional pre-encounter reply for Aimi

    - Time of day becomes noon after Weathermistress Ada encounter

    - Weathermistress Ada encounter is now only available for 'tall' races

    - Ryan Trawl encounter is now available after Anarg's Cup has been returned

    - Paladin stronghold is available to female paladins after sleeping with Garren

    - Hendak encounter is now available to all alignments, but only for reputation>11

    - Reactions to Chanelle encounter are only available for male protagonists

    - Corrected some typographical errors



    Special thanks to all team members, CamDawg, and everyone who sent in bug and typo reports for v1.

  7. Not necessarily. If the light is coming from behind him, it might hit his hair, but be blocked by his hair, casting that side of his face in shadow.


    That was my thought, as well. It seems to me that he is standing turning his back on the (rising?) sun - which is pretty symbolic.

  8. And Diriel has his own page, too! It might do with a proofread, though - it's "or finding its way", no comma before "remains unknown" and "an even more radical doctrine".


    But I so love Diriel. "You despise everyone, and everyone despises you." And I love his webpage. :cry:


    (I feel an urge to hide under the table when see what I've written for RE: Encounters. Romantic. Go. Play.)

  9. Welcome to the Romantic Encounters forum!


    Currently, Romantic Encounters is a mod which consists of fifty submissions for joinable and non-joinable, Bioware or completely new characters, by thirteen authors.


    Additionally, we have a component with Anomen's, Aerie's, Jaheira's and Viconia's reactions for the more 'obvious' encounters. And an adult content warning, as well - some of these encounters are pretty steamy.


    Read the mod's Readme file and download Romantic Encounters here: Website, download, readme.


    Mod history: Version 1 of Romantic Encounters was released on July 31, 2007. It consisted of forty submissions, and was created by eight people in two months. You can read the original Romantic Encounters topic here.




    We have forty encounters. *That's* a lot of stuff. Some of them are with joinable NPCs, who have romances, banters, quests and other stuff added. Some of them are with the Shadow Thieves - the characters who invariably attract attention of quest and NPC modders.


    So, what did we do to ensure our mod will work with others as smoothly and efficiently as possible:


    - we always use a prefix. All our variables are RE-prefixed, and we never use yours. This also means that we don't set mod romances to 1,2,3 or anything else.


    - we do not touch, edit or delete Bioware dialogue. If a reply was there, it is there.


    - if we add a branch to existing dialogue, we loop(or, rather, COPY_TRANS) back whenever possible.


    - we add, not overwrite. If some other mod added to Aran and Edwin, we add a little more - we do not write over the other mod's content.


    (We do add a general script to Ribald - tell us if you're planning to use it, and need cooperation).


    Modders: if you think you could face potential problems with any and all Romantic Encounters components in your released mod, please, tell us, and we'll do our best to work something out.


    Players: please, report any and all issues you encounter, we are always happy to hear from you. Your Weidu.log file from your Baldur's Gate II directory is also very welcome: you could open it with Notepad, and copy-paste the contents in your post.



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