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Posts posted by Kulyok

  1. 1) Finish SoA and put the SoA into closed Beta.

    2) Work on ToB part.

    3) Put ToB into closed beta

    4) Fix all the stuff reported in SOA portion.

    5) Fix the stuff reported in ToB part


    And after this, you'll still consider it an open beta? It is going to be an industrial release at the very least.

  2. Why, thank you, thank you very much...


    (mentions, to the great annoyance of Domi, that "Aubade" talk was written by Domi, not Kulyok)


    ...but if something, anything, or better still, everything, did not work for you in this romance, you are more than welcome to post your opinion on this - or contact me via PM. I am not promising anything, but without critique on this one, we may end up with the same flaws and inconsistencies in BG2.

  3. I think a transition module won't make much sense. A simple example: my protagonist walks out of Candlekeep and kills Imoen. Then Jaheira, and starts adventuring with Kagain and Safana. Kills Dynaheir, kills Minsc, and so on.


    But in the beginning of BG2, whatever happens, my protagonist will go mad upon seeing... Imoen!


    How, after this level of inconsistency, would you work with Globals? I think it's nothing short of a joke.

  4. I think we can do without GLOBALS. Here is a way:


    In the greeting dialogue, you get a graphic thing, say, a memory. So, you choose one:


    (Where you were just companions)

    (Where you were lovers)

    (Where you never met at all)


    Or, in some cases, a memory of


    (Where you noticed some attention from his\her side)


    - to start a BG2 romance anew, in case someone never played a BG1 one.




    I am not writing anything, mind. Not coding anything, either. (Hmm, if I put all I_C_T's into the bottom, does it mean that I can do without APPEND'S at all?)

  5. I'd like to see a small interaction with Coran at chapter 6 of SOA. Just for... well... it's all logical and obvious when his romance was killed/not started at all/he never asked CHARNAME to be with him for ever and ever, but when he does, asks her to settle down with him, to have children, and then disappears, it is a little strange. I tried to think up an explanation for myself (he changed his mind, for example), but he sounded so sincere in BG1 NPC... it just doesn't seem to fit.

  6. Yeah! I *knew* I missed something - Xan should only romance blondes!

    ... damn. I have chestnut hair.


    Really, the only way you do not get a romance for a female is:

    - either you are not playing a "romanceable race" - makes sense to me;

    - you are playing a bad-looking and evil human - let's all nag Dorotea for Eldoth romance! You'll still be able to get Kivan's romantic friendship, though - almost a romance.


    If you'll create a good elven\half-elven character with a high Cha, however, you are asking for trouble: the amount of love talks, flirts and all that rot may drive your poor heroine mad. I tried it, I know.

  7. Just stumbled upon this thread. :)


    I agree, I think it would be a very good idea to make Aklon's intelligence 15, if he sounds like it. If it stays 13, it may well prevent some players from downloading the mod( for example, those who want a more intelligent partner, and do not know that Aklon is actually intelligent enough).

  8. *Waves* Thanks!


    Sorry about your computer - I had such a problem two years ago, and it was very nasty. :-( And now my computer at work also started to make some strange sounds recently; hope it will not repeat your comp's dreary fate (though, of course, all hope is futile and foolish - *sighs*). But just in case, I save my work in the mailbox, and repeat the process every few hours.

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